What is a Good Age for My Child to get Braces?

What is a Good Age for My Child to get Braces?

Posted on May 14, 2013

tab4Every Patient is unique

A common question asked of many pediatric orthodontists is “at what age should my child get braces?” However, there is not a finite age at which all children should be fitted with braces, a screening with an orthodontist is required in order to recommend a treatment plan. Orthodontic screenings are typically done at age 7, as recommended by The American Association of Orthodontists. However there may be circumstances that require earlier orthodontic care, such as:

  • Significant Overcrowding
  • Open Bites (when the front teeth do not meet when biting down)
  • A size difference between the upper and lower jaw.
  • A noticeable cross bite

1 Phase vs. Two Phase treatment

The typical single-phase orthodontic treatment usually begins after all baby teeth have fallen out and the majority of permanent teeth have grown in (typically between the ages of 8 and 14).  However, if any of the above conditions present themselves at an early age, a two-phase treatment may be recommended. Two Phase treatments usually involve dental hardware as opposed to braces in phase one, followed by traditional orthodontic braces in phase two. The second phase is generally shorter than a treatment plan that was not preceded by dental hardware, but varies patient to patient.

The Benefits of Early Examinations

Early examinations, for children 7 and younger, can yield a number of benefits, including:

  • The determination of proper long-term orthodontic treatment.
  • Teeth can be guided by dental hardware to prepare for braces, in turn reducing the time they need to be worn.
  • The identification of any severe issues such as over crowding, which can benefit greatly from early protection.

The Benefits of Seeing a Board Certified Orthodontist

As discussed, there is not an exact age at which orthodontic treatment should begin, however it will likely happen at young age (5-18 years of age). At Kid’s Dental Care in Bristol & Windsor Connecticut, our Board Certified Orthodontists and Pediatric Dentists can provide better screening to determine when your child is ready for orthodontic care.  To learn more about how we can help, click here.

8/3/2013 6:01:27 AM
Ammar Idlibi
Written by Ammar Idlibi
Dr. Ammar Idlibi received his dental degree from the University of Connecticut School Of Dental Medicine which is one of the most prestigious dental schools in the country. He completed a two years post-graduate program in pediatric dentistry at Tufts University school of Dental Medicine and received his certificate of s...
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