10 Ways to Eradicate the Zika Virus Pandemic

Many people around the world are ready to pull their hair out (except maybe for bald-headed persons, but let's not go there) concerning the very "DANGEROUS!" (at least, according to the mainstream press, and we all know the mainstream press never lies--or so have most people been brainwashed into believing) Zika virus pandemic. 

Can we really blame people for being so afraid? It is after all what the "script" calls for--isn't it?

This virus used to inflict only a few mild symptoms (and even then, only on roughly 20% of the infected) but now, miraculously--or should we say, maliciously?--the virus can dish out microcephaly, intracranial calcifications, Guillain-Barre syndrome, and a few other nasty medical conditions, although these associations have not been proven with 100% certainty. 

In fact, the new Zika virus is, supposedly, not only more pathogenic but more virulent; in some cases, it's even killing people, or so we're being told.

Is This Yet Another Hopeless, Run-for-the-Hills, Out-of-Control Global Pandemic?

It's clear that the mainstream media is doing everything it can to fan the flames of sensationalism that have  hitherto been attributed to or blamed on supposedly "mostly unreliable" Internet news sources, small independent periodicals, and "petty-journalism" tabloids.  According to that supposedly-more-reliable mainstream media, the Zika virus is a disease-ridden, out-of-control-train heading our way and, to boot, there's little the masses can do about it.

Okay, maybe that's not completely true.  According to these mainstream media sensationalists, there are some (lame-duck) things you can do to protect yourself: 

  • Stop traveling to tropical-climate places where the Zika virus is hanging around,
  • Stop having sex (at least until we reduce global over-population to a more acceptable level), 
  • Run out and buy all the repellents and insecticides you can (so Monsanto's stock can regain its value in the stock market),
  • And, most important of all, don't get pregnant (especially if you're poor, live in a third world country, and don't meet the criteria set forth in those global eugenics programs that don't really exist). 

While the Zika virus pandemic should give you reason to harbor some concern, it may not be as serious as you're being told.  It's ironic, by the way, that these reassuring words should come from an alternative-health-news source or from health news reporters that have hitherto (unfairly and inaccurately, we might add) been accused of being "sensationalistic."  

You the reader,  however, should have the final say on this:  Who is being sensationalistic now, those of us in the non-traditional (which includes Internet sites) health news sources (who always strive to tell you the truth, rather than what Big Brother and the big corporations dictate), or the mainstream media (which, many experts assert, is told what to say, how to say it and when, regardless of what the actual facts happen to be)? 

To prove that the Zika virus pandemic is being unnecessarily sensationalized (rather than being responsibly and realistically confronted), we alternative-health-news-source journalists assert (in stark contrast to what the mainstream media bottom feeders are saying) that we can, if we do the right things, permanently and completely stop the Zika virus dead in its tracks.  In essence we can, as we did to smallpox, eradicate it from the face of the earth.

No, we don't need some experimental, who-knows-what-it-will-do-to-you new government vaccine.  Instead, here are 10 steps that, if followed, will once and for all nip this supposedly-unstoppable global pandemic in the bud for good:

1.  Spray the heck out of all mosquito-infected areas on the planet (including the US and Europe) with the most toxic, lethal pesticides, insecticides and larvicides we can find.  Never mind what pathological consequence this may have for humans, animals and insects (like bees) who actually serve a useful purpose.  The point is that doing this should annihilate all these pathological vectors (including the Aedes mosquitoes) once and for all.  Actually, this step is already being actively implemented globally and the Zika virus pandemic (according to some experts) is, ironically, being used as an excuse to further expand this heinous suicidal (if not homicidal) agenda. 

To be blunt, these toxic chemicals (which are now found in most of the food, water and air in all parts of the world) will do much more harm in the long run than the Zika virus is capable of doing, even if genetically modified/enhanced (which some experts now reasonably suspect).  

2.  Isolate and quarantine all infected persons.  Since people can pass on the virus only while viremic (i.e., the period during which persons are symptomatic or while the virus is actively found in the blood), which is supposedly a short period of time, this need not mean being restrained extensively.  This means, however, that if the mosquito can't find a person to bite, it cannot transmit the virus.  Case closed!

3.  Shut down all beaches and other places where people feel an idiotic need to strip down or wear clothing that, especially in tropical places, invites vector-borne disease trouble.  Yes, some profits (and the taxes collected because of such) may go out the window and some puerile people may get upset as a result of this action but this may only be for one year or two and, anyway, isn't public health more important than profits . . . or would this be a Wall Street-type of "blasphemy?"

4. Require everyone that strays outside to wear long-sleeve shirts/blouses, long pants, socks & shoes, gloves and hats with mosquito nets.  This ensemble would deny all access to those female mosquitoes looking for exposed skin from which to get a blood meal for their eggs.  Some people claim that people in tropical areas don't generally dress like that but, given the choices of "doing without sex/having babies" or "covering their bodies when venturing outside of their properly secured homes," which one do you think they would prefer going for?

5.  Make repellents available to everyone at cost or for free, regardless of financial means; require by law the use thereof whenever people venture outside.  Again, this would help Monsanto recoup some of the losses it has incurred after people discovered that its nasty pesticides are (allegedly) killing off bees and that the main ingredient in Roundup (glyphosate) causes cancer.  It may even be enough to rehire all those laid-off unscrupulous Monsanto employees who didn't see a problem with making a living from the irresponsible dissemination of, allegedly, highly-toxic, extremely carcinogenic chemicals.

6.  Make it illegal to have anything around a home which might be a reservoir (no matter how small) for standing water.  This may include old tires, plastic containers/caps, broken gutters, abandoned cars, etc.  Require that such things be removed or thrown out from all homes.

7.  Put larvicides like pyriproxyfen directly into vaccines, which, after all, everyone in third world countries accepts without question (since they don't have access to the truth-revealing sources available in developed countries).  These larvicides might then, after being absorbed by humans, hopefully be emitted in the breath (carrying the heat, moisture and CO2 that attract mosquitoes) and sweat of these chemically-treated humans.  Since vaccines--especially those dispersed in third world countries--are already replete with all kinds of questionable and toxic (according to many experts) ingredients, how could one more toxin possibly make a significant difference? 

Actually, we can't be sure if this would work but would this be any more experimental (or unethical) than putting these larvicides directly into the drinking water of Brazilians?  Clearly, these people didn't mind (probably because they didn't know about the practice or the risks being inflicted on them) and, according to WHO, anyway, such practices are perfectly fine. 

Then again, WHO (the World Health Organization) is hardly a paragon of virtue when it comes to putting the rights/interests of the third world country destitute ahead of the greed/arrogance of developed-country governments, over-sized corporations and the secret societies that actually run the world.

8.  Cancel the 2016 Summer Olympics to be held in Brazil.  Do we really need people from all over the world to congregate at a place smack dab in the middle of a supposedly-unstoppable (although this article argues otherwise) global pandemic?  Won't these people just take the Zika virus back home?  Doesn't it make more sense to postpone or cancel such an event, thereby making sure that this pandemic is stopped altogether?

9.  Put the larvicide pyriproxyfen not only in drinking water but on all fruits and vegetables grown, in all dairy products, and in all processed/packaged foods.  After all, killing these dastardly Aedes mosquitoes (and the other genera in question) supersedes any birth defects (i.e., microcephaly) or autoimmune disorders (like Guillain-Barre syndrome) or other nasty medical complications that may, accidentally of course, arise.

10.  Kill all mosquitoes in the tropics and elsewhere in the world.  Yes, it's true that many birds, fishes and other animals depend on mosquitoes as an important source of food but, so what?  We used to think of planet earth as a fragile, symbiotic-relationships-dependent ecosystem but big corporations and foolish/over-empowered governments have convinced us that this isn't really so--or, rather, that it doesn't matter if this is so.

Since we, as a cohesive global community (apparently in this regard only), appear to be actively working to kill all mammals on planet earth, why do we need to hang on to flying insects--especially disease-carrying flies and mosquitoes? Certainly, if we adamantly insist (by continuing to use the pesticides that are killing them off) that we don't need (although science says otherwise) bees, then how can we possibly allow any mosquito to continue to live anywhere on this planet? 


If we follow all the steps outlined in this article, we can permanently eradicate the Zika virus pandemic.  Is there anyone out there that doesn't want the Zika virus pandemic squashed? 

Well, that goes without saying, but let's not bring the NWO globalists into this.  After all, so-called "conspiracy theories" do nothing but wake people up, make them think and give some persons the silly idea that they can actually stand up to their "betters" . . . as if such things were plausible.

Instead, let's all keep our feet on solid ground--i.e., on well-established, government-authorized "reality"--which for most people is more of a "virtual reality," but let's not bring the movie The Matrix into this.  As such, stopping this pandemic is as simple as making sure that the vectors that carry this virus don't bite (thereby passing the virus from person to person) anyone. 

If the plan herein outlined is rejected by anyone, then it can only be for reasons that escape common sense and logic.  This plan is, for all practical purposes, foolproof.

Of course, these steps will ultimately not be implemented--not because they won't work but because there are people out there who want the Zika virus pandemic to hang around for as long as possible. 

What these folks hope to ultimately accomplish remains a mystery but, for your part, do what you can to not get bitten, either by the Aedes mosquito or by the foul-smelling, alarmist, and sensationalistic mainstream-media manure aggressively being shoveled in your direction.

Copyright, 2016.  Fred Fletcher.  All rights reserved.


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3/7/2016 8:00:00 AM
Fred Fletcher
Written by Fred Fletcher
Fred Fletcher is a hard working Consumer Advocacy Health Reporter. Education: HT-CNA; DT-ATA; MS/PhD Post-Graduate Certificates/Certifications: • Project Management • Food Safety • HIPAA Compliance • Bio-statistical Analysis & Reporting • Regulatory Medical Writing • Life Science Programs Theses & Dis...
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High Five Fred!! If only people could wake up... If they only knew how polluted they already are! Your words are so true and if a person would just slow down take a real deep look... its bluntly obvious the signs are all around us... Wake Up People!!
Thank You for posting this... I pray many many many will find it and really absorb your meaning. We need to fight them on a whole/together!!
Posted by Monica
The Zika virus is a very serious development but not because of what the press is telling people. Many wonder why they're making such a big fuss over a pathogen that simply isn't that threatening but what they fail to figure out is that the virus is being used as a staging tool for much more sinister things coming our way. CHEM-trails apparently aren't enough which is why we now need PESTICIDE-trails. We may all soon need masks to step out of doors. No, wait, these are just conspiracy theories. Or are they?
Posted by Dr. Dario Herrera
On the off chance that someone may read this article and not realize that it is tongue-in-cheek satire, let me make it clear that, no, I don't favor killing off all mosquitoes; nor do I vote for the massive insecticide/pesticide campaigns that are being planned, using the Zika virus as an excuse. This planet is being systematically turned into a toxic wasteland. We already find these over-used pesticides in the food/water of most developed countries; the situation is even worse in developing countries. You can't drink the water in most rivers/lakes of places like China & Brazil because of out-of-control pollution--do we really need to add more insecticides to the tons of human waste, manufacturing/mining toxic by-products, growing garbage/plastic trash mountains, radioactive by-products/waste, etc.? You shouldn't fear mosquitoes or the Zika virus but, rather, genetically-altered mosquitoes, unnatural, over-used pesticides/larvicides (like pyriproxyfen), & other man-created threats. Evil, selfish people pose more danger to humanity than any pathogen, including Ebola or the Zika virus . . .
Posted by Fred Fletcher
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