30 Health Influencers Share Their Tips & Strategies For Reducing Daily Stress
We asked top influencers in health and wellness for their tips and insights on how to take-back control and reduce stress. Here’s what they came up with.
Our first response came from Carolyn Ketchum. Carolyn is the writer and mastermind behind All Day I Dream About Food, a low carb and gluten-free food blog.
“It's impossible to live an entirely stress-free life, but plenty of sleep, plenty of exercise, and lots of laughter are my key stress relievers. I like to surround myself with supportive, upbeat, and positive people who don't take life too seriously. That way, when it's time to take a break from the hustle and bustle of daily activities, I know I have someone I can call on. And they can call on me in turn. Regular exercise is also critical. I've learned that the days I least feel like doing it are the days I need it the most. And when it's done, I feel so much better and ready to tackle what the day has in store.”
“Gratitude, Self-Acceptance, Goal-Setting, Healthy Lifestyle, Meaningful Relationships, Seek Inspiration.”
John Tarnoff has a master’s degree in psychology and focuses on career development and training for middle-age professionals. John says (on how to reduce stress).
“Working out and eating healthy nutritional meals are big stress relievers! Having a plan for your workouts and nutrition additionally will remove so much stress from your life. I also find that having my work schedule organized and with me wherever I go makes a big difference.”
Katie Dunlop is the creator of Love Sweat Fitness, a women's health and fitness community providing at-home, no equipment needed workouts & lifestyle tips.
“Don't take things so personally, practice positive thinking, get enough rest, and lean on God.”
Stephan Labossiere - Stephan is a certified life & relationship coach, professional speaker, and bestselling author.
“Protecting yourself from toxic people, jobs, or situations is essential for maintaining a stress-free life. Anytime I feel negative energy inside of me, I always ask myself what's provoking it and do my best to eliminate the trigger cause. We must always remember, we are never stuck with anything, we always have the choice to make the needed changes to better suit desires. Happiness is a choice we must make for ourselves daily to keep days as stress-free as possible!”
Amanda Jo operates The Organic Bunny. She is on a mission to prove that living an Organic lifestyle can still be glamorous. With over 106,000 health and wellness based followers online, Amanda helps women clean up their daily routines and switch to non-toxic products.
“Lots of sleep, exercise and fresh air! Exercise is my #1 stress reducer - I always feel better after getting in a workout. I know it's easy to let fitness slide when you get really busy and stressed, but keeping it up will help so much with managing stress!”
Anne Mauney is a Registered Dietitian and healthy living blogger who inspires others to lead happier, healthier lives - no dieting necessary.
“In order to live a stress-free life one must maintain a healthy balance between their head and their heart. This is possible when we each take the time to honor the energy that we give and receive.”
Alisha Hawrylyszyn Frank is a NYU certified life coach, Reiki Master, meditation teacher, yoga instructor and writer for MindBodyGreen and The Chopra Center.
“Praying, Breathing, going outside, working out.”
AshLee Frazier is a lifestyle blogger who brings a unique view of live, love and fashion.
“First, making time for yourself - If you don’t make time to take care of yourself no one else will. When you do life runs much more smoothly. Next, preparation and planning – planning out your weekly schedule, groceries, exercise, appointments is a great way to stay on track and reduce stress. Third, making green smoothies part of your lifestyle – feeding your body and your cells the right nutrition is pure love. Fourth, meditation for stress relief – Being still and in the present moment will clear your head and reduce stress. Add in deep breathing for even more stress relief. Fifth, making time for exercise – exercise helps relieve stress and increase serotonin levels, which is the “happy feel good" hormone.”
Laura London is a Lifestyle coach, holistic nutritionist and a fitness specialist. She is the author of the Hot and Healthy Body. Since overcoming Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Epstein Barr Disease, and a chronic back issue, Laura has reinvented her health and her life – in her 40’s. Laura is an inspiration to women across the globe.
“We have to make sure we are monitoring our thoughts and where we place our attention. The thoughts we think, affect how we feel, and what we feel, we tend to attract back into our life. To be happy, is to focus our attention only on the things that bring us happiness. What we give your attention to always grows in your life. Only give your attention to the things you want.”
Justin Perry is a husband, father of 3 boys and avid traveler. Justin is also the founder of the largest self-help YouTube channel, YouAreCreators. Known as a philosopher and "keen observer of life", Justin has set out to motivate and inspire the world with the timeless knowledge that he has acquired through his personal development journey.
“Preparation is the key. When you take the time to plan-out your day and your week, you reduce unexpected events and the added stress in your life.”
Ramses Principe is a Personal Trainer whose main focus is to show that everyone has the capability of living a healthy lifestyle as long as they are determined and focused on achieving their goals.
“Being loving and empathic without taking on other people's stress.”
Judith Orloff MD is author of The Empath's Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People. She is a psychiatrist and an empath.
“Making yourself a priority is one key for maintaining a low stress life. Don't be afraid to say no to something that you don't have time for or that won't bring you joy. Find time everyday to relax and do something that makes you happy and puts a smile on your face. Take a few seconds multiple times a day to take deep breaths and make sure that you are enjoying life.”
Sara Korzeniewski, RD, CLT is a registered dietitian since 2005 and has a private practice in functional medical nutrition therapy. Using natural remedies, she specializes in helping busy women heal their hormones and recover from digestive issues.
“First, there is no such thing as a stress-free life. Stress is a natural human response to situations and triggers that stretch us beyond our comfort zone, and do anything that we perceive as a threat to our stability, status quo, and well-being. We need the stress response to stay healthy and safe from harm. That said, when stress becomes overwhelming, we need strategies to effectively manage our stress levels. The 5 most important ingredients I've found through my coaching and therapy work are 1) recognizing your thoughts and actively and consciously reshaping those thoughts, mindsets and beliefs that cause overwhelmingly negative feelings, like a victim who is powerless to affect change. 2) Fierce prioritization of what truly matters in your life and honoring those priorities openly to craft a life you want. 3) Committing each day to restoring and healing your mind, body and spirit; knowing when you need to rest and watch what you eat and drink toward maintaining a healthy energy-level; focusing and balancing your activities so you are more personally and professionally fulfilled. 4) "Braving up" to stand up and speak up for yourself; advocating for your own needs and wants in an empowered way. And finally, 5) Developing healthy, strong boundaries to say "no" when necessary, and to do what's essential to protect yourself from people and actions that are injurious, disrespectful, and harmful.”
Kathy Caprino, M.A. is an international career and personal growth coach, writer, speaker and leadership developer dedicated to the advancement of women. She is the author of Breakdown, Breakthrough, and Founder of Ellia Communications, Inc., the Amazing Career Project and Amazing Career Coach Certification training, she is also a Forbes, Huffington Post and LinkedIn contributor, TEDx speaker, and top media source on careers and women at work.
“To maintain a stress free life, stay active and fit time into your schedule for (almost) daily exercise: yoga, swimming, biking or whatever your preference. Exercise helps you unwind and de-stress. Eating healthy meals and snacks and starting each day with a brief meditation also does wonders!”
Lisa Young, PhD, RD is an internationally recognized registered dietitian, nutritionist, and wellness advocate. Dr Young is an expert on portion control and author of the popular book The Portion Teller Plan. She counsels adults and children on nutrition and health and is on the faculty at New York University's Department of Nutrition and Food Studies.
“Letting go of the need for perfection, mentally preparing yourself for when things don't go as planned, surrounding yourself with people who support and bring out the best in you, making time to move your body every day, and daily gratitudes!”
Lauren Bongiorno is a Diabetic Health Coach, Yoga Instructor, Nike Ambassador, and Wellness speaker. She lives by the motto "Decide and Conquer" and is passionate about helping others take control of their lives mind and body, and not letting their challenges define them.
“Consistent Self-Care, Weekly Planning, Prioritizing According To What I Want To Do, Staying Organized.”
Cena Block is the CEO of SaneSpaces.com and creator of the Time & Space Style Inventory™, a unique online time management and organizing assessment tool.” She is a “biz-life-flow” coach, master facilitator, speaker, and author who helps moms-in-business and professional women find their sweet spot between life, flexibility, and career. Cena has a 25+ year background in performance consulting.
“My best advice for maintaining a stress free life is to avoid stress triggers, like the plague. Stress triggers are people, places, things, and situations that provoke negative feelings of any kind. Examples include a mother-in-law, nosy neighbor, events, bars/clubs, or toxic foods. You'll know if it's a stress trigger because you'll feel emotional or drained after your encounter as opposed to feeling energized. Once you've identified your soul sucking stressors, figure out a graceful way to avoid them. Simply saying 'no thank you' or 'I'm sorry that doesn't work for me,' are powerful ways to protect yourself from unnecessary stress. It's impossible to avoid all stressors so find some ways to deal with stress in a positive, restorative way. Trying to push through by tackling more projects only makes it worse. It's like opening more windows on your computer, when it's already acting up. Eventually, you'll crash. Practice self care and resist the urge to put on your super hero cape. Every time you're feeling triggered, stressed, or emotional, do something restorative to help burn off the bad vibes and feel good again. Examples include taking a bubble bath, listening to a guided meditation, spending 30 minutes with a good book, listening to your favorite music, or doing some exercise you enjoy.”
Christina Carlyle is a nutritionist, trainer, and holistic health coach who has helped thousands of women all around the world get more happy, healthy, and fit, naturally using whole foods and exercise.
“Living with Balance and Integrity.”
Travis Barton is an international life and business coach, speaker, author, and adventurer.
“I keep stressors low by maintaining a regular workout routine, daily meditation and a lot of active and creative playtime with my daughter.”
Trisha Enriquez is a Toronto-based content creator with over 15 years of experience in the health and fitness industry as a certified nutrition and weight-loss coach and a certified pre and post natal fitness specialist. Trisha created No Tummy Mommy to share her health and fitness expertise, while also promoting a well-balanced and positive lifestyle. She makes leading a healthy life seem not only doable, but fun!
“1. Stress comes from feeling stuck. If you don't like where you're headed, change your direction. 2. Move your body every day in a way that feels good and makes you happy. If you like running, run. If you like yoga, do yoga. If you like weight training, find time to make it happen. While exercising any time of day is a stress-buster, movement first thing in the morning is best. 3. Eat real food, feel real good. Eating fresh whole foods will leave you feeling refreshed. If you eat garbage heavily processed, chemical laden, and sugary food-like-products, you'll feel like garbage. 4. Plan fun stuff. Anticipation is the best. If all you've got on the calendar is mundane and routine, you'll feel like you're missing out on life. Schedule fun and look forward to it. 5. Get outside. Spending time out of your house and out of the office brings balance, health and healing. Surround yourself with visual beauty and nature. Better yet, bring your family or a friend.”
Dr. Kristen Bentson is a nutrition and healthy lifestyle expert, chiropractor, motivational speaker, nutrition writer and boy mom.
“Identifying and staying in tune with ever-changing priorities and not being afraid to say "no." When we know what’s important to us, it becomes easier to maintain a healthy balance and not overextend ourselves.”
Alissa Carpenter is the founder of Everything’s Not Ok and That’s Ok (NOTO) Coaching. She offers professional development and career guidance to individuals, companies, alumni groups, and students across the country. She works to enhance communication, teamwork, and interpersonal skills and helps others to set and achieve goals.
“One of the biggest secrets to happiness and success in life is right in front of everyone, yet largely unseen. It has to do with the way that most of us are either our own worst enemies or our own best friends—based on what is going on inside our minds. Life can feel bright and beautiful, or it can feel miserable, and our thoughts and feelings have a great deal to do with which we experience. Fairly or unfairly, providence tends to smile more favorably upon those who are smiling, too—so the benefits are huge when we learn the art of getting back into a more joyful state of being. According to the Laboratory of Neuro Imaging at USC, the average person has 70,000 thoughts per day. If those thoughts were airplanes, that amount of daily traffic is many times greater than what is handled by the world’s busiest airports. Busy airports require air traffic control to maintain order and help prevent crashes, so thought traffic control could make a whole lot of difference with our 70,000 thoughts per day zipping around our minds. How can we learn to direct all of our thought traffic, especially when many of our thoughts are negative? Let’s break the problem down to just one thought at a time—or one vehicle at a time. Since most of us are more familiar with driving cars than airplanes, let’s envision the process of shifting mental gears as being analogous to shifting gears on a manual transmission car. When shifting gears in a car, we must first disengage from one gear before moving through neutral, and then re-engaging in the new gear. We can engage a similar gear-switching process in which we go through neutral between gears every time we move our consciousness through a state of disengaging from current reality–such as we feel when dreaming, daydreaming, meditating or praying. You can reduce stress in daily life through learning three simple activities that can help you shift mental gears utilizing mind-body-spirit mindfulness: take a few minutes each day for meditation; pay attention to breathing deep, full breaths; and take time to slow down and enjoy a present moment experience in Nature. Breathing and meditation can be done anywhere you go in any environment, and finding bits of Nature to enjoy can be easier than you might think. Studies show that people who look out a window to see trees and greenery benefit from reduction in stress hormones, as do people who take time to enjoy the presence of houseplants in their homes and offices. These three simple activities are powerfully transformative, thanks to the way they assist us in detaching from fixating our attention on annoyances, frustrations, and what seems to not be going well. Next time you feel your mind is racing, remember to: (1) slow down, (2) take some deep, full breaths, and (3) see if you can find any natural greenery nearby to enjoy. Become aware of your true self being the observer of all those tens of thousands of thoughts you think each day—rather than their servant. You can watch thoughts come and go, much the same way an air traffic controller watches airplanes land and take off. Such awareness of being at one with your mind, body, and spirit can provide you with fresh reserves of energy, enthusiasm and inspiration just when you need it most!”
Cynthia Sue Larson is the best-selling author of Quantum Jumps, Reality Shifts, and High Energy Money. She is an intuitive/spiritual life coach helping people find love, meaning, and prosperity accessing worlds of possibility. Cynthia has a degree in physics from UC Berkeley, an MBA, and is a Doctor of Divinity.
“Take time for yourself and do things that relax you. Self-care is #1. Get a massage, schedule a manicure, mediate, take a walk, go to a yoga class, read a book or take a bath. Do something that you love, whatever that may be.”
Brittany Mullins is a health coach, certified personal trainer and the founder of the health and wellness website, EatingBirdFood.com. Brittany proves that maintaining a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be a challenge by sharing recipes, workouts, wellness articles, travel adventures and more.
“Yoga, listening to my body, and seeking out pleasure.“
Kara Lydon, aka The Foodie Dietitian, is a nationally recognized and award-winning registered dietitian, nutritionist, certified intuitive, eating counselor, author, and yoga teacher. Kara believes that the key to authentic health and wellbeing is celebrating food and our bodies. She instills this positive philosophy in the kitchen, yoga studio, working one-on-one with clients, and in her e-book, Nourish Your Namaste: How Nutrition and Yoga Can Support Digestion, Immunity, Energy and Relaxation.
“Meditation, time for myself, exercise and sleep.”
Camilla Sacre-Dallerup is author of Strictly Inspirational & Reinvent ME, life coach, mindful living expert, NLP master practitioner coach, certified hypnotherapist, motivational speaker, and a popular meditation teacher at the trendy LA meditation studios Unplug meditation and The Den in Los Angeles. Camilla is also the founder of the coaching business www.Zenme.tv based in Los Angeles where Camilla helps clients and celebrities deal with stress, addiction, and trauma. Zenme offers coaching, hypnosis and meditation to clients worldwide.
“A healthy diet, exercise, meditation, and mindset are crucial to a stress-free life. The ability to know when you have enough makes all the difference. Maybe you find yourself saying, “If only I had x-y-z then I would be happy,” but the truth is, you don’t have to have x-y-z and you don’t need to be perfect. You just need to be YOU. I know this because I was a far cry from perfect when I began my journey. At the end of the day, it is my passion and hope that every woman around the world is able to step into their purpose and realize true self love. I want you to shed the layers that no longer serve you and stand as bright as you’re meant to be. Ignite your spirit, reap the juices of this abundant life, be present and awake for your family and loved ones. And most importantly, I want YOU to step into a LIFE you LOVE!”
Danette is the founder of Mindful Health, LLC, a platform that provides the tools, knowledge, and inspiration to look and feel your best while living a healthier, more zestful life. Danette is the author of several best selling books including 7-Day Jumpstart, Bikini Body Detox, and Bikini Body Recipes. Recently, she launched her online coaching and membership program.
“Key ingredients to minimizing stress are eating a healthy diet full of mood boosting foods, regular physical activity that you actually enjoy, taking time for self care, and having a support system of people to talk to about life's ups and downs.”
Lindsey Pine MS, RDN, CSSD, CLT is a Registered Dietitian based in Los Angeles specializing in culinary nutrition, food sensitivities, sports nutrition and creating more balanced lifestyles.
“Healthy diet, exercise, sleep, hydration, spiritual life and good people surrounding you.”
Cara Clark is a Practicing Nutritionist in Orange County, California. She is a wife and mother of 4 daughters, so teaching healthy living is even more important to her to be a light and example for her own girls. She believes in real food practice, not too restrictive. She thinks we can change the world by eating better!
“Great nutrition, exercise, hydration and plenty of sleep.”
Leanne Ely began creating Menu-Mailer on SavingDinner.com in 2001 to help families get back to the dinner table. Within just a few years, Reader's Digest declared a new industry had been born — the menu planning industry — and Leanne was dubbed the “mother” of menu planning. SavingDinner.com’s goal is to bring families closer together by enjoying healthy and easy-to-prepare meals. They do this by creating innovative menu planning products like Premium Menu-Mailer, which includes delicious and nutritious recipes, shopping lists and nutritional information! SavingDinner.com also features an informative daily blog where you can find nutritional tips and tricks, delicious recipes and the tools you need to eat healthy and prepare delicious family dinners!