The Next Anti-Anxiety Breakthrough?

Do you struggle with anxiety? You certainly aren’t alone. Roughly 18% of the population suffers from some kind of anxiety disorder, many of which can be chronic and disabling. Doctors currently use certain antidepressants or benzodiazepines to treat them, but some patients find the side effects outweigh their benefits.

New studies are showing cannabidiol (CBD), one of the non-psychoactive compounds found in the Cannabis sativa plant, holds promise in treating numerous types of anxiety disorders with far fewer side effects.

The Many Faces of Anxiety

An anxiety disorder can strike anyone. Researchers believe most anxiety disorders —-such as social anxiety disorder and and panic disorder —- have genetic components. However, others, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are triggered by traumatic events. The effects are the same: Anxiety can devastate sufferers’ lives.

A Possible New Treatment

The accepted pharmaceutical treatment for anxiety is antidepressants, sometimes in conjunction with anti-anxiety medications, which can be habit forming. Both come with side effects and can vary greatly in efficacy.

Numerous studies show CBD holds great promise in the future of anxiety treatment. Researchers are beginning to understand how CBD interacts with numerous receptors in the brain, and its therapeutic effects are surprisingly similar to those of antidepressants. In fact, CBD is so effective in treating anxiety that researchers are currently examining the possibility of using it to develop new drugs. Proper dosages still remain uncertain, and studies still need to be conducted on CBD’s long-term effects, but reported side-effects have been minimal.

A Promising Future

CBD could prove to be the missing puzzle piece in many people’s lives. So far, CBD has shown great promise in treating generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and PTSD. More research is still needed, but new and exciting treatment options do appear to be on the horizon. With any luck, this simple discovery could change countless lives.

4/28/2018 9:00:00 PM
Wellness Editor
Written by Wellness Editor
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This is a fairly gross over-simplification. There are a wide variety of tranquilizers, anxiolytics, and antidepressants, used alone or in combinations, at varying dosages, with varying levels of side-effects and efficacies, sometimes in conjunction with psychotherapy or other interventions. Some of these meds are used off-label, such as low dosage amitryptaline for pain reduction and diarrhea control in IBS sufferers. CBD does hold promise as an alternative for anxiety and/or depression, but it is ALSO A DRUG. Research, which is incredibly expensive, will always be driven by economics- Can Big Pharma make billion off of it. Doctors often overlook the simplest approach to people whose condition is relatively minor: diet, exercise, sleep, meditation... all things you can try FOR FREE. So the simplistic generalizations in this article offer nothing substantive.
Posted by MrNews
I was on Zoloft for 25 years. It worked better than nothing but eventually really didn't do much except suppressing some of the feelings. I finally went off completely last year and had horrible withdrawal side effects. I am now using CBD and medical cannabis and am doing a lot better. Pharmaceutical drugs have their place but should only be used when all other more natural treatments prove to be ineffective. I am lucky to live in a legal state.
Posted by Sue
I believe the people should be able to decide what works best for them!
We're being Dictated to whether we can remain taking our benzodiapines, especially for those who Suffer from Chronic Pain.
It should be the Patients choice. We know the benefits vs the Risks. Anti-Depressants are horrible! Those shouldn't be handed out like candy for every symptom under sun but they are! More people Commit Suicide on those drugs than any other. They cause some to go NUTS even if they weren't in the first place.
I've seen a friend given Paxel for anxiety and with only 2 doses she ended up with getting dystonia! Paralyzed on one side of her face for weeks! Just what if she never got over it?
So sure.. if people want to take CBD or whatever, that should be their choice but everyone should be able to make the decision that works best for them.
Don't you find it odd that addicts taking methadone or Buprenorphine , the FDA says don't take away their benzodiapines?! Then why in hell should a legitimate Chronic Pain Patient taking legal pain medications NOT be allowed to continue taking their benzodiapines?! The Addicts that died, usually had more than 6 substances in their systems and they weren't legitimately prescribed! Why should Everyone else have to pay the price for them? It's all wrong!
It's bullshit and dictatorship by the US Government forcing our doctors to take Patients who have been on these Medications for some Decades, not to prescribe to pallative care Patients!
AMERICANS citizens need to stop remaining Silent about all this.
The discrimination is so thick you can cut it with a knife! STOP TORTURING INNOCENT AMERICANS.
Posted by Donna Ratliff

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