Optimal Wellness-Sugar

A Different Kind of Sweet

Who doesn't like a sugary treat once in awhile? In my home growing up we always had dessert. Chocolate fudge cookies with creamy filling were a favorite of mine. Just thinking about dessert put me in good spirits.
Actually, sugary foods do have a mood elevating quality. The detriment to your health from refined sugar is easily overshadowed by the taste and how you feel when you consume it. You could be addicted to sugar and you don't even know it.
All food contains sugar. The naturally occurring kind found in a whole food such as brown rice is very different from the kind found in processed and packaged foods or baked goods. The sugar in the brown rice contains proper minerals to compliment it. The body processes it with ease.
On the other hand, refined sugar like the white granules used in baking causes a spike in insulin levels. This shocks your system and overworks organs. An acidic imbalance also occurs that leaches minerals from the body. You experience a short burst of energy followed by a "crash." At this point you're usually tired or even a bit sad. The cycle begins as you need sugar to boost your energy again. You bounce from one extreme to the other.
A long list of disease and deficiency is associated with the consumption of refined sugar. Unlike fats or carbohydrates which are often watched by dieters but are essential in certain amounts, refined sugar is completely unnecessary.
If the cycle described above is familiar to you, you may want to reduce your sugar intake. I guarantee that you will feel much better and your health will improve. Below are a few simple things you can try.
Chew all of your food for a longer period than you normally do. It becomes sweeter the more it is broken down in the mouth. Also, make sure you are getting enough sleep. When you are tired, your body will crave sugar to give it an energy boost. Proper sleep will improve your mood as well. Lastly, prepare your own meals as much as possible. You will know that there isn't any added sugar in your sauces, dressings or your vegetables.
There is nothing wrong with a little sweetness and you certainly don't have to forgo dessert to cut down on refined sugar. Fruit can be a very satisfying dessert and there is currently a bounty to choose from. Try some strawberries from your local farm stand. You could also check out recipes on cooking fruits. I love baked bananas with cinnamon and nutmeg. When you really crave that chocolate cookie try baking your own. Use a mild sweetener such as agave or brown rice. Be gentle in your transition and don't deprive yourself.
Life is full of sweet treats. There is nothing like laughter with friends, a deep breath of fresh air, a swim in the ocean or even a warm hug. I would take the sweetness from any of these over a chocolate cookie any day.

Erin Dunscomb is a Holistic Health Counselor certified by The Association of Drugless Practitioners. She has a certificate in Integrative Nutrition through Columbia's Teachers College and a degree through the Integrative Institute of Nutrition. Her website is: Erinsoptimalwellness.com
Erin serves as a personal advocate to people who want to live passionate, energized lives. Contact her for an inroductory consultation at:

Erindunscomb@gmail.com or 347-742-6616
10/5/2007 3:07:16 PM
Erin Dunscomb
Written by Erin Dunscomb
I am a Certified Health Counselor passionate about living a life of balance and helping others to do the same. I think it's important to make the connection between how we live and how this affects us, others, and the environment.
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