1526 Nuremberg Blvd
Punta Gorda, FL 33983
Linda Bethel, MS RD, LDN, CLT
Linda Bethel is a Registered Dietitian and Certified LEAP Therapist, specializing in the treatment of inflammatory conditions, which are often related to food and chemical sensitivities, allergies, and various intolerances. Typical conditions include IBS, migraines, fibromyalgia, arthritis, excessive gas and bloating, GERD, esophagitis, indigestion, gallbladder, celiac disease, Crohn's disease, colitis, chronic sinusitis, psoriasis, eczema, autism spectrum, and many others.
Even so-called "healthy" anti-inflammatory foods can be making you sick, and because adverse reactions are often the delayed-type, it's difficult to identify which foods or food chemicals are causing your problems without appropriate testing. Linda can help you to determine which foods are YOUR triggers, so you can eliminate them and the symptoms they are causing. She guides you through the process of learning how to eat YOUR safe foods for better health and enjoyment.
Contact Linda to schedule an initial consultation to determine if food sensitivities are playing a role in your health, and whether you are ready to make the changes necessary to improve your health and the quality of your life.
Local and distance services available.
Years In Practice
Primary Specialty
Dietitian - Nutritionist
1965 - B.S. Dietetics - The Ohio State University
1966 - Dietetic Internship, Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton, Ohio.
1969 - M.S. Applied Nutrition & Nutrition Education - The Ohio State University
2007 - Cerfitied LEAP Therapist
Ongoing - Continuing Education to maintain FL Dietitian/Nutritionist Licensure
Ongoing - Continuing Education to maintain Dietetic Registration