Weight loss is about more than deprivation and energy restriction. Weight loss is about increasing metabolism and kicking the body into fat-burning mode. One of the biggest misconceptions about weight loss is that it is simply calories in and calories out.
There are many things to take into consideration. Age, lifestyle, past medical history, current medical history, sleep, stress, environment and community. Weight represents the need for the body to protect, which is why most people carry an extra five pounds in the winter. We are protecting our organs from the cold with the extra insulation.
Other times, weight can represent an imbalance in the system, albeit physically, emotionally or spiritually. When this happens, the body experiences inflammation which can result in a myriad of symptoms. Weight gain can be one of them.
Understanding how to utilize food is essential to achieving your weight goals.
First, I will share what foods stall the metabolism and should be removed from the diet:
1. Processed Sugar - Corn syrup, raw sugar and brown sugar. Surprisingly, you may find these ingredients in your “healthy” snacks like granola bars, protein bars, salad dressings and fruit juice. Instead use natural sweeteners like stevia and raw honey.
2. Gluten - For most people, gluten can contribute to inflammation. Replacing gluten grains with sourdough or sprouted bread can make a big difference. Swap out regular flour to coconut flour. It is perfect for weight loss.
3. Canola or Vegetable Oils - These oils are usually genetically modified and can lead to unwanted weight gain from altering the DNA of the cells. Consider replacing with coconut oil or grass-fed butter as an alternative when cooking and baking.
Now, that we have talked about the foods to replace. Let’s review the foods to include:
1. Nutrient-Dense Vegetables - These vegetables provide high-quality vitamins and minerals and support the organs necessary to control weight like the thyroid and adrenals. These foods are high in fiber as well, so they provide a filling punch as well as a digestive aid. My favorites are leafy greens like kale and spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, sweet potatoes and squashes. Cooking them in a bit of coconut oil or steamed is delicious.
2. Sprouted Seeds - Chia, flax and hemp provide the essential omega 3 fatty acids needed to help boost metabolism. They also provide a healthy fiber that helps with fat loss.
3. High-Quality Protein - Proteins are the building blocks of muscle. And the more muscle you have, the stronger your metabolism will be. The best sources are wild salmon, lamb, bone broth, organic chicken, and range free eggs. Aim to get .5g of protein per pound of body weight.
4. Supplements - Including supplements like fish oil and vitamin D help to reduce inflammation and increase muscle synthesis. Adaptogens are supplemental herbs that decrease stress. My favorites are Rhodiola, ashwagandha and holy basil as they provide components that pacify the fight or flight response tempering the nervous system. When the nervous system is relaxed, the body can function from a place of ease rather than protection.
Creating a relaxed environment in the body is key for weight loss. Designing a nutrition program that provides the least amount of inflammation and the optimal amount of nutrient density is the fastest way to achieve your weight loss goals.