Obese Men More Prone to Erectile Dysfunction

Obesity is getting a problem of concern day-by-day. As per the latest study it has been observed that obese men are double the times more prone to the erectile dysfunction than normal men. Obesity is on rise and more than 40% men worldwide suffer with it. Obesity in simple terms is a disease caused by the excessive accumulation of the fats and carbohydrates in the body that in turn leads to the potential harm to health of a person suffering with the obesity. During the study it was noted that more than 60% of the obese men suffering with either temporary or permanent erectile dysfunction. The cause of the obesity is considered mainly as the uncontrolled intake of the foods containing carbohydrates and fats. Even the lack of physical exercise is one of the causes of the obesity.

Obesity and erectile dysfunction are found to be inter-related. Many of the patients of the erectile dysfunction are found to be already suffering with the impotence. During the study 415 patients suffering with the obesity and 445 patients suffering with the impotence participated. It was noted that 330 patients of the obesity were already suffering with the impotence and 295 impotence patients were facing the problem of obesity. This was clear from the study that obesity and erectile dysfunction are linked. It has been observed that many a times these two disease come in combination and acts as the subordinates. But, still it was clear that whether obesity causes erectile dysfunction or vice versa. One thing a person must remember that both these diseases are hazardous to health.

Erectile dysfunction is mainly caused by the insufficient blood supply to the male reproductive organ during the sexual activity. Previously erectile dysfunction was noted only in the old men, but today due to the persistent occurrence of the obesity in young men, even erectile dysfunction is observed in young men. The young guys of just 25 years are facing the problem of the erection because of the overweight and obesity. Obesity is the root cause of the various health problems that needs to be taken at the initial stage itself. The best thing would be to stay away from obesity to enjoy sex life to its fullest.

Obesity and erectile dysfunction are closely related to the one another. Many scientists have even claimed that if you have obesity then your sex life is going to become worst. Along with the erectile dysfunction many other problems like premature ejaculation, infertility, and loss of sexual libido arises because of the obesity. The person needs to increase his daily physical activity to stay away from the obesity. Please visit a doctor today, if you feel you have gained too much of weight because it may later on lead to various health problems.

8/11/2009 5:13:52 AM
Written by ethenhunt00
I Ethen Hunt , Associate Editor to website http://www.pharmaexpressrx.com. Specialization in men health,medicines,sexual health,general health and fitness field.
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