Japanese Acupuncture

Japanese Acupuncture Newsletter, Arizona
Volume 2, No. 1: June, 2008

Oriental Medicine & On Human Conditions

Chapter One
Liver: Anger, Love, and Redemption #3

In my past few newsletters, I have been mentioning about the transition of Liver elements. For example, I mentioned about a transition with the Five Element or one Chakra to the other. Each transition must happen to complete the cycle of being a human. I also mentioned about a Smaller Heart within the Heart which contains the Intention (Yi).

Explained simply, when anger, the Liver element, turns to excitement, the Soul manifests, and it becomes the destiny. For the Soul to take place, the excitement must be acted. The action is helped by the Will which is the Kidney element. Will is the mother of action. Once the action becomes the destiny, it radiates and creates respect and confidence which are the Heart element. Now the intention has the purpose. It becomes the realm of "I think therefore I am." Self-actualization happens and one is on the right course of destiny.

How does acupuncture actually heal a person to help synchronize the transition? I am presenting one of the ways to harmonize emotions below. If it reads highly technical to some, I apologize. However, the process is highly intuitive you do not need the knowledge to interfere with your experience (Remember? Do not think in the brain-last newsletter). Part of it, I already presented in the Simple Thing You Can Do For Your Health No. 16.

Psychosomatic Healing With Acupuncture Points

There are three Dantiens. Wellknown one is at the about one inch below the navel. Any marshal artist would know that this is the center of the force, the Qi.
However, there are two more. One is the Brain and the other is Ren-17 (the Receiver of Emotion). In order to heal a person, the three Dantiens must be balanced and harmonized. Once this is done, the Ren energy flows downward. The Ren and Du energies flow in one complete circle. (Regular flow of the Ren energetic is upward to meet with Du).

Heart has a direct connection with the uterus. Ancient Chinese called it the Bao Mai (the pulse of Heart/Uterus connection). Heart has a Smaller Heart inside which carries the Intention (Yi). When the Intention (Yi) goes out from the Smaller Heart, the problem manifests as palpitation or other heart ailments and reflects at Ren-9. Ren-9 is the Water Point, but it is also called the Carrier of Sadness. Emotional problems show up here as tenderness upon palpation. It is the Bao Luo (the energy line of Heart/Uterus connection) connecting area. It is also connecting with the lumbar sacrum area.

Ren-17 is called the Receiver of Emotion. Any tenderness here at the fourth intercostals between the nipples indicates emotional distress. All emotions go to the point.

Yin Wei Mai (an extra meridian line) connects with Ren-22. It connects with Ren-17 and all the other Ren points. Importantly, it opens Du-20 at the apex of the head and dissipates the Fear.

Cong Mai (an another extra meridian line) runs through Ren-21. Ren-21 is called the Sextant, an instrument to measure the angles of stars for navigation. Its objective is to balance Ren-17 and Ren-6 in harmony.

Yin Tang, the Third Eyes, opens all the gates in the body (in acupuncture, there are 36 points named Gate where illness come and go). It is the upper Dantien. Since it is the upper, it balances the Middle (Ren-17) and the Lower (Ren-6).

Once the Ren energy starts to flow downward, fear is dissipated and the three Dantiens are harmonized, and a person is ready to heal (need a demonstration and a class session to understand. I occasionally offer such session for free. Check out my Meetup.com group for schedules). Sometime, the experience is profound. One thing to note is that since this is a highly intuitive process, any result is fine: there is no bad or failed attempt as long as a practitioner has a good intent. Do not over analyze the process or the result. Let go what you know, and just let it happen.

I have made a diagram below (sorry not it is not the way I really wanted in this webpage).

Heart ⇒⇒⇒⇒ ⇒⇒ (Bao Mai) ⇒⇒⇒Uterus
(contains the Smaller Heart & Yi) 

Yin Tang⇒⇒⇒ ⇒ Ren-17 (Receiver of Emotion)
(The Gate) (Middle Dantien)
 

(Yin Wei Mai, Opens Du-20, Dissipates fear) 

Ren-21 ⇒ Chong Mai ⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒Ren-17⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒Ren-6
(Lower Dantien)

(Carrier of Sadness: Yi Missing)
(Bao Luo)

© 2008 Dr. Y. Frank Aoi/Japanese Acupuncture

6/30/2008 1:16:50 PM
Written by japanacupunctue
I am a Dr. of Oriental Medicine in New Mexico and licensed acupuncturist in Arizona. My mentor once told me that if there is pain, it is not acupuncture. I follow his advise and the teachings of ancient Chinese who were so perfect 2000 years ago. I get inspiration from Chinese classic books. Consequently, I do not use fa...
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