The Woman Who Knew Everything... Comments

I don't think my life would change if I knew all that stuff. I gave up thinking about those things a long time ago. In my youth I thought about them more. But I decided it is a frivolous activity because I'll never know. I'm more focused on just being a good mother, wife, and member of the community. I don't think knowing those answers would change that.
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For those with "faith," I am glad that your faith brings you peace. Maybe you can help me with an answer to a question I've always had. You said "I do have faith in our Creator that 'organized' the universe." If a Creator organized the universe, who created the Creator? And if you say the Creator has always been, why not just save a step and say the universe has always been? Eric
Posted by ewilson
Wow, great responses everyone! It sounds like everyone just sees the world how they want it to be. :-)
Posted by Aaron M
I do have faith in our Creator that 'organized' the universe. I believe that the Creator is all knowing Alpha & Omega. That our intelligences have always existed and will continue to live on after this life. I believe that this life is a testing ground to see if we will live so that we may return home to our Creator. I also believe we only get this one trip to planet Earth, and our purpose is to prove ourselves worthy. I do believe that the truth has been restored to Earth, but that there are parts of the truth in every religion. Of course I believe there are other worlds like ours with human beings like us. How arrogant to think in the infinite galaxies & solar systems that we are the only ones with intelligent life? "The truth about life's great questions is now restored." Check out The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints @ Truth Restored @ <url removed> Belief that I do have the answers to these great questions has given me peace in my life, and does drive most of the things I do.
Posted by Carol
As much as I admire your optimism Lalabird and Amy, I'm not able to share those religious beliefs. All the signs point to a universe that just "is." It has predictable laws that NEVER break. If they do appear to break, it means we just need to adjust our theories to account for a new law. But if you study the laws physics and the experiments they conduct, the universe is incredibly consistent. Who created those laws? Well, if it was a God, He certainly doesn't interfere. Many people think he does, but there's no credible evidence. In fact, there's more evidence to the contrary. Why would He choose to help certain people and not others if He loved us all equally anyway? If I did get all the answers and there were a God, I'd be disappointed with Him. Why would he allow so much suffering in the world? Surely He could have created a world without suffering. So my life would change because I'd be upset with God. :-) I'd also probably have to try to figure out a way to reconcile my relationship with God because I certainly wouldn't want to go to hell! My guess is that we are just here. Perhaps the universe created itself and in some way we may never understand with our current brain capacity (and being trapped in 4 dimensions), is "intelligent." It's clearly organized. Maybe it's always been. I think it's more likely that there are infinite universes that have always existed and are ever changing. I can't see how there could be a beginning. It's a paradox because for there to be a beginning there needs to be a time when time didn't exist. But for there to be a first cause there needs to be time. I guess I'm the kind of person who does spend a lot of time pondering these things. I think it's fun though. To answer the question though, I'd only change my life if there were a heaven or hell and I had to do some ritual or something to get in. Eric
Posted by ewilson
Ditto! That way of life works well for me. =) My life is much more satisfying having my Faith.
Posted by Lisa
Hmmm. Well, I think I have a pretty good idea of the answers to those questions. And it does affect the way I live my life. I go to church on Sundays, I pray daily, and try to live with Christian values. I think the answers to those questions are that God created life for "His glory." In other words, so He could know Himself. Is there an afterlife? How could there not be? I would be sad if there wasn't a way to go to heaven, but thank the Lord there is... the Bible! Amy
Posted by Amy
I'm hoping that I have it all figured out so I don't have to change my behavior. That would suck if I have change my whole belief system and worship a cow. Here are my answers to your bonus question. I think creation is a cycle. Like life and death. The chicken and egg. It comes from something else. Is there a begining-I think each new thing has a beginning. I think once I die, then "I" am dead. I also think that my essence (soul) will live or some part of me will stay "somewhere". "I" will only live once. We are here to live and die. You make your own purpose. There is no right religion. It is you who has to be right for the religion. I love being Catholic, not because it is the "best" religion but because of who I am. I love rituals that help me close to my family. I know there is a lot crazy beliefs in this religion, but I remember my pastor telling that I am suppose to interpret my own relationship with God. I hope so. Yes.
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