I am full of enthusiasm and energy, and ready to live a healthy life and be a good example to my patients and friends. Did you know that medical studies show, that just by belonging to any kind of group, will definitely improve your health and quality of your life!!! So, please start doing some healthy exercise, and start with walking 3-5 days every week.
Obviously, this weekly walk is just an example of A HEALTHY EXERCISE that you should do 5 times a week according to Center for Disease Control. My recommendation is that you purchase today a PEDOMETER- which will accurately count your steps and miles walked. You should also check your weight every morning, and keep a diary of both your weight and how much did you walk every day. Remember wise old sayng:”Life not examined is life not worth living”. And the other one: “Do everything in moderation!”, AND LIVE YOUR LIFE UP TO THOSE PRINCIPLES, AND YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU JOINED THIS PROGRAM. In order to live healthy and happy life, it is not enough to concentrate to exercise only, but we need to eat healthy too. My office has a great health brochure called “Activity and eating”, and you deserve to have one- it is free for asking, so stop by in my office and pick it up.
THOUGHT FOR THIS WEEK: “Wear a smile and have friends; wear a scowl and have wrinkles. What do we live for if not to make the world less difficult for each other?” George Eliot, Novelist (1819-1880)
Get healthy, be healthy, and stay healthy for your own benefit, but also for the benefit of your spouse, your kids and our community! Reading this newsletter right now is the proof, that you are that very special member of our community, and yes that you are the leader, and please show to all how we can live healthy lives, and be an example to all. I would really love wholeheartedly, that our walking program becomes a great success!
OUR GUIDINGING PRINCIPLES ARE: PERSEVERANCE, COURAGE, CARING, HONESTY, EXCELLENCE, DO EVERYTHING IN MODERATION, AND EXAMINE YOUR LIFE DAILY. Think always that your body is a temple of living God, and that it should be healthy and beautiful. Always strive to be better, and never get bitter. Be fast on forgiveness and slow on anger. Learn how to be patient, and your life will unfold as it should. LEARN TO LIVE BY FAITH!
Statistically speaking, human beings are creatures of habits, and usually New Year resolutions don’t last long, and people go back to their old habits. But if you are persistent, and keep doing right things (like this walking), one day it will become a good habit and will become part of you, and you will grow younger and better. For example, I finished 11 LA Marathons so far. And believe me, it became a good, healthy habit, that now I love to do. And sure I did enroll for my 12th La Marathon, which will be held on March 6th 2005. During our Saturday walks we can talk more about that, and any other health topic.
Our “Walking Program” is sponsored by our great Glendale Memorial Hospital, and I will get help and advice from two very nice ladies, and great health experts and educators. They are Michelle Galante, MHA, Cardiac Fitness Director, and Susan Garnic, RN, Diabetes Education Director, both from Glendale Memorial Hospital.
Please come every week to Brand Park, and bring your friend too. This is all about you becoming healthier, about your lifestyle modification, about examining your life, and growing younger. This is your New Year resolution, and contract with yourself. Read this weekly e-mail or this fax letter, learn more about your health, get and stay motivated. Again, don’t get shy or discouraged, just join us every Saturday in Brand Park in Glendale at 7:00AM sharp, and start new healthy life. For directions- Please, listen to a recorded message at 818-637 9337. Remember, rain or shine, just keep coming. It is a wonderful experience, walking in a beautiful place such as Brand Park, and being with your friends. Yes, you will enjoy magnificent Sunrise too, and all of it is for free. Good luck! With love and respect, Your, S Mike Neskovic, MD, AAFP, Glendale Memorial Hospital Wellness Program Director
If you have any questions, or suggestions, OR TO LEAVE YOUR E-MAIL OR YOUR FAX NUMBER, please call Doctor Finder at: 818-502 BEST (2378) PS. Please give a copy of this News letter to your friend too!
March 2008 S. Mike Neskovic, MD,AAFP
My recommendation is that you purchase today a PEDOMETAR- which will accurately count your steps and miles walked. You should also check your weight every morning, and keep a diary of both your weight and how much did you walk every day. Remember wise old sayng:”Life not examined is life not worth living”. And the other one: “Do everything in moderation!”, AND LIVE YOUR LIFE UP TO THOSE PRINCIPLES, AND YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU JOINED THIS PROGRAM. In order to live healthy and happy lives, it is not enough to concentrate to exercise only, but we need to eat healthy too. My office has a great health brochure called “Activity and eating”, and you deserve to have one- it is free for asking, if you stop by in my office.
Please sign up for free at this web site: www.DrWeil.com. Why? Dr. Weil is an expert in holistic medicine and an authority on herbs and all natural treatments. And now enjoy this “Healthy Weight Week” from his newsletter:
Today's Tip Healthy Weight Week: Avoiding Anxious Eating
January 16-22 is Healthy Weight Week in the United States. The rise in obesity among adults and children has contributed to significant health issues nationwide, from diabetes to heart disease. Use the Daily Tips this week to get a better understanding of exercise and nutrition and how they can help people manage their weight.
When stressed out or anxious, some people turn to food as a way to comfort themselves. However, what may be soothing at the time can make you feel worse in the end. If you tend to turn to food as a way to cope with a stressful situation, consider the following nutritional tips: • Don't drink caffeine or alcohol (and don't smoke) when stressed. These can heighten or prolong your anxiety and its side effects. • Drink plenty of water - between six and eight glasses per day. This can help offset an empty stomach and promote a healthy digestive system. • Keep your blood sugar levels stable by eating several small, nutritious meals rather than three large ones. • Make sure your meals or snacks incorporate omega-3 fatty acids. Include walnuts, salmon and freshly ground flaxseeds into your diet. • Incorporate foods rich in magnesium, which help relax muscles, into your diet. Whole grains, legumes, vegetables, nuts and seeds are good sources. Above all, be aware of your eating habits. If you find yourself eating to combat stress, limit yourself to small portions, enough so you can savor the taste or texture. Then go for a walk or practice meditating: both are healthier ways to reduce stress. How we can recognize food which is good for our health? Easy. Just come every Saturday at 7am to Brand Park, and we will talk about it.
OUR GUIDINGING PRINCIPLES ARE: PERSEVERANCE, COURAGE, CARING, HONESTY, EXCELLENCE, DO EVERYTHING IN MODERATION, AND EXAMINE YOUR LIFE DAILY. Think always that your body is a temple of living God, and that it should be healthy and beautiful. Always strive to be better, and never get bitter. Be fast on forgiveness and slow on anger. Learn how to be patient, and your life will unfold as it should. LEARN TO LIVE BY FAITH!
1-Expect failure, but keep trying (and yes, don’t miss our weekly walks).
2-Don’t deny yourself! Indulge yourself once a month, and be fully aware of it.
3-Weigh yourself every day, use pedometer, and document it always.
4- Exercise an hour a day, make an appointment with yourself.
5-Add a little bit of new physical activities in your day, every day.
6-Eat 80% fruits and vegetables, and 20% fish and white meat, and no refined sugar, and nothing made of bleached flower.
7- Eat in moderation, with 1-2 apples or other fresh fruit every day
8- Become more spiritual! Try fasting once a week, according to your religious beliefs, or check this web site: www.e5men.org. I am doing exactly that, and I love it.
9- Meditate, find peace with your heart, and love in your heart. Ask your spiritual adviser about meditation, or go to web site: www.fhu.com, and click meditate. I am doing exactly that and I love it. Remember old saying, which says:” You can cure almost any disease or any problem with fasting and prayer”! And, I am not kidding, I really mean it, and it is true!
Please come every week to Brand Park, and bring your friend too. This is all about you becoming healthier, about your lifestyle modification, about examining your life, and growing younger. This is your New Year resolution, and contract with you. Read this weekly e-mail or this fax letter, learn more about your health, get and stay motivated. Again, don’t get shy or discouraged, just join us every Saturday in Brand Park in Glendale at 7:00AM sharp, and start new healthy life. For directions- please listen to a recorded message, or to leave your e-mail and/or your fax number, please call at 818-637 9337. Remember, rain or shine, just keep coming. It is a wonderful experience, walking in a beautiful place such as Brand Park, and being with your friends. Yes, you will enjoy magnificent Sunrise too, and all of it is for free. Good luck! With love and respect, Your, S Mike Neskovic, MD, AAFP, Glendale Memorial Hospital Wellness Program Director
If you have any questions, or suggestions please call Doctor Finder at: 818-502 BEST ps. Please give a copy of this letter to your friend too
April 2008 S. Mike Neskovic, MD, AAFP
We should walk 5 days a week according to Center for Disease Control. My recommendation is that you purchase today a PEDOMETAR- which will accurately count your steps and miles walked. You should also check your weight every morning, and keep a diary of both your weight and how much did you walk every day. Remember wise old sayng:”Life not examined is life not worth living”. And the other one: “Do everything in moderation!”, AND LIVE YOUR LIFE UP TO THOSE PRINCIPLES, AND YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU JOINED THIS PROGRAM. In order to live healthy and happy lives, it is not enough to concentrate to exercise only, but we need to eat healthy too. My office has a great health brochure called “Activity and eating”, and you deserve to have one- it is free for asking, if you stop by in our office.
Ask, and it shall be given unto you; seek and you shall find it; knock, and it shall be opened unto you!” -MATTHEW 7:7
Please sign up for free at this web site: www.DrWeil.com. Why? Dr. Weil is an expert in holistic medicine and an authority on herbs and all natural treatments How we can recognize food which is good for our health? Easy. Just come every Saturday at 7am to Brand Park, and we will talk about it.
OUR GUIDINGING PRINCIPLES ARE: PERSEVERANCE, COURAGE, CARING, HONESTY, EXCELLENCE, DO EVERYTHING IN MODERATION, AND EXAMINE YOUR LIFE DAILY. Think always that your body is a temple of living God, and that it should be healthy and beautiful. Always strive to be better, and never get bitter. Be fast on forgiveness and slow on anger. Learn how to be patient, and your life will unfold as it should. LEARN TO LIVE BY FAITH!
1-I will do what I say am going to do. 2-I resolve to create an environment of mutual trust, respect and support where active coaching and feedback are away of life. 3-I am committed to timely, accurate and open communication at all levels. 4-I will work toward a healthy balance between my work life and my personal life.
ATTENTION: You noticed that these 9 RULES BELOW, I shared with you last week, but please read it again and implement NOW, because the best time is now, and because tomorrow could be late to regain your health!!!!!! AND REMEMBER OLD SAYNG: “EARLY TO BED AND EARLY TO RISE- AND LIVE TO BE HEALTHY, HAPPY AND WISE!”
1-Expect failure, but keep trying (and yes, don’t miss our weekly walks).
2-Don’t deny yourself! Indulge yourself once a month, and be fully aware of it.
3-Weigh yourself every day, use pedometer, and document it always.
4- Exercise an hour a day, make an appointment with yourself.
5-Add a little bit of new physical activities in your day, every day.
6-Eat 80% fruits and vegetables, and 20% fish and white meat, and no refined sugar, and nothing made of bleached flower.
7- Eat in moderation, with 1-2 apples or other fresh fruit every day
8- Become more spiritual! Try fasting once a week, according to your religious beliefs, or check this web site: www.e5men.org. I am doing exactly that, and I love it.
9- Meditate, find peace with your heart, and love in your heart. Ask your spiritual adviser about meditation, or go to web site: www.fhu.com, and click meditate. I am doing exactly that and I love it. Remember old saying, which says:” You can cure almost any disease or any problem with fasting and prayer”! And, I am not kidding, I really mean it, and it is true!
Please come every week to Brand Park, and bring your friend too. This is all about you becoming healthier, about your lifestyle modification, about examining your life, and growing younger. This is your New Year resolution, and contract with you. Read this weekly e-mail or this fax letter, learn more about your health, get and stay motivated. Again, don’t get shy or discouraged, just join us every Saturday in Brand Park in Glendale at 7:00AM sharp, and start new healthy life. For directions- please listen to a recorded message, or to leave your e-mail and/or your fax number, please call at 818-637 9337. Remember, rain or shine, just keep coming. It is a wonderful experience, walking in a beautiful place such as Brand Park, and being with your friends. Yes, you will enjoy magnificent Sunrise too, and all of it is for free. Good luck! With love and respect, Your, S Mike Neskovic, MD, AAFP, Glendale Memorial Hospital Wellness Program Director
If you have any questions, or suggestions please call Doctor Finder at: 818-502 BEST ps. Please give a copy of this letter to your friend too
May 2008 S. Mike Neskovic, MD, AAFP
My recommendation is that you purchase today a PEDOMETER- which will accurately count your steps and miles walked. You should also check your weight every morning, and keep a diary of both your weight and how much did you walk every day. Remember wise old sayng:”Life not examined is life not worth living”. And the other one: “Do everything in moderation!”, AND LIVE YOUR LIFE UP TO THOSE PRINCIPLES, AND YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU JOINED THIS PROGRAM. In order to live healthy and happy lives, it is not enough to concentrate to exercise only, but we need to eat healthy too. My office has a great health brochure called “Activity and eating”, and you deserve to have one- it is free for asking, if you stop by in our office.
Only when we give joyfully, without hesitation or thought of gain, can we truly know what love means. – Leo Buscaglia, 1924-1998, American Author and Expert on Love and Human Relationships
We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have. – Frederick Koenig
If you raise your children to feel that they can accomplish any goal or task they decide upon, you will have succeeded as a parent and you will have given your children the greatest of all blessings. – Brian Tracy, American Author/Speaker/Businessman
Please sign up for free at this web site: www.DrWeil.com. Why? Dr. Weil is an expert in holistic medicine and an authority on herbs and all natural treatments How we can recognize food which is good for our health? Easy. Just come every Saturday at 7am to Brand Park, and we will talk about it.
OUR GUIDINGING PRINCIPLES ARE: PERSEVERANCE, COURAGE, CARING, HONESTY, EXCELLENCE, DO EVERYTHING IN MODERATION, AND EXAMINE YOUR LIFE DAILY. Think always that your body is a temple of living God, and that it should be healthy and beautiful. Always strive to be better, and never get bitter. Be fast on forgiveness and slow on anger. Learn how to be patient, and your life will unfold as it should. LEARN TO LIVE BY FAITH!
1-I will do what I say am going to do. 2-I resolve to create an environment of mutual trust, respect and support where active coaching and feedback are away of life. 3-I am committed to timely, accurate and open communication at all levels. 4-I will work toward a healthy balance between my work life and my personal life.
ATTENTION: You noticed that these 9 RULES BELOW, I shared with you last week, but please read it again and implement NOW, because the best time is now, and because tomorrow could be late to regain your health!!!!!! AND REMEMBER OLD SAYNG: “EARLY TO BED AND EARLY TO RISE- AND LIVE TO BE HEALTHY, HAPPY AND WISE!”
Two more websites, I would like you to check:
1- www.e5men.org You can learn there more about health benefits of fasting
2- www.fhu.com You can learn there more about MEDITATION, and how your mind can keep you well.
I really do believe that our body is a Temple of living God, and that it should be beautiful. We are responsible to take good care of our body. Ask any doctor, and he/she will tell you that your Body mass index should be between 22 to 25, that your blood sugar and cholesterol should be between normal parameters. Maybe you didn’t know, but 9 out of 10 patients taking any drug, could manage their problems with proper living and lifestyle modification only, and without crude chemicals with so many side effects.
Do you know definition of insanity? Here it is: Insanity is when we are doing something bad for our health over and over again, and expecting different outcome. And this is exactly what is happening to many of our patients, good people, but not good enough people yet, to change their bad eating and living habits. Yes, we are creatures of HABITS, AND YES BAD HABITS OFTEN RULE OUR LIVES! Someone said that God for many people is their STOMACH. More and more people are preoccupied with food, eating too much food, eating too much, too often, eating junk food, and everything is revolving around food in their lives.
So, my proposal is my dear friend, that if you have any of those bad habits, make a decision right now and CHANGE, CHANGE FOREVER one bad habit for one good, healthy habit. And little by little, you will regain your sanity and your health. In my case, I stopped drinking coffee and I fast on Wednesdays, and among other things, I believe, it will help me to be one of ten lucky ones, who will be able to serve and contribute till the very last day of my life. Napoleon Hill, said it better:” You can do it if you believe you can”. And I know we can.
You are deciding right now about your destiny, and how and where you will live your last months and days of your life. The reality is very sad. 9 out of 10 of us will end our lives in some terrible place like Nursing Home, where there is no much faith, hope and love. Yes, we can choose to live a healthy and happy life, full of serving others and loving others. An average life span is short, just about 27,000 days, so please starting today, say NO to bad habits, and say YES to good habits. What do I mean exactly? Well, join our walking group, and we can talk more about that in our beautiful Brand Park.
Please come every week to Brand Park, and bring your friend too. This is all about you becoming healthier, about your lifestyle modification, about examining your life, and growing younger. This is your New Year resolution, and contract with you. Read this weekly e-mail or this fax letter, learn more about your health, get and stay motivated. Again, don’t get shy or discouraged, just join us every Saturday in Brand Park in Glendale at 7:00AM sharp, and start new healthy life. For directions- please listen to a recorded message, or to leave your e-mail and/or your fax number, please call at 818-637 9337. Remember, rain or shine, just keep coming. It is a wonderful experience, walking in a beautiful place such as Brand Park, and being with your friends. Yes, you will enjoy magnificent Sunrise too, and all of it is for free.
Good luck! With love and respect,
Your, S Mike Neskovic, MD, AAFP, Glendale Memorial Hospital Wellness Program Director
If you have any questions, or suggestions please call Doctor Finder at: 818-502 BEST ps. Please give a copy of this letter to your friend too
Dr. Spasoje Neskovic, MD - Family Practice
ANNOUNCEMENTS 8 LIFESAVING TESTS FOR MEN There is an inherent logic to preventative health measures and disease prevention. It seems more sensible to prevent the occurrence of diseases, or stop them early in their natural history, than to delay treatment until the disease has resulted in irreversible damage to the body. Yet thousands of Americans suffer from chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, renal failure, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and diabetes despite current screening tests and known risk reductions. ”To be effective, screening tests have to fulfill certain criteria,” says S. Mike Neskovic, MD, medical director of Glendale Memorial's Put Prevention Into Practice. “They should be able to detect or rule out disease within certain limits, be inexpensive enough to justify administering them to large numbers of symptom-free people and pose little risk.” There are basic guidelines for most screening tests. Below are the recommendations of Put Prevention Into Practice (PPIP), a program featuring tools for tracking preventative medicine services in the physician's office as well as patient and professional education about disease prevention. PPIP, a pilot program partnered by Glendale Memorial and CareAmerica. Follows criteria recommended by such major medical authorities as the American Academy of Family Practice and American Cancer Society. ”Be aware your unique hereditary and history may make you more vulnerable to certain disease.” Says Neskovic. “It is important your personal physician knows this so they can adjust the screening to appropriate levels.“ The following are tests men can't live without: Blood pressure Approximately 50 million American have elevated blood pressure warranting monitoring or drug therapy. Treatment for hypertension is very effective. Left untreated, however, it can increase the risk of stroke, coronary artery disease and kidney disease. Blood pressure should be measured at least every other year throughout life. Cholesterol High cholesterol is a major modifiable risk factor for coronary heart disease. Guidelines recommend a blood test in which levels of total cholesterol are measured. If results are within normal limits, retesting is not needed for five years. If results are not within normal ranges, your physician will recommend an appropriate schedule for retesting. Fecal Occult Blood Test This test requires following a special diet and collecting stool samples over a three day period. The samples are tested for blood from premalignant growths or colorectal cancers. This test is recommended once every one to three years fro those over the age of 50. Sigmoidoscopy In this procedure, a flexible illuminating tube is inserted into the rectum and colon. This allows the physician to identify suspicious lesions and biopsy them. This test is recommended every three to five years over the age of 50. Skin Examinations Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. It is recommended that patients should undergo an examination of the skin every three years for those between the ages of 20 to 39 years of age, and yearly after age 40. This exam is a relatively simple test in which the physician looks for signs of skin cancer. Digital Rectal Exam This exam screens the patient for both prostate cancer and colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of death from cancer in the United States and prostate cancer the second most common cancer in men. Major health authorities believe this exam should be part of the periodic health examination. Performed every one to three years for those over the age of 50. Prostate-Specific Antigen This test also screens for prostate cancer. Although there has been some controversy surrounding the necessity of this test, recommendations have been made for men to undergo this test every year after the age of 50. Aspirin Prophylaxis Studies have shown low-dose aspirin to significantly decrease the incidence of first myocardial infarction in men. This prophylactic treatment is recommended in patients over 40 years of age with risk factors for coronary heart disease. The decision to begin taking aspirin should be made only after consultation by each individual with their physician. ADVICE TO YOUNG DOCTORS AND MY PATIENTS Doctors, keep in mind words of wisdom, that have for centuries given stability and challenge to professional people. Latin Proverb: Victoria Sui Indicat Regem. (Your Victory Shows Who is King) Marcus Aurelius: A Tranquil Mind is a Mind Well Ordered. Matia Ban Zrinjski: I left so far away, To Be Aware Of And To Complete My Own Destiny. Maria Kiri: Basic Principal - Don't Let Yourself Be Broken Neither By People Nor By Events. Nietzsche: Spirit Is Life And Can Destroy Your Life, In Your Difficulties, You Accumulate Your Knowledge. Parisis Law: Negative Thinking Attracts Negative Response. Le Patissiers Law: There Is No Substitute For Quality. All Human Wisdom Is Summed Up In Two Words - Wait And Hope. The Diamond Can't Be Polished Without Friction, Nor The Man Perfected Without Trials.
Advice from Dr. Milatovic, he gave to me in 1980 how to pass “FLEX” and “ECFMG” Medial Board Exams: I. You have to study 10-12 hours every day. II. Every morning, when your mind is fresh, study the hardest materials. III. Try to study 2 hours without a break, in order to train yourself for the sessions of the actual exam, that's the only way to pass. IV. Study the best you can, do your best until the exam, that's the only way to pass. V. Good luck, don't give up and keep going full steam ahead. VI. Practice discipline and patience. Develop concentration powers.
Everyday Exercise: *Deep and regular breathing. *Don't avoid physical exercise. *Regular meals and correct nutrition. *Sleep enough. *Correct organization of your time. *Repetition of thoughts which will elevate your spirit. *Read out loud. *Don't leave your work for tomorrow, do it today. *The most important highlights learn by heart.
Yes, on March 2, 2003, I ran my tenth Los Angeles marathon. I look forward to enjoying again that special first Sunday in March of 2004 and, God willing, the year after year I am planning to run La Marathon. The Los Angeles marathon is like my family now, and for the last ten years it indeed has been. Did you know that just by belonging to any kind of a group or an organization, your overall health and longevity will be much better than if you do not belong to any group?! So those 20,000 runners are my think-alike friends, the most beautiful human beings I know. We come in all different shapes, ages and colors, and all of us have that determination to cross the finish line and complete 26.2 miles. Why do we do that? In my particular case, I just had to do that after my father had his second heart attack. Actually, after my dad had his first heart attack, I was not aware that my own health was in danger. If I did not change my lifestyle and waste it by living to eat, rather than eating to live, my health would drastically deteriorate. But after my dad had the second heart attack, I had like a spiritual renewal and I was like a born-again person. I remember that Thursday, ten years ago, when I heard the bad news that my dad had his second heart attack. I was so deeply distressed and deeply got aware of the truth that could set me free. That truth was that if I do not change my lifestyle, I will get a heart attack myself and that will happen at a much younger age than my dad had. So that day I ate only soup for lunch. I remember a weird thought going through my mind. That afternoon I had to see many sick patients and I got concerned about if I would have enough energy to see all of those patients. In reality I was full of energy, and I easily saw all of those patients, and as a benefit did not have that sleepiness which we usually have around 3:00 to 4:00 pm after a big lunch. I subconsciously followed the law: ”In order to get well, I had to be well first spiritually, then mentally, then physically.” I got well spiritually, I started eating sensibly, healthy, exercising more, and preparing for my first Los Angeles marathon in March of the year 1994. When I stepped on the starting line the very first time, I was surrounded with thousands of real athletes and I really got scared. Most of them were younger than me, in better physical conditioning, and all of that overwhelmed me that I would get injured or even maybe die during that marathon. I was even more scared when I thought about the reasons why I had to put on my bib the contact person in case of an emergency, and I did put my wife's name and our phone number. Even more scary was putting the name of my doctor in case of an emergency, and I put Dr. Don Lee and Glendale Memorial Hospital. But when I saw Mohammad Ali and Jackie Joyner-Kersee cheering us on, and when a river of 20,000 runners started moving forward with incredible energy and enthusiasm, all of my fears were instantly gone. I even did not notice how fast we reached the five-mile mark. The mile-18 was very hard, but I did finish two-thirds of the whole marathon already, and I was still in one piece. I was scanning and carefully monitoring mentally my body and it was telling me that I was doing okay. Taking many difficult medical examinations in the past, I had that point of reference that I'm the kind of person who completes my cycles of activities, and that I'm one who doesn't fail and give up without a big reason. Actually, I put that all in God's hands and I was reciting the Lord's Prayer which gave me that new strength and energy. Passing the finish line is always a very special experience and can be only vaguely compared with getting my medical diploma or with a childbirth experience. That was a beautiful sweet kind of pain that I felt all over my body. Honestly, that is a weird experience that the whole body hurts, all muscles and bones. In my case, my ribs and even those muscles between the ribs and muscles around the ears were hurting me too. At the same time I was incredibly happy, ecstatic and in a state of bliss. I loved everybody fully and genuinely. I even loved my enemies in a pure and sincere way, just the way our Christ is teaching us to do. Our bodies are temples of the living God and should be beautiful. Isn't that true? Every time when I cross that finish line, it is an experience for me that I am very close with God and I wish that those moments would last forever. That's why I'm hurrying to enroll again for my eleventh Los Angeles marathon. My sincere wish, my dear reader, is to run a whole marathon with you, to share that pure joy and to make it a double joy because this will be a double joy for you, a double joy for me and double joy for all of us. In a way, it should be our patriotic duty to be healthy, to be fit, to be physically, mentally, emotionally fit, and in a good conditioning so we would never be a burden to our family, to our community and to our society. Our Secretary of Health, Mr. Thompson, recommends to every overweight American to lose ten pounds as a patriotic duty. What is a better way than to start exercising for your first Los Angeles marathon, my dear reader. Let us start a Glendale Memorial Hospital marathon training program and promote healthy living. Believe me, it is never too late to start. Many of you are already fit to complete a marathon. Streets are closed for ten hours and it is very special to walk or run through Beverly Hills or downtown Los Angeles when thousands of volunteers are cheering you on, and big bands are playing, and people are dancing just for you; or maybe, you don't complete the whole marathon now, but you complete a half of the marathon or 5K. Everybody can complete 5K; that is on average distance that ladies make regularly while shopping! It is such a special feeling to carry that medal around the neck, believe me. I personally celebrate the whole next week after the marathon, and I show my medal to everyone. Even though I am now fifty years old, I still feel that I belong to a group of younger marathon runners, and I feel that I have not lived yet even half of my life. Actually to be more accurate, I have only lived about one-third of my life in my opinion. So there is nothing special with being fifty years young or old. Important is to even more refine the ways how e live, to keep doing the right things and to live by faith, or religious people would say: “Let go and let God.” Mostly as a result of my running those ten Los Angeles marathons, I changed my lifestyle and the way of my thinking completely. I lost about twenty pounds. I do not drink coffee. I do not smoke. I am a much better father, husband and physician now, and my life is unfolding just as it should. Would you like me to give you now my spiritual advice?! Here it is! Live your life by faith, have more faith, hope and love as our apostle Paul says in Corinthians 13. Love is the most important one. Love your God and your neighbor as Jesus teaches us that those are tow of the most important commandments. Love your own body, which is a temple of the living God and should be beautiful, young and healthy. Honor your father and mother and respect and love your children. It is an awesome responsibility and honor raising your own children or grandchildren, or in any way positively influencing any other children or any other human beings. How about your own spouse? There is a big crisis of the American marriage as an institution nowadays. Don't you agree with me? But, people did not invent anything better yet than a woman and a man to live together for the better or for worse, for the sick for the health, for the rich and for the poor, until death sets us apart. That's how I see things should be, my dear readers. There is a big red heart on the top of the Glendale Memorial Hospital building. That big heart can be seen from very far away during the night. There is something special happening in that one small community hospital, but don't forget this is one of the hundred best hospitals in the nation. We already have many employees, nurses and doctors, who completed at least one marathon and contributed to the collective health of our community. The time has come to do it on a much bigger scale. Let us start practicing now for the next year's Los Angeles marathon and show our patients our personal example of how we can improve our health and our general conditioning. After we complete that, we can go together to conquer Mt. Whitney with me, the highest point in the continental USA. After that, it will be told to ourselves what to do next. Because we will choose the right direction, we will live by faith and we will achieve more, and we will get more blessings that we can even imagine. Yes, that is the best kept secret in Southern California, and that secret is Glendale Memorial Hospital and its employees, nurses and doctors, who are vibrant, happy, and actually ordinary people achieving extraordinary successes. Maybe, my dear friend, I already convinced you to start practicing for your next marathon, or maybe not yet. But I'm sure of one thing; You can start practicing now, because now is the best time to improve your conditioning got get your health back. Because if we do not get our health back now, we will end up in some scary place one day, like some strange nursing home. We don't want that to happen to us. Remember that one ounce of prevention is worth one pound of cure, and the immortal Emerson said, “Do that thing which is right to do and it will give you power, and the best reward for a thing done is that you have done it.” The same applied for my Los Angeles marathon, the best award is that I have done it. I will finish with the words of an old wise man I met recently. He said: “Be good, do good, be wise, do wise, and don't get bitter, get better.” And yes we can always get better! Sincerely, SPASOJE M. NESKOVIC, M.D., A.A.F.P. Medical Director for Prevention Services and Senior Care
Who we are and where we are going - a message from the new Secretary Treasurer of Medical Staff, Dr. Mike Neskovic Dear Employees, Nurses and Doctors: I am really impressed and humbled by being a physician on active staff for the last 15 years in our great Glendale Memorial Hospital. It is also an honor and a humbling experience being your Secretary Treasurer, a Medical Staff Officer in one of the 100 best heart hospitals in the nation. How did I achieve this great honor is still a mystery to me, but I do know the part of the answer. I was a physician in Yugoslavia, in Chicago's best hospitals, in Galina, Illinois' hospital, in Daytona Beach, Florida hospital, and I am on medical staff in all three Glendale hospital's too, but I have never felt that feeling of belonging like I do feel from the very first day in Glendale Memorial Hospital. All of us associated in any of the hundreds of different ways with Glendale Memorial Hospital, are indeed like a big family. Yes, this is a place where we work, but much more than that. I know personally many of you, some of you are my own patients, who chose this hospital for your own medical needs and needs of your own families. There are many doctors on the staff actually doctor's doctors, which is the highest honor any doctor can achieve. Just to mention a few: Dr. Polito, Dr. Perez, Dr. Don Lee, Dr. O'Connor, Dr. Karayan, and Dr. Finstead are really the best doctors that I ever knew and they are indeed doctor's doctors. They are trusted by many to treat our colleagues, doctors and their families too. When my own father had surgery in Glendale Memorial Hospital, nurses told me that at that same time on the same floor two other doctor's fathers were hospitalized. See, my dear friends, our hospital is doctor's hospital and doctors families hospital too. Our plastic surgeon, Dr. Vatche Bardakjian's father just passed away and sure enough medical staff sent to him words of condolences and flowers. We did talk to Dr. Bardakjian and shared his grief and sorrow with him. This reminds me of that old saying, “A joy shared is a double joy and a sorrow shared is half the sorrow!” This is exactly how we are dealing with our employees, nurses, doctors, our medical administration and our friends here in our dear Glendale Memorial Hospital.
Times are changing dear friends and our hospital is now 75 years young. Congratulations!
THE LETTER February 23, 2003
Dear friends time flies, and even the writer of this small essay is already a 50+ and AARP member. Yes, on February 16, 2003 I had my 50th birthday. I understand that I am different than many people I know. In a special way I welcomed my 50th birthday and actually advertised it to everybody I know, even on the local radio and the television too. It is my turn now to experience the second 50 years of my life and it is Glendale Memorial Hospital's turn to start its second 75 years, and yes for sure we are ready for it. Let us be healthy, enthusiastic, strong, positive, but also humbled with the privilege with sharing this hospital with many great people and humanitarians. Maybe some of you remember a great doctor, late Dr. Elwyn Styles who was on staff in this hospital for an incredible 55 years. Maybe you remember also Dr. Phyllis Moeller who just retired and who is still so young and healthy. I think Dr. Moeller was the very first woman, Chief of Staff physician in our hospital. I am proud to say that both Dr. Styles and Dr. Moeller were and are my special friends and my mentors, and I will always respect, use and honor their great advice, wisdom and example and pass it to our younger colleagues too. My dear friends, yes Glendale Memorial Hospital is like our family. It is indeed a healthy, functional family and I am proud and humbled to be a physician on active staff here and your new Secretary Treasurer, which I consider the highest honor given to me. I also want to welcome our new President and CEO, Ms. Katherine Pelley, R.N. I wish Ms. Pelley to lead our hospital with the Christian love and with healthcare ministry in mind, to help our nurses, doctors and other staff to practice even better medicine and to go boldly toward even more prosperity and success. SPASOJE M. NESKOVIC, M.D., A.A.F.P., A.Q.G.M. Medical Director for Prevention Services and Senior Care Secretary Treasurer Medical Staff Glendale Memorial Hospital and Healthcare
Written in February 2003, Glendale California
S. Mike Neskovic, MD, AAFP 633 N Central Ave #209 Glendale, CA 91203 Phone: 818-244 4114 Fax: 818-244 9337
Now, when I had my 53rd birthday I can tell you that. It is actually very similar as being 52 or 51 but in a way it is different. My friend Alex said that now after so many years telling people that I am 27 years old, this year, this 53rd birthday I need to announce that I am 28 years old. This idea,kind of, put me into thinking that maybe I am ageing and maybe I am getting older and I have struggled with myself for a few days about that, but sorry Alex Luce, MBA, I refuse to be 28 yet, and I am actually continuing to be at 27, in my own mind-obviously. My dear friend each of you should choose one age that you think in your heart is the best for you. When I came to USA I was exactly 27 years old and in a way I remained 27 years young for all of these 25 years, enjoying my life in USA. For sure I got more discipline over the last 25 years and for sure I got more wisdom. This is what I am after and each of you should be after getting more wisdom. How do we get wisdom? We get wisdom from living our life properly, with being in constant touch with our creator, with praying and with fasting every Wednesday. This is what I am doing. Also we should read books, listen to DVDs, videos, tapes and get wisdom from other people. Eugene O’Neil said that there is no present or future – only the past, happening over and over again – now in the present. So that means that all philosophers were saying that in a different way. They said also that there is nothing new under the sun. In a way think about old Greek and Latin philosophers; They were breathing the same air that we breathe and drinking actually the same water that we are drinking and in a way their thoughts were more advanced and in a way we still can learn a lot from them. Being 53 years old for me means having my son Alex who is now 14 and son Marko who is 12 years old, and being married to my wife Gordana for the last 17 years. Being 53 means that more and more often I find myself being the oldest guy in the room. Being 53 I often forget that I am 53 and I am behaving like an 18-year-old kid or 27 as I like to say and I look at people watching me and judging me and not approving many things that I am saying. But in a way I have a young heart and light nature and I will continue my jokes and my humor which is very important to me. Being 53 means that I come into the most important phase of my life. Men produce and achieve the most in their 50s but there are exceptions. I know of one writer in Serbia who did not do anything much till age 65 and at that age he started writing and now at age 80 he is a prolific writer. So it is amazing to me that we are so different, in one way, but very similar to each other , in another way. It is very important for me not to miss the boat, and I hope my dear friend it is very important for you too. As Dostoevsky said through the words of Ivan Illich on his deathbed: “Is this all what’s life about? Did I live my life correctly and properly, or did I miss the whole thing.” I do not want to miss the whole thing. I do not want to die with my dream inside of me. I want to find my voice and I want to fully develop my voice and I want to help other people develop and find their voices. From the early childhood I had great need to help other people, to help people in many different ways. Being a physician for the last 29 years, I have probably seen more than quarter million of patients, but still in my heart I have that incredible
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need to help my patients with their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health needs. And our spiritual health is the most important, and I really want to share with my patients, with my listeners, with my friends everything that I know about spirituality. I still want to learn how to pray and how to fast better. I still want to teach and share with everybody what I learned so far about fasting and prayer, because with those two we can cure any problem indeed.
Next to talk about is unconditional love. What is love? It is hard to explain with words. But everybody can recognize it and feel it in your heart Love is when the mother is helping her child. Love is when the father suffers quietly while his teenage son is ranting and raving and yelling because his ego got bruised and because he wants more than he should have at age 14. Love is long suffering sometimes. Yes it is. The best example of love is Jesus who is in my heart now and he is my point of reference always. He is my savior. I especially enjoy reading the New Testament and especially Corinthians 1 and 2 and Ephesians. If you are a little bit troubled, right now at this moment while reading this, and do not forget nothing happens by accident, you go right away and read 1 Corinthians 13, and you will start feeling better. This is a poem about love and you will learn what love is and everything else is what love is not. Those beautiful words were written by Apostle Paul. He himself was a very troubled man and his name was Saul before he got enlightened and before he became the main disciple of Jesus Christ. I love Apostle Paul and his words are the best spiritual food for my soul. Yes, that is what we need. We need more spiritual food than we need real food. Did you know that we are actually spiritual beings who happen to live in these bodies. This life of ours is something that you cannot see, touch or feel. When a person dies with weight 150 just a minute before dying, his weight is still 150 after dying. So this human life, this consciousness is something that we cannot measure. That’s why we say when someone dies, that he passed on, passed on to unknown and new realms and dimensions in the spiritual world. The human consciousness we can only feel in our heart. If you did not watch the movie Pinocchio go watch it especially observe Gemini Cricket. Gemini Cricket was Pinocchio’s consciousness. If Pinocchio listened to his consciousness he would not get into trouble. If Pinocchio had more discipline he would not get into trouble. If Pinocchio had more wisdom he would not get into trouble and especially if Pinocchio had more love and compassion and forgiveness in his heart, he would not get into trouble.
The last thing I want to tell you is how to surrender. Why we should surrender and how to surrender? First we need to recognize that we have a good and a wicked nature, that there is a part of us which is not good, that there is part of us which loves too much food or maybe sex or maybe material things or maybe the person is doing everything for ego gratification. Yes first realize that and surrender all those wicked ways, surrender it to the Lord. That means become pure like white snow. That means do right things for the right reason. Yes, many of us do right things but we do it for the wrong reason. Many of us think they deserve more, they want to be more handsome, more beautiful, they want to be more recognized. I will tell you what I say. I say to my friends that I got more than I deserve. And this axiom was happening through all of my life. I was very happy with being born into Neskovic family, I was very happy being a student in the second worst school district in Yugoslavia, I was very happy living in a poor farmer’s family. I was very happy when
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I became a medical student, I was very happy when I came to the United States, I was very happy when I got married, I was very happy when I got my kids and I am still very happy. In a way, I am happier now than ever before. It is a privilege to live every year of your life. This 53rd year is going so fast. It is already the 28th of February 2006 and I am living my 53rd year for nine days and those nine days went so fast, like one day. Wise people say that times will come when years will go fast like months and months will go so fast like weeks and weeks will go so fast like days. In my opinion this time is already happening. You can see people all around talking to themselves. Actually they are talking to small invisible electronic instruments in their ears over the cells or phones. That looked weird to me always and that will always look weird to me or you can see people who are carrying the thing around the ear called blue tooth which is also very weird to me. It is a hundred times more meaningful to me to talk to another human being. Did you know that it is not our job to make anybody happy but every person’s duty is to make himself or herself happy because we are living in communities in our families and we need to make our people, our friends around us happy. As Dennis Prager says happiness is a very serious business.
So my departing message is, my dear friend, fake it until you make it. Be happy. Even though if you are not happy you behave like you are happy and you will gradually start becoming happy. Do not lose your precious emotional energy on worthless quarrels and trying your willful ways. Willful ways lead to death and dying. Try to live life which leads to new life and living. In conclusion, practice discipline, get more wisdom, practice unconditional love and learn how to surrender. And yes, pray to God everyday, every moment of your life you should be in connection with his great spirit, become more spiritual. Some people from Eastern Europe do not believe in God but it does not preclude you being spiritual. Please consider that and become more spiritual because it will make your life much much easier. You become spiritual without becoming religious if you cannot be. But the best would be to practice religion of your father’s and grandfather’s. This is my small suggestion to you my friend and learn how to surrender. First recognize what is wrong and admit that wrong. Because remember what scriptures say: “Know the truth and the truth will set you free” and this is what we need. We need to be set free, we need to be free like birds and do not worry because worry is negative faith. Worry is everything opposite of what Apostle Paul is saying in 1 Corinthians 13. Worry is not love. Worry is being selfish. Worry is playing God and worry is just simple counterproductive, losing your energy and actually not allowing you to unfold like a flower.
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With love and respect and God bless.
S. Mike Neskovic, MD Board Certified in Family Medicine and Geriatrics Active Staff Member at GMHHC and GAHHC Wellness Program Medical Director at Glendale Memorial Hospital Voted Two Times Number One Family Doctor in Glendale
633 N Central Ave #209 Glendale, California, 91203 Phone: 818-244 4114 Fax: 818-244 9337 S. MIKE NESKOVIC, MD, AAFP February 28, 2008 Only when we give joyfully, without hesitation or thought of gain, can we truly know what love means. – Leo Buscaglia, 1924-1998, American Author and Expert on Love and Human Relationships
We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have. – Frederick Koenig
If you raise your children to feel that they can accomplish any goal or task they decide upon, you will have succeeded as a parent and you will have given your children the greatest of all blessings. – Brian Tracy, American Author/Speaker/Businessman
Dear E5 Man,
I ran across these quotes by St. John Vianney and thought that they could be helpful and encouraging, especially this lent. I found it encouraging that he saw his ability to fast more during one part of his life as a gift worth crying about. During this season as we ponder Jesus' suffering and death please consider becoming part of the e5 Special Forces, even if only for lent.
Quote from "The Cure D'Ars", page 125, Tan Books, Rockford Illinois:
[speaking to a young priest who was completing his training by spending a few weeks with Fr. John Vianney]
"'My friend, the devil is not greatly afraid of the discipline and other instruments of penance. That which beats him is the curtailment of one's food, drink and sleep. There is nothing the devil fears more, consequnetly, nothing more pleasing to God. Oh! how often have I experienced it! Whilst I was alone - and I was alone for eight or nine years, and therfore quite free to yield to my attraction - it happened at times that I refrained from food for entire days. On those occasions I obtained, both for myself and others, whatsoever I asked of Almighty God.'
Tears were streaming down his cheeks as he spoke. After a while he continued:
'Now things are not quite the same. I can not do without food for so long a time - if I attempt it, I lose power of even speech.'"
In Christ,
Steve Habisohn
Sincerely, S Mike Neskovic, MD, AAFP
Board certified Family Physician and Geriatrician Voted as number one Family Doctor two times, as per Glendale News Press Readers
Back to Smoking - Nicotine dependence personal stories
By Great Family Doctor Published 02:03AM (EDT) on 2007-10-27 • Add to friends • Send message • Report abuse 8.5 2 Ratings & reviews Sign in to rate
10-22-07, STOP SMOKING NOW, DR NESKOVIC'S ARTICLE .doc THE BEST TIME TO STOP SMOKING IS NOW! Being a family physician for more than 30 years, I have one ongoing concern about my patients, one problem that is very difficult to resolve. Many of my patients do smoke cigarettes and it is very difficult to explain to them that cigarette smoking is #1 controllable risk factor for heart disease and an important risk factor for early death and prolonged sickness and long suffering. How to explain to smokers that the day to stop smoking is right now!? And why should they stop smoking right now? I am telling them every time I see them that they are destroying their very precious blood vessels in their eyes, in their heart, in their kidneys and in their lungs, and they somehow don't hear me. They don't get it! How to tell them that they will definitely develop chronic lung disease and emphysema, and possibly get a lung cancer? But even though we are telling all of that to our patients, they just do not get it! Why do they do not get it? Because, chemically cigarettes are made mostly of nicotine, but there are also close to 1000 chemicals in cigarettes and it is very, very addictive. Medically speaking cigarette smoking is more addicting than cocaine or heroine and any of those very dangerous drugs. Maybe you did not know that even if you are 50, 60 or 70 if you stop smoking now, your body will start repairing itself and making your blood vessels better, your skin quality will improve, your breathing will improve and your overall health will start improving. There are many resources to help our patients nowadays, but maybe you are not aware of those resources. For example, every doctor has many of those resources and the best one is our knowledge that we can explain to them what is really going on within our bodies and within our brains. There are six stages of change with any chronic disease or with any addiction. They are pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance and relapse. That means when I see a patient in my office, I can easily identify what stage of change this patient is now. The most difficult patients to get help are patients in pre-contemplation and completion stages because they are like hypnotized and they just do not get it. But if we explain to them many benefits of smoking cessation and if we tell them that probably in a few months they can go from pre contemplation stage to contemplation and yes to third stage preparation and action, they will listen to us better, and start making necessary changes. The best way to help our patients is while they are in that action stage because they are ready and they want to listen to our advice, and they will quit smoking. First, what I give to my patients is a plastic card that is recommended by California Smokers Help Line. It says on this card that you take charge of your health and if you want to take charge call us we can talk about how to quit smoking or chewing tobacco because chewing tobacco is equally dangerous. So, please call this number 1800 NOBUTTS, or it is 1800-662-8887. You will get many useful information with this Smokers Help Line, and maybe that is all you need, or maybe not. You know that you can get those nicotine chewing gums over the counter and they are somewhat useful too, but the very best medicine so far that we have is called Chantix. Those are tablets and they come in prepackaged packet that is very easy to implement and this medicine is really very safe and results are great. Close to 70-80% of patients will stop smoking and become eventually nonsmokers with Chantix, and it is indeed great news. You can also join the Get Quit Support Plan when you get prescribed those Chantix tablets from your doctor. This Chantix support is supervised by trained professionals and it is free of charge with medication prescribed for the next 12 months. I think this will be plenty of time that you become a nonsmoker from a smoker. So! My dear friend, do not wait for tomorrow, pick up the phone and call your doctor right away and ask your doctor to help you to stop smoking. Maybe you do not think that smoking is an addiction. Maybe you think that you can stop smoking anytime you can and that is probably true. Many patients tell me, "Oh, I can stop smoking anytime I want!", but the problem is that they restart smoking again. But the good news is that every time when you decide to stop smoking and even you restart smoking you are one step closer to your definite beginning of becoming a nonsmoker. Medical statistics shows that an average smoker need to stop smoking about nine times until he or she becomes a non smoker from a smoker. So, I want to give you good news! Yes you definitely can stop smoking and you can become a nonsmoker from a smoker. Again, pickup the phone right now and call your doctor and in my opinion you should get help from this California Smokers Help Line and probably if your doctor agrees, you should start taking those Chantix tablets and in my opinion this is the very best medicine we have had. In conclusion, smoking is one of the most difficult addictions that human beings can go through. Smoking is worse than being addicted to cocaine or heroine. Smoking is destroying your lungs, your eyes, your heart and your kidneys! Smoking is destroying those tiny blood vessels, which give blood supply to our organs. My professor said that if people would know how much cigarette smoke damages their facial skin by destroying that precious collagen and connective tissue, they would stop smoking right away. So yes, you can start getting healthier and you can start growing younger if you make that decision to stop smoking now. Please do not hesitate, pick up your phone and call your doctor right away. My only motive of writing this article is to educate smokers that time has come, that you realize my dear friend that you are destroying your the most valuable possession you will ever have, your own body! You can stop smoking, and time to do it is right now! So please call your doctor and make an appointment and make a decision to stop smoking today! With respect, S. Mike Neskovic, MD. Comments Sign in to add your own
This is one of many good articles Dr. Neskovic wrote for Glendale Memorial hospital. Read it if you are a smoker, and you might stop smoking right away, or try Chantix tablets. Over the last 20 years Dr. Neskovic was my Family Doctor and Geriatrician, and he is indeed a great physician, and great human being and my friend. His and my favorite hospital is Glendale Memorial Hospital, and he helped me there many times. I want publicly to thank Dr Neskovic for taking excellent care of my health, and I would recommend him to anyone who needs good doctor, and I would especially recommend him if you are a senior citizen. A.N. Posted 30 days ago by Anonymous
SPASOJE M. NESKOVIC M.D., A.A.F.P. Family Practice & Geriatrics
633 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE SUITE 209 GLENDALE. CALIFORNIA 91203 (818) 244-4114 FAX' (818) 244-9337
November 21, 2005
First of all, this is the most enjoyable analysis in my MBA studies, because I did see “The Passion Of The Christ” movie two times. Being a Christian physician, I really enjoyed this movie tremendously and I am planning to watch it a third time before the presentation of this case study analysis. Mr. Mel Gibson was the director and producer of this extremely successful movie and Mr. Bob Berney, President of New Market Films, distributed and marketed this film.
The film’s strengths are first, this movie was brain child of Mel Gibson, who as we know, is a very successful Hollywood actor. Actually, he was a troubled sole and had his soul search, and actually was very unhappy about many things in Hollywood. As per his own words, he had big bounds and did not want to live because of conflict in his corp probably because being a Christian man, he was recording some movies that he did not agree. Mr. Gibson said, “I did not want to live and I did not want to die” and it was a desperate horrible place to be. For 12 years, Mr. Gibson was dreaming about this movie and it preoccupied his whole life. The strength is that the movie was actually his own passion. Being a devoted Catholic, he wanted to portray last 12 hours of Jesus Christ life in the best way that he saw. The other strengths are the actors that he chose. All actors were less famous, but genuine Christian men and women and the whole project was a series of serendipitous experiences. I watched many interviews before and after the movie was released with Mel Gibson. I agreed 100% with his whole idea and his dream which 100% came through.
This was the only movie that I was stunned and stayed in theater 10-15 minutes after the movie was finished and after everybody was gone because it made a deep impact to my life. I did read bible carefully a few times and read it in my native Serbian language and my vision of Christ’s last 12 hours were exactly the same as Mel Gibson’s. In a way, I can relate to Mel Gibson with my whole life and in a way, I would like to create some thing similar “just for the lord.”
I really do not see any weaknesses except that some people were considering this movie in anti-Semitic sense portraying Jewish Pharisees, the ones who crucified Christ. Some people were thinking that this movie will spear anti-Semitism in modern world. I know that it was not Mr. Gibson's intention, but as a businessman, it actually worked in his favor. We know that he did not spend much money on marketing but we know that clergy and special presentations and previewing of this movie actually sky rocketed number of viewers when the movie was opened. He created a buzz around this unique movie. Negative thinkers were thinking that this movie will make about 20 million dollars, but in reality this movie in United States in the first three months made 370 million dollars, which is unheard of before. Also, other 15-20 movies that were recorded about Christ never made more than 20 million dollars. So, my impression is that this movie was actually very pleasing to God himself and that my impression was that all this weaknesses so called were transformed into strengths and became in a way of advertisement for this movie.
Bob Berney, President of New Market Films, the distributor and marketer of this film first had to get about 50% of original production cost, which was 30 million dollars. They knew that they need to spend most of the money a few weeks before the movie opened, but they did similar thing as the movie, “My Fat Greek Wedding” did not spend only 10-15% of money before the movie was released. The crucial decision was pre-screenings. Mr. Gibson was personally interviewing famous scholars and preachers all around the country, including Peggy Noonan, National Review Journalist Kate O'Beirne and White House faith based initiative David Kuo. All this clergy and columnist signed release, but they will not talk about this movie, but inevitably people heard about this movie. Many of them said that the movie was sensational, but some criticized that the movie was full of violence. So this initial pre-screening kind of created a buzz about controversy of this movie being really sensational and great, but with too much violence, and possibly anti-Semitic movie. All of that actually entreat an average viewer to come and see this movie.
Mr. Berry had many challenges in agreeing to market and distribute this movie. First, money for marketing and distribution was limited. Second, New Market Films was a small distribution company. When Mr. Gibson approached large distribution companies like Sony or Warner Brothers, they did refuse him. The challenge was how much money to spend first few weeks before movie was released. Next challenge was when to actually release this movie and they decided on Wednesday, Ash Day. There were also three to four big movies that were competitors and were released a couple of months later. So it was very important strategic decision when to release this movie. Also the problem with possible anti-Semitism in this movie had to be addressed before release of the movie and after. The next challenge was when to show this movie with HBO and to release it on DVD. Luckily, all of these challenges were successfully faced and as you know the movie was an extreme success.
This is multifactorial. First, the charisma of Mel Gibson and the theme of the movie. I should say first charisma of Jesus Christ who initiated a world wide religion of more than 2 billion people and potential viewers of this movie. I think of essence was the timing and genuinity of Mr. Gibson. As Victor Hugo, French writer said: "There is nothing more powerful than an idea which time has come." This is what happened to this movie. The time was right. The director was right. The producer was right. The actors were right and the result is may be the best movie of Millenia in my opinion. I am disappointed that this movie did not get Oscar, but in my heart this movie did get an Oscar.
I love this movie and it is privilege to me to write this article about this movie. I was ready for this movie after reading bible very carefully and having Jesus Christ in my heart. I consider myself being a Christian physician. I read bible as much as I can and yes, I did cry while watching this fantastic movie. First opening scene on the Mount Of Olives when Jesus was praying was done in a fantastic way. This really touched my heart and I think that Mel Gibson portrayed it so truthfully that it must have happened just that way. Even though I am humanist and I am against violence, I think this movie should be even more violent because Jesus Christ did suffer even more than it was portrayed in this movie. Yes, I saw this movie two times. My wife and many people did not see this movie neither they will ever see this movie-may be. Why some people are afraid to see the movie. Because they do not believe in God. They do not believe in helping your neighbor. Sadly to say some people are becoming subhuman and they actually care more about dogs and cats than their bother or sister-their neighbors. Remember what are the two most important commandments? First love God with all your heart and all your soul and second love your neighbor. I think this movie portrayed better than any other movie “Eleventh God Commandment” when Jesus said twice: "love one another."
You are asking me will I view this movie again soon. Yes, I will. I would like to watch this movie with my wife and my two sons. Even though they are 11 and 13, I think watching this movie with their parents will make a very positive impact to their life. Again I want to thank Dr. Rossum for this privilege to do this case study and to present that in front of our class.
Spasoje Neskovic M.D.
S. Mike Neskovic, MD, AAFP 633 N Central Ave #209 Glendale, CA 91203 Phone: 818-244 4114 Fax: 818-244 9337
It was like sun rising in the morning in the east sky. My whole life so far was effortless and just as it should be. I was born on 02/16/53 and I loved being alive all my life from the very first day of my life. Maybe you don’t believe me, but I have vivid, clear memories from a few months of age, with a warm, dear feeling around my heart, most of the time- and I call it presence of light, or God. I remember that I loved each day of my life just about equally, good days as well as bad days. Bad days are necessary, equally as my Wednesdays of fasting, and one day you realize that the fasting day is your favorite day of the week. I cherish equally my winnings and my losings and my fallings and my risings because it is like different sides of the same coin, of the coin that is my life. All of these are building my character and helping me mature as a person. Yes, our body’s age, but we gain wisdom and that is a good trade off and we build our character and we eventually develop our second innocence, which is even better than first innocence of our childhood. I chose my life’s calling at age 3 to be a physician and never deviated from it. I am always dedicated to helping people find their health and holiness. I sense and feel that I will be helping people for the rest of my days, in many different ways. At age 27, I came to United States against many odds and stayed here for 25 years so far and I really love it. 15 years ago, I became a USA citizen, by pure choice, and I consider it as a great privilege. It was all much easier than I thought, to conquer this beautiful country. From the very first minute in USA, I felt it is all mine, it all belongs to me, and I still feel the very same way 25 years later. At age 35, I started my private practice in Glendale and, thanks God, I am in private practice now, for the last 17 years enjoying that tremendously. I still cannot believe that I am allowed to practice my health care ministry just the way I like, in the exact country and state and city that I love the most.
At age 36, again a pure serendipitous experience I met my wife, Gordana and we got married after short two weeks. On 01/13/2002 I had my first “Helthline” radio program and, thanks God, we had 86 programs so far. Starting this radio program was also much easier than I thought and I somehow found time and energy to handle the radio program and being a full time doctor and being a husband, a father of two beautiful boys as well as starting TV Helthline program, and we had 45 shows so far. But who said that life is easy. Buddha said that life is difficult, but when you my dear friend understand that great truth, that life is difficult – you transcend it and it does not matter any more, and life becomes easy. What matters the most is to keep doing right things and to listen to your heart. I would call it live your life by faith, so even when you fail you win and when you win you also win obviously. That is exactly the same with my Helthline radio and TV program. And believe me, I would not rather be anywhere else but in my small Adelphia studio on those Fridays when we are recording our programs. We are embarking now to Comcast with digital technology and with my friend Mr. Norman Young, and my Producer Alex Luce, MBA we are embarking to our new TV program called “Too Young to Be Old.” Dear God, we will do it for you, we will contribute to a lot of people and with your help Dear God we will grow and prosper, for Your Glory.
With respect,
S. Mike Neskovic, MD Board Certified in Family Medicine and Geriatrics Active Staff Member at GMHHC and GAHHC Wellness Program Medical Director at Glendale Memorial Hospital Voted Two Times Number One Family Doctor in Glendale
S. Mike Neskovic, MD, AAFP 633 N Central Ave #209 Glendale, CA 91203 Phone: 818-244 4114 Fax: 818-244 9337
On December 27, 2005, I arrived to St. Herman Monastery which is located 46 miles from Red Bluff, California or it is about 11 hours drive from Los Angeles, California.
It was raining and raining when I came into this beautiful monastery and did not stop raining all five days of my pilgrimage.
The thought to spend time in a real Serbian orthodox monastery was preoccupying my mind for the last six months, after I visited three Serbian monasteries of Zica, Ljubostinja, and Studenica. This time I came to St. Herman Monastery as a pilgrim. I did everything like monks and I lived five days in the same way orthodox Christian monks do. First of all there are no women in this monastery, only brothers and fathers that is how they are called in their hierarchy. The head father is called Abbot and his name is Abbot Gerasim. There are 11 monks in this holy monastery and they pray seven days a week for at least 6-7 hours a day. On Saturdays, Sundays, and special occasions, there is a two-hour divine liturgy, which means 8-9 hours of praying on those days.
I woke up like everyone else every morning at 4 a.m. We had to put our clothes in the complete darkness and very quietly and we had to be ready for the morning service at 4:30 a.m. Service always started on time and everything was conducted in a holy and orderly manner.
There is no electricity there, there is no running water, and toilets are about 100 feet away from our small cabin. We all slept on hard wooden beds and there is only 1 inch sponge mattress, which was really very modest and sleeping was difficult for me. It was raining constantly and it was cold but in a strange way, I loved simply everything in this beautiful monastery.
What did I exactly love there and why I am coming back definitely again to this monastery? I found there great spiritual food for my soul, and learned how to pray to God, and that makes everything else so easy. It is so quiet and peaceful in this monastery especially at 4 in the morning. The monastery is located on a hill above a small village Platina. There are only 60 people living in Platina and there are no other human soul miles and miles around us. People are so nice and honest. There is no crime and nobody locks doors and people find things exactly wherever they left them.
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Monks and a few other pilgrims that I met were genuinely nice, very unique people. Nobody was phony; nobody was pretending that he is what he is not. People open their hearts and souls so easily here and tell you about their lives just the way it is with complete honesty. It was always healing and rejuvenating experience for both of us, for one confessing to and to one listening to. Yes, I think that eventually I learned just how to listen and not only to talk and interrupt and give my comments. I had to suppress myself and to find out that I did not keep my resolution when I had my 50th birthday to listen more and to talk less (and I am now almost 53 years old). I hope and pray that this experience will really help me to be a better listener.
Food is here strictly vegetarian and surprisingly very tasty and satisfying. My stomach really did like it, and I slept well except for this hard bed, and energy level was really good. Happiness level was high all the time and my beard was growing well there, and I am thinking to keep beard this time or maybe not.
I already asked Abbot Gerasim, can I become a monk here, half jokingly, and he said that I need first to get blessing from my wife. As of now knowing my wife, she would not give me blessing and she would tell that I need first to take care of our two boys, Alex and Marko and our family. Actually, it is very uncommon nowadays that somebody becomes a monk because it really needs to be 100% on volunteer base and it needs to happen according to inclination of that person’s soul, and indeed a God’s calling and desire of a person’s heart. My observation is that all 11 monks are genuine monks and that was God’s calling for them. Nine monks including Abbot Gerasim are American born and they are not of Slavic ancestry. Very interestingly, their hearts grew in love of orthodox Christianity and they are indeed better orthodox Christians now than many of us Slavic people that call ourselves orthodox Christians. One monk was from my native Serbia and one monk was from Russia.
After staying full five days in this old-fashioned orthodox monastery, my conclusion is that I indeed love this kind of life and I think I could be a decent monk. But, I will stay with my medicine that I love, with my family, and with my TV Healthline program – which is my passion now even more. I recorded two great TV interviews with Abbot Gerasim and I love it. My next TV show will be devoted entirely to this life-changing experience in St. Herman of Alaska Orthodox Monastery.
I am coming back to my family practice and to my patients with new energy and enthusiasm to be even better physician, and hopefully better husband and father too. My batteries are recharged now. My heart is full of Christian love and compassion. I am ready to share my monastery experience with everyone who is ready to listen.
A few words about food: Every week one monk is assigned to prepare food for everyone. For breakfast usually we had hot oatmeal with sunflower seeds, with bread and very good tea. They have Russian tea, green tea, raspberry tea, and a few other great
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Varieties of tea, which I indeed enjoyed thoroughly. For lunch, we always had green salad with vinegar and olive oil, steamed rice and every time different kind of beans prepared in a very delicious way with herbs and spices. After lunch, we had an apple or orange. For dinner, we had delicious soup with whole grain bread and variety of herbs. My favorite soup was tomato soup with herbs and spices. During meals, which we ate very quietly, one monk was reading from holy writings about saints. For example, last day of my stay was devoted to Daniel from Old Testament and the previous day writings of Nikolai Velimirovic, who was a Serbian bishop and now he is a saint.
Everything here in this beautiful monastery is done in an orderly fashion with great respect and everything is assigned by Abbot as a new duty to each of us. Just to let you know, anything out of ordinary needs to be approved and blessed by the Abbot. It can sound to you, maybe, little strange when a monk approaches Abbot around 4 p.m. and asks him to get blessed to eat one apple. But, three meals a day are so well balanced and our duties are really important to follow that actually we do not need to eat anything between meals.
Monastery way of life reminded me in a way of one year of my military services that I had 26 years ago in former Yugoslavia. In a way, this military service made me a better man and in a similar way, this monastery life made me a better man in my opinion. For that year of military services, I was waking up at 5 a.m. and these five days, I was waking up at 4 a.m. and I find this really fascinating and a great lesson in my life, and I would highly recommend both to any young man.
When I was driving towards my home in Burbank, California, I had real sadness and conflict in my heart leaving this beautiful monastery where I really wanted to stay at least another week. But in a different way, I had great joy coming to my family and to my patients and to share with you my dear friend this small story.
It is indeed a big paradox that living in a monastery is so difficult from modern western point of view, but in a different way it is so easy from a Christian – spiritual point of view.
For those five days, my eyes were looking at beautiful oak trees and pine trees and at very healthy monks who actually look 5-10 years younger than their actual age. Their weight is exactly where it should be. Their beards are very long and bushy, and at first, they looked a little scary to me, but the next second, you can see their beautiful eyes that each monk has which were smiling and showing great hospitality to me and everyone else. Knowing that eyes are windows to human soul, I could touch beautiful human souls of my brothers and fathers- monks. I was feeling so comfortable around them, spending so many hours together, like in a way I was feeling that I am a monk myself, for those five days. I made up my mind not to avoid any services and I did not miss one minute of any service, and I was concerned that it will be difficult for me. But surprisingly, it was very easy and I welcomed every hour of service and accepted any duty there as a great privilege, and I did it for the Lord. One monk said that he thinks that I am ready for the monastic life, which is a great compliment to me.
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I will never forget a beautiful morning experience in a nuns’ monastery located 12 miles from this main monastery. I met there Mother Superior, Nun Dorothea and four nuns- Olga, Serafina, Cornelia and Theophania, and that was maybe even greater experience than meeting eleven monks. All five nuns welcomed me in a very genuine way and my heart stayed there too. I must definitely come back and visit my new very special friends.
Now, when I am sitting in my comfortable office and contemplating about my monastery experience, I can go safely to sleep tonight, because I know that my new friends, orthodox monks and nuns, are praying for us. Yes, they are genuinely and incessantly praying for all of us and for our health and wellbeing. As my professor said, there are four aspects of life: Our physical aspect, our mental aspect, our emotional or heart aspect, but the most important is our spiritual aspect of life. Our monks showed me that rarely there are human beings whose spiritual life is in order. When our spiritual life is in order our heart is in order, when our heart is in order our mind is in order, and when our mind is in order our physical health is in order. That always must go in that direction, and that way only we get really healthy.
In conclusion, my new friends, monks and nuns, are willingly denying earthly pleasures, they are denying having family, they are denying living in luxurious places, but they know what their purpose is and they found their voice and they are helping all of us to find our voice and our purpose in life. And yes, they are praying for our sinful souls. I saw it, I felt it in my heart, believe me so.
I may also not forget to tell you my dear friend that each monk is very intelligent and well-read person and that they could easily be doctors or lawyers or anything else, but they chose this way of life which leads to new life. My question is did we choose correctly our way of life and is our way of life leading to new life or to death and dying. Yes, we all have a choice and I hope that we all make good choices.
With Love and Respect, and God Bless:
S. Mike Neskovic, MD Board Certified in Family Medicine and Geriatrics Active Staff Member at GMHHC and GAHHC Wellness Program Medical Director at Glendale Memorial Hospital Voted Two Times Number one Family Doctor in Glendale
About the Instructor
Troyce Thome has been teaching and practicing Tai Chi for the past 12 years. She is the Saddleback College Eastern Arts Club Advisor and in that capacity she has invited several famous Tai Chi Masters to the college to teach students of all levels the deepest principles of Tai Chi study. She also travels to China to study Tai Chi and Qigong in Shaolin and Wudang Mountains, learning in-depth principles of Tai Chi and Qi Gong from Buddhist and Taoist monks in China.
One of the Tai Chi Masters she invited to Saddleback College was Dr. Paul Lam. Troyce was so impressed by his knowledge of how tai chi can be beneficial for people with arthritis, his teaching ability and his tai chi skill that she quickly joined with Dr. Lam to become one of the first Master Trainers certified to teach the Tai Chi for Arthritis form in the United States. She has since worked closely with Dr. Lam and the Arthritis Foundation to bring the Tai Chi for Health Programs to hundreds of people throughout the United States.
Sun Style In-Depth Tai Chi Workshop
Based on Sun Style Tai Chi as designed by Sun Lu Tang
By Master Trainer Troyce Thome
In-Depth Workshop Bend, Oregon August 18th-21st 2006
Workshop Objectives
• To Enhance tai chi practice through a deeper understanding of tai chi principles • To Encourage postural alignment through proper body machanics and visulazation techniques while in Wuji. • To Enhance postural alignment during movement by practicing exercises of moving correctly through the three planes of movement • To Gain a greater understanding of the form through practicing various applications of movements in the form with a partner • To Better Understand the direction of force and the force line by using partnered exercises • To Collaborate with other tai chi enthusiasts
Who Should Attend? Anyone interested in deepening their practice of Sun Style Tai Chi through a clearer understanding of correct postural alignment, how to move correctly through the three planes of movement and finally how to chain those movements together into the form using applications of postures as the guide.
Correct Practice of this Form can Improve Posture, Fitness and Flexibility
About the Workshop
Venue: Terpsichorean Dance Center Hours 9:00 am-4:00 pm each day Cost: Registration before July 15th $425 After July 15th $465 Cancellation fee if received after August 1st $25 Registration includes: • Gourmet Catered Breakfast and Lunch • Morning and Afternoon tea • Course Materials
*Registration does not include accommodations *Please inquire about discount accommodations
Terpsichorean Dance Center 1601 NW Newport Ave. Bend, Oregon 97701
Registration In-Depth Workshop August 18th- 21st 2006
Name ________________________ Address _______________________ City __________________________ State _____ Zip ________________ Telephone _____________________ Cell # _________________________ E-mail _________________________
Method of Payment
Please make check payable to: Tai Chi for Health And mail to: Tai Chi for Health 979 K Avenida Pico #318 San Clemente, Ca. 92673
Or securely register using your VISA or Mastercard online at www.taichiforhealth.net
"Success depends on your backbone, not your wishbone."
We’d like to extend another POWER PACKED welcome to each and every one of you. We’re delighted to have the opportunity to share our Motivational and Inspirational Corner Newsletter with you. It’s truly a privilege. Today we’re going to explore the success secrets of some of history’s greatest success stories in our article entitled How do you spell SUCCESS? "The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes." - Benjamin Disraeli - So how do you spell success? I guess it depends on who you ask. Success, it seems, means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Benjamin Disraeli seemed to spell success p-r-e-p-a-r-a-t-i-o-n, reminding us of the importance of being ready when opportunity presents itself. That’s seems like a good spelling lesson, since success has often been defined as the moment preparation meets opportunity. And Henry Ford, one of America’s greatest success stories concurred, saying, "Before everything else; getting ready is the secret of success." "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." - Albert Schweitzer - It looks like Dr. Schweitzer spelled success h-a-p-p-i-n-e-s-s, suggesting that pursuing our passions in life – doing the things we love to do – is the true path to prosperity and achievement. It makes sense, doesn’t it? After all, whenever you’re actively engaged in a project that stirs your soul and makes you come alive, you're much more likely to throw your entire heart into the effort. And it’s precisely that type of all out commitment to excellence that ultimately insures your success. David Frost seconded the good doctor's spelling of success when he said, "Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally." Are there other ways to spell SUCCESS? Let's take a look! "The real secret of success is enthusiasm." - Walter Chrysler - "Flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success." - Dale Carnegie - "Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm." - Sir Winston Churchill - Hey, these aren’t half bad either. After all, enthusiasm is the cornerstone of success, often providing that much needed spark to propel us down the path to greatness. Without enthusiasm, there isn’t a whole lot we can accomplish in life. On the other hand, with enthusiasm on our side, there’s not much we cannot achieve. Enthusiasm encourages us to go farther, push harder and reach higher than ever before. No doubt about it – it’s hard to spell success without e-n-t-h-u-s-i-a-s-m. "Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop the picture." - Norman Vincent Peale - "Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success." - Dr. Joyce Brothers - The good doctors above emphasize the importance of holding a powerful, positively charged picture of yourself succeeding in your mind. They believed that s-e-e-i-n-g yourself succeeding – in your mind – paves the pathway to success. When you consistently hold a crystal clear mental picture of yourself enjoying a rich and rewarding life, your mind will get busy putting together a game plan to turn this dream into reality. After all, seeing is believing, isn’t it? We're not quite through wih our spelling lesson. Here are a few more ways to spell S-U-C-C-E-S-S: P-e-r-s-e-v-e-r-a-n-c-e. "Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go." - William Feather - "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." - Thomas Edison - D-e-t-e-r-m-i-n-a-t-i-o-n. "Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome." - Booker T. Washington - "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing." - Abraham Lincoln - O-v-e-r-c-o-m-i-n-g A-d-v-e-r-s-i-t-y. "I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom." - General George S. Patton - "People fail forward to success. - Mary Kay Ash - C-o-n-f-i-d-e-n-c-e. "Self-trust is the first secret of success." - Ralph Waldo Emerson - Success can certainly mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people, but one thing is for certain. The only place in the world where success comes before w-o-r-k is in the dictionary. Want to be super successful? Then roll up your sleeves and get to work! And always remember this: God gave us two ends. One to sit on and one to think with. Success depends on which one you use; heads you win — tails, you lose. Here’s wishing you a super successful day – every day – for the rest of your life.
Why should a major TV production company support and develop “Too young to be old” TV series?
Too Young to be Old is a weekly series, targeting our Baby Boomers generation. This series will be educational and entertaining, funny, warm and charming, just like our host Dr. Mike Neskovic. Our executive producer Alex Luce, MBA has great experience with Fox News Sports Channel, and for the 2.5 years he is trying to persuade Dr. Neskovic to start this weekly TV Program. Or, Dr. Neskovic would say that he is trying to persuade Mr. Luce to start this joint venture. Mr. Luce is quitting his job as an executive at White Memorial Hospital as of 12-22-2005, so he can pursue full time development of our “Too Young to be Old” TV Series. To show you our seriousness and determination and readiness to start immediately with this passion- project, we already executed an official Agreement, between two of us, and it is available for your review. And remember Mr. Luce finished his MBA with La Sierra University, while working full time, and Dr. Neskovic, is planning to get his MBA degree, at the same University in July of 2006. We both consider that our MBA degrees will give us that extra “edge and that extra something” to Make our TV Program, an exceptional Program. We both sincerely feel that there is great need now days for a new, refreshing, genuine TV Program like ours! This whole project is like a serendipitous occurrence, it is like a “brain child” of both Dr Neskovic and Mr. Luce. We both equally feel that we are both the very best people for the job, at present place and time, and we both resoundly exclaim that- failure is NOT an option, and SUCCESS is what we are after. We are also very sure that You can help us, and it will be for the mutual benefit, and benefit of our viewers.
Who is S. Mike Neskovic, MD, AAFP, AQGM?
He is a 52 year old white male, native of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, where he finished his medical training in January of 1977. He is a board certified family physician from the University of Chicago, Illinois, and board certified Geriatrician from UCLA. He is in private practice in Glendale, California for the last 17 years. He was voted by the Glendale News Press Readers two times as the number one family doctor.
Tell us more about Dr. Neskovic?
Medicine was his passion from age 3 and he genuinely loves to help his patients. His new passion is radio and television and giving public lectures. He claims that he has given close to 1,000 lectures so far. His radio Health Line on KRLA radio and CRN radio network has had 86 shows so far, and his TV Health Line show has had 43 shows so far on public access Adelphia cable, Charter cable, and internet site www.pasadena56.tv
How is Dr. Neskovic’s personal life?
His chronological age is 52, his biological age, he claims is about 27, and his spiritual and psychological age is 18, and sometimes even younger. He is just a happy soul with a great enthusiasm and love for life and he is a Christian physician with positive mental attitude. He also has that inner need and drive to help lots of people and entertain them, too.
How about his family?
He is happily married to his wife Gordana for the last 16 years. They have two sons, Alex, who is now 14, and Marko who is 11 and a half. They also have a great cat, Victor, who is now 18 years old and a great dog, Bengal who is now 11 years old.
Why is Dr. Neskovic making a transition from being an excellent physician, voted two times as number one family doctor, to a full time TV host?
Medicine is his lifelong passion, and he will always be a doctor in his heart. But this new passion about television and entertainment is occupying his whole being. It is like an incredible inner need for self-expression and an inner need to share his knowledge and life philosophy with more people.
How is his behavior in front of the camera and with his audience?
Former President Reagan’s speech writer, Marie Spaith, who trained Dr. Neskovic on public speaking and human relations, said it best, “Camera really loves him, and he should for sure pursue a career on television and with major media!”
What is Dr. Neskovic’s philosophy about life?
He loves to say, “Live you life by faith!” Be patient, meditate and do everything in moderation. Examine your life, because life not examined is life not worth living. Love your neighbor. Think about your body as a holy temple and think that it should be beautiful. Be a personal example to everyone. And never forget that there is real hope, faith, and love. And don’t forget that love is the most important of all.
Who are Dr. Neskovic’s favorite TV hosts?
Oprah Winfrey is just an incredible lady, Larry King is my kind of guy, Johnny Carson is like my spiritual brother, Steve Gupta, MD, is my kind of colleague and health reporter, and Anderson Cooper is really a rising star.
Who is our Executive Producer Mr. Alex Luce, MBA?
He is a 42 years old white male, happily married to his wife Mindy. They are expecting soon their first baby. Mr. Luce was an executive at White Memorial Hospital until 12-22-2006, and after that he is pursuing this TV Program development, together with Dr. Neskovic. He is financially independent, so he can channel all his physical and mental energies, and work full time on this Project. He just got his MBA Degree at La Sierra University, where he was one of the best students, if not the very best one, according to some professors. He is an accomplished Drummer too, and it is one of his passions too. He also has great experience with television, being part of Fox News Sports team. Alex’s passion is also digital video recording and making short movies. This knowledge helped Mr. Luce and Dr Neskovic to make their TV Promotion, to be distributed to Major TV Media for a review. There are two kinds of people. Some love and respect us for who we are, and what did we accomplish so far. But other, rarer kind of people, love and believe in us, for what we will become. Mr. Luce is that rare kind of human being, who can “see in the future”, and who is 100% convinced that his Project with Dr. Neskovic will be a great success.
What is our TV Program about?
At first, it will be Weekly, prerecorded 30 or 60 minutes program. There will be variety of segments. Every time we will have a topic, like diabetes, cancer, depression or heart disease. Dr Neskovic will bring to show his real patients, and we will discuss physical, mental and spiritual aspect of patient’s problems. We will sometimes have field report from our hospital, nursing home or retirement home. We will also bring to the show the best health professionals, sometimes with opposing views, like university professors, chiropractors, acupuncturists, yoga teachers, and even spiritual healers. Every segment, Dr Neskovic will share with you his own view, and how he would treat his own family and friends. One segment could be like Hew Houser, just interviewing interesting people, and showing interesting places. One segment will be interviews with centenarians, which we call our “Time Keepers”- this can be very interesting segment, and an educational one too. Yes, we know that our Program is now like an unpolished, but big and pure diamond. We will learn and improve as we go, but our enthusiasm will spring freely from the very first program, because WE REALY LOVE IT AND BELIEVE IN IT, WE KNOW YOU WILL LOVE IT TOO.
Some thoughts about second phase of “Too young to be old”
We can expand our show to the Radio, just the same as Bill O’Riley and Shawn Hennety did. We can also write a book with the same title. We are already planning to write a book with title:” From a Yugoslav physician to an American MD”. Or another one: “All I learned, I learned from my patients”- Author: Dr Neskovic, with Alex Luce, MBA
In Conclusion, this Program is a brainchild of two very unique human beings, who are so different, but in a sense so similar in their thinking, with an unusual PASSION to make this program a great success. Both Neskovic and Luce already proved themselves many times, that they don’t quit when they start one project, that they actually finish it ahead of time, that their coworkers and superiors had always pleasure to work with them, and that they would be glad to write a letter of recommendation. So please ask us for as many letters of recommendation as you want, if you have any doubts, and we will provide in timely manner. Or, we will give to you as many phone numbers as you wish, and you check us out. Or maybe the best idea! If you really want to know all about Neskovic and Luce, call their mothers- and you will hear the rest of the story, as Paul Harvey would say.
With Love and Respect and God Bless,
S Mike Neskovic, MD, AAFP, AQGM
Alex Luce, MBA
633 N Central Ave #209 Glendale, California, 91203 Phone: 818-244 4114 Fax: 818-244 9337 S. MIKE NESKOVIC, MD, AAFP February 28, 2008 Re: OUR NEW WELLNESS PROGRAM TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Why do we need a Wellness Program in our hospital? First, this is essential part of our hospital’s Mission and Vision in helping our patients and our community improves overall health. This Program would definitively improve overall health of our community, our hospital employs, our nurses and our doctors too. We are putting together a comprehensive brochure, which will delineate all prevention programs that we are already doing, as well as new programs and services. This brochure will include a preprinted prescription pad, so physicians can easily check desired services for our mutual patients. We have scheduled a lunch meeting for Tuesday, February 8 2005. We will invite for this meeting 25 the most active Primary care physicians, when we will explain to them whole program and distribute those brochures and prescription pads. On January 8 2005, we are starting our NEW WELLNESS WALKING PROGRAM in our local Brand Park, and we will invite all of our nurses, employs and doctors. I will conduct those weekly walks, together with Susan Garnich, RN, Diabetes education Director, and Michelle Galante, MA, Cardiac Fitness Director. We will also write weekly Wellness Letter, which we will e-mail or fax to all participants, and all interested parties. The purpose of these health activities is to improve our healthy life style, and improve our conditioning, and improve our quality of life. Studies show that with just belonging to any kind of program or group, significantly improve quality of life and over all health. Also, by just a few of us walking regularly will motivate and encourage other employees, nurses and doctors to join our Program. Starting right now Dr. Neskovic and Dr. Tiwari, Chairman of Medical Staff Well Being Committee will lead Wellness Stress Support Group for physicians only. The goal is to help some of our best physicians to deal more effectively with demands of modern life, and to improve their communication with nurses, patients and other employees in hospital. Dr. Arfaania, Former Chief of Staff, Mr. Jeff Close, from our Foundation, and Dr. Neskovic are starting a campaign called:” GMH Wellness LA Marathon 2005 Team”. There are about 20-30 GMH employees, nurses and doctors who regularly run, walk or ride bicycle every year at LA Marathon. We will identify those individuals, give them a T Shirt with our hospital logo, and we will try to raise funds for our Wellness Program. We can purchase from that money pedometers for each hospital employ, nurse and doctor, and start achieving magical 10,000 steps a day, which will inevitable lead to much better health of all of us connected to GMH. I just talked to Ms. Rhoda Vincent, our Director of nursing, and we are planning to give series of lectures for our nurses. This would improve physical, mental and spiritual health of our nurses and personnel. Not only that, but number of sick leave days will go down, and employs satisfaction will go up. I know that because, there are already studies showing very significant improvement in employ’s health, and my personal experience and some of my patients is also showing very significant improvement in overall health and general conditioning.
I am looking forward to work closely with all of my friends and colleagues, and thank you ahead for supporting our Wellness Programs.
Sincerely, S Mike Neskovic, MD, AAFP
Board certified Family Physician and Geriatrician Voted as number one Family Doctor two times, as per Glendale News Press Readers
S. Mike Neskovic, MD, AAFP 633 N Central Ave #209 Glendale, CA 91203 Phone: 818-244 4114 Fax: 818-244 9337
This is an incredible class where we learned about thinking creatively, inovatively and thinking like entrepreneurs. Dr. Thomas recommended book Freakonomics, which analyzes data with unusual results and explains how to look at data and predict outcomes. Second recommended book to read is called Blink, which talks about people making subconscious decisions. Dr. Thomas emphasized a few times THIN SLICING. Thin slicing means analyzing a problem and analyzing those smaller problems even further and asking big question Why not? Dr. Thomas said that he reads about 52 books a year and his friend doctor reads 200 books a year. Entrepreneurship is a creative process and USA is still the number one country with the most entrepreneurs and creative thinkers. We talked about website shopping.com and taking risks. Compaq was bought by Hewlett Packard and they made a fantastic deal. Compaq was sold for $2.1 billion. Entrepreneurship is about taking risks but calculated risks. From about 3 million millionaires in USA, 2.5 million are new millionaires. Picasso said that imagination is everything. We talked about tablet PC and an offer by Bill Gates to purchase it for $200 million, which the inventor refused and lost everything. Also we talked about a writer who wrote bad articles about Trump and in return Trump hired him to write good articles about them. Macro person is one who has no rules and who is a free thinker. Micro person is a typical accounting person. Japanese explained business like a war, and they say business is war. They strategize, work every day, treat, collude, and in the end give excellent products like Lexus and Sony. Dr. Thomas said he did not care for his grades but loved his tennis but also was studying hard and finished his PhD on time. If you are risk averse entrepreneurship is not for you. The contrary of risk averse is risk prone person. Entrepreneur says give me a good idea and I will find resources, and a risk averse person says, give me resources and I will find you a good idea. Thin slicing was again emphasized and showed as a bell curve. The law of average says that from 1.2 billion of Chinese, are at least 140 million of them who are very smart. Purchasing power in China is 8:1 compared to USA and purchasing power in India is 6:1. China and India are taking the world’s economy to higher levels. Sixty-eight foreign companies are acquired by India. Walmart is now $315 billion Company but Exxon is now the largest company in the world. We talked about Helen’s Kitchen with tofu burgers with gross $1.6 million last year. Microsoft’s slogan is: We make more Indian millionaires than any other foreign company in India. The principle of do not throw good money on bad money was emphasized. We talked about Steve Jobs being an orphan who became #1 innovator. Ask yourself question, is my idea enough good for me to be crazy. Be willing to take risks. You are afraid because you consider yourself alive, consider that you are. Again was emphasizing to ask yourself question, what if? We should learn to think out of box. There are 60,000 water bottle manufacturers in USA today. We talked about Awesome Tea nicely packed for $19.99 called Theosophy – philosophy of drinking tea. We talked next about Star Buck experience, which became now a status symbol, and was never only about coffee only. They have their water too. Ask yourself question: What is within my organization we can do different? Think out of box. Think creatively and rationally and think crazy. Learn new concepts, brainstorm. High school students came up with 105 legitimate business ideas. Be creative and think outside the box and do not ask regular questions. This idea would be good for our hospital and good for whole economy: #1 incentive method, #2 information method, quality of information and #3 institution method. Find that incentive method and it does not need to be money.
The lecture on 04/11/06 was devoted for asking good questions. Dr. Thomas recommended us to get book Blink and to read it. All we do we should ask questions and it is critical ability and the more difficulty to think and ask questions. Ask yourself what if question. Now discover your strength! Always maximize your strength and minimize weakness. Identify strength and work on it. Forget about weakness. This is theory X which means: “I don’t trust my employee.” Theory Y means: “I trust my employee.” And theory Z means: “What is best of both sides – creative way of dealing with people. This reminds me of Jay, from my hospital who was criticizing me and put me in the category of theory X. Next book recommended was Never Eat Alone. Think entrepreneurly, application is where critical thinking comes. This class is about creativity not disability. We don’t want to kill your ideas here. How to succeed with your plan? Remember incentive method – create incentives, information method, institutions method. Learn to make decisions as a real manager. Twenty-five hours is most time with five years contract and the company has 600 copy machines. You as a buyer put it in contract. Create your own rules. Create analytical skills to change things. Customer service is the best at Phoenix University, which is the largest in the world with 124,000 students. We talked next about creativity and disability and creating business plan and execution question. Identify what to put in and make plan for infrastructure. Next book recommended was Never Eat Alone on 04/18/06. Wal-Mart rule within 15 yards of you, you need to introduce yourself to anybody around you. Create your own black book with contact phone numbers and e-mails. Think about the craziest will change the world. Pipeline problem – a large pipeline thin slice an idea to see where the problem is. Breakdown thin slice an event and attack each slice. You need an idea to make it big. Look any product and look how it changed. Pepsi is now bigger than Coke. Someone is thinking crazy and those will change the world. Never call grudges! Government cares about investors. Target market the narrower you define your market the narrower it is the better chances to hit it. The radio station KSGN.com identify the most listeners are white women 35 to 42 years old. So again identify your market and think about Pareto’s principle 80-20. Market never discriminates and is never wrong. Market either bears it or does not bear it. Don’t let your ego come in the way. This is very important. Market segmentation by age, lifestyle income. The more narrower you define your market the better. Risks and rewards. The opportunity cost is what it costs for doing that. Entrepreneurship is hard to do management is lousy manager. Medical victim Zapala asks what if question and developed first a product and with that money bought Land in Orange County. Disability testing is a product testing and prototype in action – a thirty-minute pilot in my case. Go to Google and you will find information and lots of idea. The most popular countries for business are China, India, USA, Indonesia and Russia. Write business plan, offer going through ability analysis. The Venter idea - to be feasible. Do not procrastinate. Business plan is written, thin slice and written in timely manner. Being stupid is an acceptable option. Truly gifted and truly ungifted as the professor said. Feasibility is when this process is feasible. Business is more so strategies for going to work. First is executive summary and it is written last. Second company product, who are you? Be creative. Be fun. Write good business plan. You get rich when you get breakthroughs. Develop your own brain and your own style. How you are going to write this business? Management section is the most important. It makes funds. Poor management does not make money. Be brutally honest. It is my respect for you. Be as honest as possible. For management go to the best people. Your plan should have value. Do not put family members in management. Seven degrees of separation? Read about it. Go to website ideacontest.com. When you are working, keep working, you never know when you said it. Dr. Thomas told us about type 1 and type 2 strawberries and he said that he was trading every day and made $30,000 a month as a student. Make case on merit to become management part. Principle of stock market is first betting it will go up which means being optimistic or betting it will go down which is pessimistic. Choose people who are brutally honest! Read about case F1 experience for your business plan. Dr. Thomas’ best idea was Coupon world. Jerry Macintosh said that we are playing it short. For example, big companies would sometimes give $10 million but would not give $1 million if it is something for humanitarian gift. They are really brutal. They do tremendous research. Practice stuff love, everything can be bought! On 04/25/06 we had an entrepreneur John Beard, an engineer, talking to us in a teleconference. He stressed the importance of reading book Freakonomics. He suggested ask what if question. Have a strong sense of personal will, do not be afraid. Be a calculated risk taker. Do not carry your ego on the way. Be an enthusiastic and passionate person and you can make doing anything. Enjoying the journey is very important. Note that entrepreneurs work long hours one painter was asked why did he become a painter and he answered: “because it was not possible for me to be anything else.” Be prepared to loose battles. Note that 80% of sales are done by 10% of sales force. He told us his secret of life, when a person went to the mountain top and asked holy men, ask for what you want and don’t let NO upset you! Somebody there wants to say yes – think about it that always people who want to say yes to your idea. Enthusiasm and the attitude are the most important. Know right people and it is not what you know but who you know. What matters is execution! Get out there, if you don’t get out of room who will know about your product! The best CEO has the best Rolodex and the best contacts. J. B. Hunt said study hard, work harder than anyone else and finds oil. This is the way to become rich. We make our own luck. Do not be an entrepreneur if you can do anything else. The law of six contacts. There is a saying that there are six contacts between you and Sally Field in my case (I want to get Sally Field on my show). All human knowledge is compounding every two and a half years. Get idea, get small profits before it become obsolete! Come up with products with a shelf life. What they want? What they care and are interested in? There are four laws to calculate risks with rate. The greatest reward is to build something people tell you cannot be done. If you are risk averse do not go into entrepreneurship. Hilton got bankrupted seven times before succeeded. Risk becomes acceptable. Making life easier make us lazy. Mr. Bear’s idea was to franchise shoes repair, it is about thin slicing and thinking. Know how much money you need to live on!
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And the rest put into investing and inventing. Train yourself to thin slice! He asked three times and got first job. Go to website myspace.com. Think about intellectual property protected by the law. Remember six degrees of separation! Push and pull system on internet, internet as medium, mark it with other means. You never know what catches people’s attention! Commonsense always matter – if demand exceeds supply you have a market. Degree has value if you can apply it. Is there is a better answer? Always ask yourself. Search for truth which equals thin slicing and you will do very well in life. Think about it there are too many people with lukewarm feeling about your idea. Your job is to move others towards the center. There is so called celiancy factor which means: I hate that idea so much that I will refuse it or I love this idea so much that I will support it. Majority people are lukewarm. You job is to move others towards the center. Think about CFO having veto power. You are selling your idea and if CFO does not like it you are in trouble. If 70% like it you can move them and educate them. Line up veto players and champions and persuade them, model for voting theory. How to move veto people into center. Mathematically it is so easy. Find who is powerful, find deficit finances, and find who will vote for and who will vote against. Survey market area. Think about that some people hate your guts but they love to count money. CFO does not think my way so learn how a CFO thinks and learn how to press his button. Dr. Rossum said when you talk to somebody about something you always send an e-mail confirming that conversation, so you will have a paper trail.
S. Mike Neskovic, MD Board Certified in Family Medicine and Geriatrics Active Staff Member at GMHHC and GAHHC Wellness Program Medical Director at Glendale Memorial Hospital Voted Two Times Number One Family Doctor in Glendale
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