Stress seems to be the modern way of life. 2023 research by Columbia University Medical Center revealed how when people spent more time thinking about a stressor, they felt more stress. The more time spent dwelling on something stressful, the higher their blood pressure became.
I understand stress. In one particularly stress-filled year, I experienced betrayal on my spiritual journey by some of my teachers, and had to start my life over again, moving across the country, starting new work and navigated a painful breakup at the same time. I lost all my friends, and found myself in a new city, where I had to get to know new people in my professional and personal life.
What could have destroyed me became the greatest opportunity, the birthing ground of my inner warrior. I discovered that I could battle stress by going deeper into the powerful soul liberation practices that made me feel peaceful.
I emerged from it feeling more powerful than before, in ways I could never have imagined.
Here are practices that supported my discovery of the spiritual warrior within, that you can also find within yourself, when you embark on the path of powerful soul liberation. It won’t be easy, but it will free you.
As for fear, you have to go deeper. All fear is rooted in the fear of death. Ancient Vedic spiritual wisdom teaches that death is merely a change of clothes, from one “bodysuit” to another. The more we understand this, the less we need to fear death. The less we fear death, the less we fear anything else in life. Reading ancient texts like Bhagavad Gita and attending spiritual lectures from qualified teachers helps tremendously.
Forgive anyone who upset you, and forgive yourself for allowing your boundaries to be crossed, or for doing things you regret. Once you’ve felt your feelings, understood them, practiced acceptance, and gained greater spiritual knowledge, you will feel powerful enough to forgive – without forgetting what you learned.
Go in order. Don’t skip any step. Healthy anger helps ensure you keep healthy boundaries. Healthy fear warns you when someone doesn’t feel safe, and how near or far to remain from them, while not getting paralyzing.
In the process of following these steps, you will experience the blessing of awakening your powerful inner spiritual warrior.
Ananta Ripa Ajmera is a spiritual teacher, 10-time international award-winning, best-selling author of The Way of the Goddess, founder of SoulWisdom Press & PR, and co-founder of The Ancient Way, an organization offering Powerful Soul Liberation programs, rooted in Ayurveda, Yoga, and Vedanta's universal spirituality. She’s been featured in Forbes, Vogue, and Cosmopolitan. She’s taught at Endeavor, Stanford, and UNICEF.