My name is Dr. Steven Killion. I am originally from Washington State. My family and I moved to Davenport, Iowa so that I could attend Palmer Chiropractic College. I graduated from Palmer Chiropractic College with my Doctor of Chiropractic and my Bachelor of Science in June 2009.
I am now a local chiropractor in the area. My office, Active Health Chiropractic Clinic, is located at 507 S Fitness Place, Suite 110 in Eagle. I am excited about being in Eagle and serving you and the other great people of the Treasure Valley. I have studied numerous safe and effective chiropractic adjusting and treatment techniques. These techniques allow me to serve people of all ages with a variety of conditions. I love to express my passion for health daily and is committed to providing patients with the most effective means of natural healing.
You can reach me at 208-938-1505
Yours In Health Sincerely,
Dr. Steven Killion
Hometown: Eagle, ID United States
Occupation: Chiropractor and Wellness Coach
Interests: Some of my hobbies and interests include: riding my road bike, doing construction projects, camping, and serving my community. I am the lucky father of 5 beautiful girls and enjoy spending time with them and my wife. I am also actively involved in my church. I love chiropractic and enjoy sharing and teaching health information with others.
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