Choosing an LCSW orMFT supervisor is a big decision. This is the person you will be depending onto help hone your skills, enhance your potential, and help you best prepare forthe board exams and your next career step. Before you even begin your search,you want to take time and reflect:
- What are my career goals?
Finding somebody whois where you would like to be is going to be the best person to tell you how toget there.
- What would you like supervision to look like?
Will you prefer tohave individual or a multidisciplinary group to consult on cases with? Would youlike Skype or video conferencing? Would you like to focus on clinicalinterventions and theory, risk assessment, countertransference? How would youprioritize each goal?
-How do you define your personal ‘best practice’?
Of course you don’twant a ‘yes’ person, but knowing you have someone that aligns with your largervalues and beliefs can make you the clinician you want to be.
It can be achallenge to navigate the waters of finding your MFT or LCSW supervisor, choosecarefully so that you can reap the rewards and invest in your practice!