~perfectly imperfect~

~~can you believe that i just recently came to believe that i am a perfect man living an imperfect life, under imperfect conditions and against imperfect odds....and if in fact i do one day uncover that this belief of mine is imperfect too....well then i will say to all snickering onlookers...."that this changes nothing, as i am still the most perfectly imperfect person next to You that i know"~~

2/20/2010 3:34:09 PM
Written by t.g.shattuck
~~can you believe that i just recently came to understand that i am a perfect man living an imperfect life, under imperfect conditions and against imperfect odds....and if in fact i do one day uncover that this belief of mine is imperfect too....well then i will say to all snickering onlookers...."that this changes ...
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