I work with adults and adolescents in the intuitive realms of transformation and healing. The painful symptoms of depression, fear, anxiety, confusion and worry can be sign-posts on the road of becoming more whole. In the therapy process, I value the soul’s mystery and wisdom, and honor the journey of each individual. Sessions might include awareness of dreams, the heart, the spirit, and the feeling body. I also use therapeutic conversation, creativity, art, image, symbol, and personal mythology. When appropriate, EMDR can be a powerful tool in therapy. I work with people who are in transition, depressed, anxious, or changing. We often don’t fully understand why we’re feeling the way we are, or what to do about it, but the soul has hidden wisdom. Therapy helps discover and use that wisdom.
Hometown: Bellingham, WA United States
Occupation: Licensed Mental Health Counselor Assoc.
Interests: I have studied mental health and wellness in the Pacific Northwest, Bali, Indonesia, and Switzerland. I love to learn about how people attain and maintain wellness around the world. I try to bring this wider world-view to my work with clients.
Analisa Lee, MA, MFA, LMHCA hasn't written any posts.