Sharon Howard is an outstanding dietician. She is clearly an expert in her field and generously shares her knowledge with patients. Beyond reliable, she is a caring professional who is very much patient focussed. Unlike other dieticians I've seen, she does not present the client with a rigid diet plan, but personalizes her recommendations to suit the lifestyle and choices of the individual. She conveys an on-going interest in her patients and served for me as an invaluable guide and encourager. She was the key practitioner in educating me as to the Type II Diabetes with which I was recently diagnosed. Her intergrative approach was especially helpful in that she was able to explain how dietary and exercise improvements influenced A1C and other cholesterol numbers. Also, she helped me to include exercise goals. Immediately impressed that weight loss results were predictable and "tweakable." I found for the first time a plan that actually worked. The framework Sharon has given me not only supported immediate improvements, but will serve as the basis for healthier living in the years ahead.