Judge Forces Parents to Allow Chemotherapy for Their 3-Year-Old

How much say do we really have when it comes to our children’s medical care? When is it okay for a doctor or judge to override a parent’s wishes? The recent case of parents being forced to put their 3-year-old child on chemotherapy has taken the media by storm --- but there may be more to the story than we’ve been told.

Recent headlines have painted a picture of parents being stripped of their rights, forced to allow their 3-year-old son to undergo dangerous chemotherapy treatments. The ethical dilemma appears complicated --- until you look at the statistics that many people think these parents have ignored.

Keep reading for the full story on the judgment that has everybody asking, "Is it ethical for a judge to force chemotherapy on a toddler?" 

The Decision That Made Headlines

Three-year-old Noah McAdams has been the center of a major legal battle ever since his parents, Taylor Bland and Joshua McAdams, tried to take him off chemotherapy. The toddler, whose story has appeared on CNN and numerous other news outlets, suffers from acute lymphoblastic leukemia. He began chemotherapy in Tampa, Florida, at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital, but his parents were reportedly unhappy with his treatment there.

According to CNN, the parents wanted a second opinion on Noah’s treatment options, and they were considering alternative therapies --- cannabis, vitamins, and diet --- in lieu of conventional treatment. When they didn’t show for Noah’s second chemotherapy treatment, an official from the hospital reported them to Child Protective Services. Police found them in a hotel in Kentucky.

The parents have been accused of fleeing the state to avoid continuing Noah’s treatment, fearful it was doing him more harm than good. They claim they were in Kentucky to seek a second opinion and were exploring their options. A judge pulled Noah from their custody and ordered the chemotherapy to continue, allowing the child to stay with his grandparents until further notice.

Ethical Dilemma?

The American Medical Association’s Journal of Ethics paints a fine line between accepting parental rights to refuse treatment and enforcing a child’s best interests. While the courts typically uphold a parent’s right to refuse treatment on religious grounds, the burden of proof of benefit often falls on the parents in most other circumstances.

In the case of Noah McAdams, the parents were likely harming him by refusing chemotherapy. According to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, acute lymphoblastic leukemia is highly treatable. In fact, with appropriate treatment, the remission rate is about 98%, and it usually occurs within a few weeks of starting treatment. The treatment completely cures about 90% of cases. This means Noah’s chances of living a long and happy life are extremely high, but only if he receives his prescribed treatment.

The judge in this case is allowing Noah to undergo alternative treatments, but only alongside the chemotherapy course. The ruling goes against the parents’ wishes, but is that really wrong? Given the success rate for treating his illness, would it be much more tragic if the judge did nothing and Noah died?

The right ethical choice can be a tough call, and most of the time parents of course do have a say in a child’s medical treatment. But in this case, the parents were rejecting a tried and true treatment plan, hoping cannabis and vitamins would work just as well. What do you think of this decision? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

~ Here’s to Your Health and Wellness

5/30/2019 5:11:42 PM
Wellness Editor
Written by Wellness Editor
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I lost a close family member to a rare form of leukemia. The chemo and radiation was something no one would want. “We” went through this program, largely research oriented and she gave it all just to have a chance to see her 12 and 14 year old children grow up. She did not survive. We knew the risks were extreme.
In this case, the knowledge base is so large with this particular form of leukemia, I have no doubt that the judge made the proper call. That said, I have tremendous compassion for the parents of this little boy. Any decision they made, whether or not one agrees is truly heart rendering. I feel for all of them and wish them Godspeed.
Posted by Jim Franzek
I personally think chemo is one of the worst things we could have ever invented when we have medical marijuana and always have just been hidden.
cannabis only kills mutated cells does not kill the good cells it only attacks the bad where chemo kills both good and bad, why isn't this been used on this little boy or a little child I'm sorry I don't understand the situation...
It hurts my heart that an infant has to go through pain like this and chemo is only going to make him sicker so why haven't they tried thied canibis..I personally have never been a smoker or a user but I watched it help my dad who had llupus for many years they did absolutely nothing except give him opioids or some other form of medication never once did they try that until the year before he died and then it was only in pills..we didn't have the medical thing which is absolutely insane to me why the outlawed it to begin with...
Oh yeah I know why all about the money AR Pharmaceuticals needed to make money and so did our doctors had they been allowed to keep cannabis legal there would have been no money for the Pharmaceuticals or our doctors.. funny how that works as people die every day.. take that baby and move to Colorado that's what I would do and I'm sure you could find a doctor that would gladly see them I am sorry for your pain..
Oklahoma girl...
Posted by Jennifer Lemon
CBD will not cure squat and will not slow the progression of cancer, it has now been established that even in regards to lessening the symptoms of certain illnesses CBD simply will not work for certain people, as is often the case with science there are so many contradictory opinions, for one I heard that in the 1st week of using CBD one needs to take at least 5 times the average daily dose yet other reports claim that taking anything other than the lowest recommended dose and working your way up to the average daily dose can lead to serious side effects.
Posted by CBD will not cure squat and will not even
Isn't it TELLING when the government makes it easy for parents to kill their babies but refuses to allow them to determine how to treat them when sick?
Posted by dmsstewart@comcast.net
I knew quite a few people who went through chemo. Unfortunately non of them are alive today. It just kills you faster. All about money. I will trust "alternative" medicine that was around for thousands of years before I trust today's "science"
Posted by Lola
this is BULL SH-- , and bi form, all about money
Posted by wayman lowry
I think the judge made the right decision. Parents are not always right and a child has no say and in one so young does not understand the illness or the treatments. Yes chemo is difficult (I have gone thru it and radiation and am cancer free now for seventeen years) but if that child had a choice I bet he would choose life , a future and some difficult times over death. The judge is being fair in allowing alternative in addition to the conventional. Parents should not always be allowed to put their personal feelings over and above the life of their child.
Posted by Sharon
The judge should be commended. Parents do not know everything and may unknowingly be acting against the interests of their child. The child has a type of cancer which responds very well to treatment via chemo and therefore the chances of living and leading a normal life are high. Cannabis, diet and vitamins for leukemia-really? Many people think that natural/alternative treatments are better because they are natural when in fact they end up doing nothing and can actually condition or at least not help. Chemo today is not the chemo of yesterday -it is a lot less toxic and has fewer side effects. My dad was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of non-Hodgkins lymphoma 18 years ago and was cured. He was given a new chemo which only targeted the cancer cells (unlike previous chemos which destroyed healthy cells) which was well tolerated and saved him. Today he is very much supportive of going with proven, modern science.
Posted by Dorothy
Parents don't know everything, and the child cannot act alone, so it's the courts responsibility to act for the child, who has the same rights as anyone else in the world.
#MAGA, #KAG, semper fi
Posted by ken_shockley@yahoo.com
Chemo almost killed me and I was ready to say no more. If that child goes through what I went through I feel sorry for him. Take you child to St. Jude Hospital they work with kids with cancer everyday and they will know best how to treat him.
Posted by Anna
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