WAKE UP - Healthy Child Healthy World (www.healthychild.org) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vAVkv1LBx8&feature=relmfu
ONE IN 12 U.S. CHILDREN MAY HAVE FOOD ALLERGIES http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=145963&pf=3&page=1
By Jennifer Goodwin, HealthDay Reporter - Published: 2011-06-20
"It does seem that food allergy is on the rise." ~ Dr. Ruchi Gupta, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Northwestern University and a pediatrician at Children's Memorial Hospital, both in Chicago, IL
FOOD ALLERGIES COMMON AMONG CHILDREN AND LINKED TO ENVIRONMENTAL ALLERGIES AND ASTHMA LATER IN LIFE http://www.disabled-world.com/health/intolerance-allergies/child-food-allergies.php#ixzz1SjJzr1uk
Information provided by Quest Diagnostics - Published: 2011-05-17
"Allergy and asthma often go hand in hand, and the development of asthma is often linked to allergies in childhood via the 'allergy march'." ~ Harvey W. Kaufman, M.D., Senior Medical Director, Quest Diagnostics
THE ALLERGY MARCH http://www.leapstudy.co.uk/amarch.html
What is the Allergic March? -A term that describes how allergic diseases progress throughout one's life. - Usually BEGINS with ECZEMA - Eczema is associated with an underlying food allergy - Food allergies generally begin to appear within the first three years of a child's life - As children age further, the allergic march may proceed to the development of asthma and/or rhino-conjunctivitis
KIDS LIVING WITH FOOD ALLERGIES http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzyLv2IKoGA
ALLERGIES ARE LINKED TO TOXICITY by Linda Crawford LCPH, MHMA (UK), CBT, MARH http://www.allergyline.com/
1) MAL-ABSORBTION of vitamins and minerals = NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCY 2) TOXICITY Every day we are exposed to a barrage of toxins: Electro-pollution Heavy metals and carcinogens Industrial pollution in the environment Insecticides and pesticides Hormones, dyes and additives in the food chain Cosmetics Toxic build-up leaves the body unable to detoxify itself! Food allergies result from toxic overload!
NEVER BE SICK AGAIN by Raymond Francis There is only ONE DISEASE: Malfunctioning Cells Our body is made up of cells and each are designed for a specific function/purpose
All cell mal-function can be reduced to TWO CAUSES: 1) DEFICIENCY: Meaning the cells are lacking something they need in order to function the way they are designed to. 2) TOXICITY: Meaning that the cells are POISONED by something that inhibits proper function.
The modern medical treatment of almost ALL disease: Focuses on the management of these symptoms (the effects of disease) Rather than eliminating the causes: DEFICIENCY AND TOXICITY Diagnosis by symptoms is the process by which modern medicine gives each collection of symptoms a particular name. We tend to think of allergies as "normal", a benign inconvenience, because so many people have them. NOT CORRECT!
ALLERGIES ARE: ➢ A common source of internally generated TOXINS ➢ A SERIOUS immune dysfunction DISEASE ➢ An ABNORMAL immune RESPONSE to foods and substances in your environment
Dr. Gerson's daughter, Charlotte Gerson, founded the Gerson Institute in 1977, to spread awareness of the Gerson Therapy and make it available to people across the world. The Gerson Institute is the true source of information on the original, proven Gerson Therapy. The Gerson Therapy treats the underlying causes of disease: 1) TOXICITY 2) NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCY
FOOD "AND" ENVIRONMENTAL ALLERGIES ARE LINKED TO TOXICITY: Food/environmental allergies are on the rise study show Allergies are linked to toxic overload and from the environment We are surrounded by a barrage of toxins daily Toxic build-up doesn't allow the body to detoxify itself which causes sickness There is only one disease: Malfunctioning cells Cells malfunction due to DEFICIENCY AND TOXICITY Healthy people do NOT have allergies
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