Kate St. James has worked for over ten years as an intuitive medium, connecting many people with loved ones who have passed on to Spirit.
French philosopher and Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, born in 1881, is said to have coined the phrase, "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience." When we finish this physical, human experience, we return to Spirit, where we retain our energy and the essence of who we are. Our personalities, our knowledge, our experiences - all stay with us as we continue our growth and learning in Spirit.
Your loved ones may no longer be here with you in physical form, but their energy is with you when you need them. Whether you have lost a family member, a friend or a beloved pet, Kate can help them communicate with you again.
Hometown: Saco, ME United States
Occupation: Intuitive medium
Interests: Helping people feel better about if their loved ones are "okay," "mad at me," or "still around".
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