I've had interesting social experiences lately when people have learned that I'm a Marriage and Family Therapist...I was at a party last weekend and this guy that I've seen around at similar gatherings came up to me and said, "So I hear you're a shrink?" I politely corrected him, "I'm not a psychiatrist but a Marriage and Family Therapist..." He paused and retorted, "Same thing." My husband was standing near me and the guy quipped to him, "You should be scared of that." I know he was joking but in a way it got me thinking about some of the preconcieved ideas people have about therapists.
I've had plenty of other experiences where people have found out I'm a therapist and have shared their personal stories, relationshp problems and the like. I don't mind that so much at times but I find myself wondering how it would be a different exchange if I'd told them I was a school teacher...or a CPA...or work in advertising. In my "previous life" when I worked in the movie industry people responded in a particular way to that too but very differently than this career. There was definately a fascination with the movie work but never a slightly fearful response.
My question is this: Are people afraid of therapists? Are they imagining that I might tinker in their heads or something? I think some might.
People are curious about my profession I for sure - some interested, some wanting advice, some fearful and suspicious. Maybe I'll try a social experiment at the next gathering of people I don't know so well and "change my career" to see what happens...