
Vitality Health Center My neck pain and upper back stiffness are nearly gone after just a few visits.
It is easier for me to look back when I back out my car. I also feel that I am walking more upright.


Vitality Health Center When I first came back to see Dr. Rothman I was in excruciating pain. I had been stuck on the ground for almost two weeks due to horribly paralyzing lower back pain & spasms. Now, almost a month later, I am almost 75% better! I can walk w/o pain and the spasms have stopped! Having dealt w/ a lower back problem for almost 4 years, I have realized that the only time I have felt completely healthy and pain free is when I see Dr. Rothman regularly. Chiropractic treatment has been a life changing experience for me.


Vitality Health Center When I came to this office I was in major pain. I had a very sharp pain in my lower back. It felt as if a knife was being twisted in a certain way. After my first week of care the pain was gone. I still felt discomfort but I was able to move and walk better. I know I still have a way to go to achieve full recovery, but the sessions are making it easier for me.


Vitality Health Center There was a time that chronic pain and fatigue was a way of life: a normal expectation. After months of treatment I can honestly say that I was insane for having accepted my pain for so long- insane. I feel a difference in the way I move, the way I hold myself, and I know the moment I've slipped. I'm getting better at maintaining my posture and the exercises that will keep me moving forward in my healing. I was so lucky to have "run into" Dr. Rothman-not only a great doctor, but someone who explains what and why things happen. The introduction of Pilates into my healing and maintenance program was a stroke of genius. After all, what good's proper alignment if I can't maintain it? I only wish I could convey how grateful I truly am, for everything. Who knew a foolish move in martial arts would be the catalyst for a life and lifestyle change?


Vitality Health Center Since coming to see Dr. Rothman I have learned how beneficial regular chiropractic care can be for managing lower back pain.

I've experienced relief from my chronic pain and have been able to reduce my intake of pain medications. I've also learned the value of proper nutrition as a life style rather than as a course of occasional dieting. I'm feeling better, looking better, and experiencing increased energy levels.

I'd recommend Dr. Rothman to anyone seeking relief from back pain and improved quality of life.


Vitality Health Center I always thought that having back pain was because of fatigue and long hours of work. Thank after several times where I felt I needed to go home because of my pain in my lower back I realized that this wasn't normal. I then have begun a chiropractic program where it has made me feel better. From the time I started to the time now I have noticed and have been feeling less fatigue and pain. I have felt more strength and endurance in my back and my whole body. I hope to feel at 100% at my end of program.


Vitality Health Center I've had discomfort in my left rib area for years. I went to many doctors and physical therapists and the pain never went away. In one month of chiropractic treatment the pain has been alleviated by 50%. I can now sleep on my back without pain, something I wasn't able to do one month ago. I look forward to more treatments and continued progress.


Vitality Health Center Since beginning treatment, my lower back has become stronger and my stamina for sitting and exercising has increased. Now that my lower back is healing, other areas such as my upper back and neck have been crying out for attention. While the pains are new to me, I understand the problems have been there all alone and it is a sign of healing. I look forward to the day when I am pain free!


Vitality Health Center When I first came to see Dr. Rothman I was experiencing some headaches, neck tension, and lower back pain. I didn't think I was in bad shape but I thought I could feel a little better. Before I started treatment I was sent in for x-rays and had my range of motion and muscle tension tested. Visual printouts of my results and x-ray images made a major impact on the healing process by motivating me to start treatment before any permanent damage could be cause to my neck and spine. After this process it was easier to accept that I was worse off than I thought. I followed the doctor's recommendations, made all my appointments, and finished the prescribed Pilates classes. Now, after 10 months of treatment, I feel not neck tension or restriction, no more low-back aches, as a bonus my posture has improved. In addition, Dr. Rothman addressed some other health concerns related to digestion, and acid reflux issues which helped me to discontinue some medications, and decreased some painful symptoms I had experienced making even more improvements. I feel like Dr. Rothman takes a sincere interest in making me feel better as a while even though we have already accomplished our primary Chiropractic goals.

Thank you Dr. Rothman for your dedication to my health,

Vitality Health Center For 10 years prior to meeting Dr. Rothman I have constant headaches; sometimes so severe I couldn't function. I practically lived on Advil (averaging 240 pills per a year). That's 2,400 pills over the 10 year span.
Today, four months after treatments by Dr. Rothman, I rarely have headaches and am averaging four pills per month.


Vitality Health Center Significant improvement with decreased to nominal pain when there is any. Overall, my posture has improved & my symptoms are almost non-existent.


Vitality Health Center In the time I have been receiving chiropractic care, including adjustments and physical therapy, my pain and discomfort has decreased. I have increased range of motion, and am getting more restful sleep at night-without being interrupted by pain as I turn over or move.
The care has also increased my awareness of posture so that I may prevent future injury.


Vitality Health Center 1. More flexibility in neck and low back
2. Lower back doesn't feel tired or sore
3. Breathe much better
4. Can stand for much longer periods
5. Feet don't hurt
6. Not irritable
7. Sleep improved drastically
8. Tension in neck and shoulders reduced greatly
9. Doesn't feel like a rib is out of place in my back
10. Just feel straightened.
11. Digestion improved.
12. Can lay on stomach without feeling like my rib cage is in the way.
13. Shoulders don't click as much.


Vitality Health Center Dr. Rothman & Staff,
I would like to thank you for everything you have done for me & continue to do for me. I appreciate your business and it's a pleasure to work with such amazing people. I look forward to your smiling faces each time I visit the office. With your help, I am on the road to becoming much happier & healthier. I can't thank you enough for that!
I look forward to our continued partnership and friendship.

All the best,


Vitality Health Center The history of my spine is certainly a colorful one. Some of it's highlights include: 15ft. fall off a cliff where I dislocated my hips, a C1 fracture (aka broke my neck) from the passenger seat, serious brain and spinal injury as a result of being broadsided by someone running a red light. I've also had back surgery, and L4, L5 lamenectomy, and those are just a few. After all of my recent injuries, I have sought help from Dr. Rothman and been afforded tremendous success. About six weeks ago, I began Dr. Rothman's extended program with genuine wellness being our ultimate goal.
Well, I'm only part way through the course of treatment and I met Dr. Rothman with tears of joy at our last appointment. I now have a range of motion in my neck that I have had in the last 26 years. And, remarkably, most of the time my lower back does not hurt. I can only imagine how amazing I will feel in another six weeks.


Vitality Health Center At the end of the 1st month of treatment:
-My posture improved. I can properly sit for a longer period of time.
-My flexibility increased. I am able to hold and stretch my arms & neck longer without pain.
-My body motions are less painful. The frequency of the pain has decreased.
-At night, I can position myself in the proper way so that I get a better night of sleep.

I am definitely heading in the right direction to feeling better & healthier.


Vitality Health Center Six months ago, I came to see Dr. Rothman to work on back pain due to exercising. What has resulted is an overall change in my life and well-being.
Dr. Rothman took me through a thorough evaluation and showed me how he could help make the quality of my life better.
Since my initial consultation and subsequent work with the doctor 2 major things have changed 1.) I have not had a severe headache which I was getting at least once a week & 2.) I sleep through the night, completely. I know that more change will come a I continue the program, but these 2 things alone have been life changing.
In addition to all of this, the office is so pleasant and welcoming. You feel cared for from the minute you walk through the door.
Thank you Dr. Rothman.

February 19 at 1:52pm
3/5/2010 2:19:50 PM
Written by VitalityHealthC
We are a Health & Wellness office offering chiropractic medicine, massage, Pilates, acupuncture, weight loss program and nutritional guidance. Get back to a health lifestyle with our help! Become a fan and/or patient for special offers!
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