Cancer can not survive in an alkaline environment!

For 58 years, I never worried about my health. One day in August 2012, I was told that I had breast cancer. Shocking.....genetic testing......positive for breast cancer gene 2......chemotherapy needed. This couldn't be happening to me!!!! After all, I was a nurse-midwife-I took care of other people. After pulling the covers over my head for a few weeks, I decided to research about the causes of cancer in general and came across an interesting thread about body acidity. I immediately went out and bought alkalinity test strips and guess what? I was very acidic. I researched alkalinity and started eating a strict vegetarian diet-I started testing alkaline.
Ok I could become a vegetarian....until I started chemotherapy....nothing tasted good and I was back to my acidic self.
God is good and he put Yoli in my path.  Yoli's product Alkalete can change our body acidity level. I bought a bulk order and started taking it. I think I was on my third chemo treatment and was watching my blood counts decrease with each treatment. After I started the Alkalete I noticed that my counts recovered faster and I didn't feel so crummy after the treatments. Then I had the flu after my 5th treatment and stopped taking Alkalete. I had my 6th and final treatment and my counts dropped again and I felt terrible. ALKALETE works!
My total protein levels were low too so I started using the YES shakes three times a day from Jan-Feb and by the end of Feb my protein levels had returned to normal too.
I have gone through a few preventative surgeries this year, one major and one minor and used Alkalete, YES and PURE on a daily basis. I have been blessed with an additional 10 # weight loss as well as tremendous increases in energy and a strong immune system!
I also cannot say enough about what it means to be a part of the Yoli family. I have felt supported every day in so many ways. Through this whole process, I have been transformed not only physically but as I have told my story, I have been blessed to be an encourager for other people to get healthy as well. This has led to a financial transformation for me as well! An unexpected blessing to be sure!
I want to thank Jenifer Moser Furness for caring enough to reach out to me in my time of need! You and Yoli have made a huge difference in my life! I give thanks for all of it every day!

8/18/2013 7:35:18 PM

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