Do you live a life of intention and purpose? With focused intention we can create our lives based on our interests, ideals, truth, and, ultimately our purpose for being here.
According to the Merriam - Webster Online Dictionary, Intention is "what one intends to do or bring about." With this in mind, an Intention Board can be the visual beacon necessary to guide us on our quest to live our true life.
You Will Need:
~ An Intention: what new dream, purpose, direction or goal do you want to transpire in your life?
~ A Large Poster Board or Canvas
~ Scissors, Glue,Paint, Markers, Pens
~ Pictures, Quotes,Small Memorabilia, Magazines, & Catalogs
~ Fun Edging, Gems, Beads, Feathers, Stickers, & Decor
Set the Creative Mood:
Put on your favorite, uplifting music - whatever enlivens your soul!
Light a diffuser using an essential oil blend of Bergamot, Cinnamon, Geranium, & Ylang Ylang.
Meditate on your intention.
Write any additional thoughts and ideas in your journal and add to your creation.
Look through the magazines and catalogues; pull out images, words, and phrases that speak to you.
Cut these out with creative scissors and glue onto fun pieces of paper. Also glue any photos or quotes you have to pieces of fun paper.
Lay the images, words, and quotes on your board in a way that pleases you. Glue securely in place.
Decorate by adding fun edging, gems, decals, etc.
Meditate on Your Intention Board:
Process what you have created by thinking about these questions:
Post Your Board and Make it Happen:
Display your Intention Board in a prominent place. Take time to meditate on your creation. Focused thoughts that you can see every day and that are sent out into the universe with positive, heartfelt energy will bring into your life the blessings you are seeking!
What aspect of your life needs focus? Do you seek a change in career? Do you long for a healthy relationship? Or perhaps you want to put into motion the ability to take that dream trip that you haven't been able to make a reality? What is an intention you have that can be the theme for your Intention Board?