How do you fall in love with exercise and make it part of your life?!

I only know a small handful of people who really love exercise and have made it an integral part of their lives ... it's a real challenge in today's world to make time for ourselves--all of those demands! Our job, our marriages, our primary relationships, our kids, staying in touch with our friends and the list goes on.
What do you do when you feel stressed or frustrated? What kind of outlet do you have?
Do you go running? Cycling? go to the gym? Or do you have a glass of wine or two, or do you cozy up with your buddies Ben and Jerry? :)!
Life is about living, that's for sure-- so enjoying that glass of wine or the caramel sutra is all good, but the truth is, to really enhance our quality of life and boost our immunity and get that amazing endorphin release, we either need to have a lot of great sex and or find a way to fall in love with movement! Nothing elevates your spirit better than exercise and learning to make it a part of your life not only helps you to maintain a healthy weight and look good, but it makes you feel sooooo good.
So, as a fitness expert and dancer-- someone who has naturally loved to move all her life, I want to know what you all do! Those of you who haven't made movement your profession ... And do you succeed at being consistent? Do you work out 3 or more times a week?
And do you go to a gym or stay at home and pop your favorite exercise DVD into the player?
Tell me your secrets! Tell me no lies!
Fire away!

4/8/2013 7:00:00 AM
Jennifer Kries
Written by Jennifer Kries
Dancer, choreographer, yoga devotee, author and Pilates master teacher, Jennifer Kries is an unparalleled innovator in the realm of alternative health and fitness. First to bring Pilates to the masses, her award-winning videos and DVDs, The Method Series, Jennifer Kries’s Pilates Method and Fox/Fit TV’s, The Method Show,...
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I learned something from my personal trainer recently that has helped me a lot. He said, "Recreation is for the mind and soul, true exercise is for your body. Recreation is fun, exercise is not usually fun." He said this in the context of working out to lose weight, gain muscle, and gain health advantages. I love skiing, bicycling, and playing tennis. And some might consider that exercise. But really it's not the kind of exercise that is going to help you build muscle and burn fat.

I exercise using the super slow high intensity method - each positive rep is 10 seconds long and each negative rep is also 10 seconds long. The goal is to load up that muscle group so that by the time you hit 2 minutes or 8 reps your muscles can literally NOT move the weight/machine. They strive for this muscle failure/success. Each workout lasts a maximum of 20 minutes and you workout only 2 times per week b/c the recovery time for your muscles is as important as the actual workout time.

I have had great results with this methodology and urge anyone who works out at a gym to try it. Try it at home even. How many regular push-ups can you do? Now try them where you take 10 seconds to push yourself up and 10 seconds to lower yourself down. Never use momentum to push yourself up when doing a push-up or while working out on the machine, use very slow turn-around times. Then see what muscles you feel were worked out the day after you do those push-ups. It's amazing, you use your entire core (especially abs!).

Once I embraced the fact that true exercise was not going to be a ton of fun things got better for me mentally. I can handle true exercise 2 times per week for a total of 40 minutes. And the great results motivate me to keep it all going.
Posted by Bryan Moore
I have absolutely no idea how someone can go without exercise. As a writer and therefore someone who sits in front of a PC for hours on end, I crave physical activity. Not only is good for my limbs, but it does wonders for my brain too. That's why whenever I need a break, I put on my walking shoes, and off I go. Yoga I keep for the evening, or the morning, depending on how I feel. A time to relax and conclude or welcome the day. Exercise shy? Not me.
Posted by Lae Monier
someone who has naturally loved to move all her life" Jennifer, you have come to realize that the physical world is a learning environment and what better way to learn about the world than through exercise and dance. Personally, I cannot think properly unless I exercise every day. Your passion for life is beautiful and bright. I wish you well.
Posted by Doug
Sure thing! All you need to do really is try one of my DVDs and I think you'll see fast results if you do the program a few times a week. I get emails all the time from women just like you who thank me over and over again for inspiring them to lose weight and tone in ways they never imagined! Visit my website: <url removed> and go to the store page, and I would suggest that you try Hot Body Cool Mind Level 1 and New Body! Pilates ... they are tried and true! And if you have further questions about the work, you are welcome to contact my assistant, Meggen at: What's your name? Please let me know how you like the DVDs and send any questions you have after you have started to follow them. There are also reviews posted on that page as well ... Best wishes!
Posted by Jennifer Kries
You know I am reading all of these and I have to say it has put me in a bit of a rut. I have my wedding in october and i had 2 kids and gained all this weight! So i really wanna lost like 35- 40 lbs by october so i started to cut clories and fat and it works and now my problem is exercise.. I walk on the treadmill everyday for lik 30 minutes at like 3 mph whatever the case maybe I can't afford a gym membership I have no idea how to strength train or stretch! It makes me want to cry becaus eI just have no idea what i am doing and I really wish i could see some results! maybe ya'll could give me some tips
Posted by bridgit317
Hi Gabriela, Thanks for your entry! I really enjoyed reading about the Energy of Breath company ... I also love Costa Rica and it was nice to hear a story from someone else who has discovered the power of conscious breathing in a beautiful place like Costa! Since you enjoyed their moving meditations, I wanted to offer up the techniques of Yin yoga and Waking Energy, which I am sure you would also enjoy very much. Have you ever tried these? I'd be happy to tell you more about them ... Best, Jennifer
Posted by Jennifer Kries
Hi Jennifer, I really like to do meditations. Last year, I discovered that meditations were not all about sitting or laying still, but you could do more dynamic meditations. I went on a retreat with a company called Energy of Breath ( and it has been life changing for me. I loved their water meditation when I was in Costa Rica with them and they do these really cool dance and drumming meditations. I also do love working out given the RIGHT types of activities. I love Urban Rebounding and Gyrotonics and of pilates and Yoga. But I do find the "classic" method of Pilates a lot harder then the non classic methods though... Gabriela
Posted by glee
Hi Jennifer! Thanks for the help, I'll be sure to keep on with the DVD! I'll keep you posted.
Posted by Mareesa
HI Mareesa, Glad you enjoyed the New Body! Pilates DVD. It is very natural and common to feel tension in the neck when you first start Pilates--and the reason is that the neck compensates for weakness in the abdominals. All you have to do really is the actual workout on the DVD, and before you know it, your neck and abs will strengthen and you will no longer feel the discomfort in your neck. Keep me posted!
Posted by Jennifer Kries
Hi Jennifer! I have to admit during the holidays I was a bit lazy, I did try the video and enjoyed it very much. I've been going to the gym regularly again and can't wait to incorporate your Pilates video into my routine. There is a part in the video that you are kind of doing sit ups, if you will, and you mention that if your neck is not already strong you may experience some discomfort until you can build up the neck muscles... well that happened to me :) I guess I have a weak neck, do you have any tips for strengthening my neck muscles for the time being?
Posted by Mareesa
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