Mark Teunis, Owner

Mark  Teunis, Owner
Dr Mark Teunis Optometrist 11142 Robinwood Dr Hagerstown, MD 21742

Mark Teunis, Owner

Mark Teunis, Owner practices as an Optometrist in Hagerstown, MD.
Primary Specialty


Gender Male
Services Mark Teunis, Owner practices in Hagerstown, MD. Optometrists offer services which typically include the examination and treatment of common vision disorders as well as the fitting and prescription of corrective eye glasses.

If you experience a change in vision, such as eye pain, blurred vision, persistent eye strain or redness, you should consult an Optometrist.

To determine if Mark Teunis, Owner can help you, please call the Hagerstown, MD office at (301) 791-2020 for more information.
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March 20, 2012

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Absolutely, the customer is always right here
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Yes, they made sure I had everything I needed!
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No, I didn't notice an odor
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Not at all! They were always present and attentive
Is this business in a safe neighborhood?
Yes, it was in a safe enough neighborhood
by Anonymous
March 15, 2011
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