I am a heavy guy(370 lbs) I have been for sometime. Once toping the scale at 450 lbs in 2003,4,5 gradually loosing weight and attention to diet and exresise. serious heart problems which are aggervated by copd. Type two diabetic taking metformin twice a day. Hight blood pressure, lower leg problems with swelling and leasions. cronic pain had ruled my life for almost two years , ruputred disk,right arm and shoulder blade probles as well as knee problems plege my days . Eating a stric as possiable diabetic diet from diet plan supplied by home nursing. Sleep apnia and 2 liters of ox per night while a sleep. Suffers from bibolar disorder which cycles from stage I , II, and manic depression . Depression meds , vauporic acid, remoron, and xanax
Hometown: Marshall, NC United States
Occupation: Retired disabled dude and a bad hair cut
Interests: Read, write, paint,draw,study any type of tech manual on anything I'm interested in and that covers a lot of interest. I like fishing, walking, I love potography I had put away all my artist equipment some fifteen years ago.I have just blown the dust off it and preping canvas. I enjoy painting and scupting Oil, acrylic's,waters , pastels and even model car enamel when I can find it.( they hadto take the good stuff off the shelves kids were sniffing it like the glue they removed from the shelves)so it's difficult to find. Henry Moore abstrate in green jade is a wonderful pec he did that I am fond of. Of course I love all the old masters, My styles are variable according to my mood which also effects the medium I pick. I tend to paint with darker color's or wood burn work and take pictures in b/w when I am going through mood swings. I can always tell when I reach my peak in my mind raceing along I paint with brite fire colors, yellows, reds, greens, Butterflys, and flowers and orental art. I draw like Norman Rockwell Painted. I( draw like he painted) I paint like van gole. Jackson pollick he was a bipolar artist who drank a lot rather than seek medical attention. During his high's he took gallons of bright colors and poured them or slung the brush full of paint to make various messes which he sold and made a good living until he died from drinking. But people have taken a turtle and dipped it's feet in paint and let it craw across just a peac of paper and sell it for 1000 dollars so it's is all in the eye of the beholder. Some of my worst work in my opinion I have never been able to keep in stock and my best work in my opinion I have to practically give it away and I do.
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