Do you have type 2 diabetes and want to improve your health – or even reverse the disease - but don’t have a clue where to begin in order to accomplish that goal? Then read on.
Most people with type 2 diabetes feel overwhelmed upon their diagnosis. That is completely understandable. There is a lot to consider: Blood sugar monitoring, the glycemic index, complications, , the directions for taking different medications. Not to mention the psychological impact of the loss of good health.
You don’t have to live with type 2 diabetes, and take medications every day for the rest of your life to manage the disease. Type 2 diabetes is reversible. I hope you know that. You may have heard from your doctor when you were first diagnosed that you can’t cure type 2 diabetes, you can only manage it with medications and dietary changes. He or she probably told you to eat better, gave a few guidelines and was off to the next patient. Besides being wrong, that leave you without a concrete plan of what to do next.
Free Yourself from Type 2 Diabetes
I have developed a 20-day plan that will tell you exactly what you need to do to begin the process of reversing your disease and eliminate your need for medication to control it.
Transformation 20 Diabetes is a primer for those who have the will to reverse type 2 diabetes but need the support of a bona fide plan of action. It comes complete with meal plans, recipes and information to get started on the road to better health. In easy-to-understand language, the Transformation 20 Diabetes program allows you to initially reduce and for the vast majority eventually eliminate your type 2 diabetes medications, lose weight, normalize both your blood glucose and cholesterol, and regain your health.
It also offers you the opportunity to connect online with others who are using the program to eliminate their disease, too. This exclusive Transformation 20 Diabetes online community is a great way to get support and inspiration. It allows you to connect with others who share the same goals.
To get the most comprehensive information about reversing type 2 diabetes, use the information in Transformation 20 Diabetes as a companion piece to my bestselling book The End of Diabetes. Transformation 20 is a quick guide to get started on my plan while you read and absorb the full details of the entire program in The End of Diabetes.
Take Charge of Your Health
As a physician for more than 30 years, I have found that once patients make the decision to take charge of their health, they are eager to get started right away. Transformation 20 Diabetes allows you to begin that process right away. With nearly three weeks of meal plans and recipes along with lists of the best and worst foods to eat, Transformation 20 allows you to jump into the diet quickly and easily; while The End of Diabetes provides more comprehensive information and explains the full scope of the plan, offering more insight, recipes and tips than can be provided in a short format.
Some people find it hard to believe that just by changing your diet you can cure a disease. For those folks, and others who want more in-depth information, I urge you to read The End of Diabetes. The book offers an understanding of the science behind an ideal program to resolve diabetes. The extraordinary results of this program that I have utilized with thousands of patients have been documented in medical studies. Simply, standard medical management of controlling your blood sugar instead of helping you to rid yourself of the disease leads to tragic outcomes.
Don’t Live With Diabetes, Live Without It!