Every piece of equipment comes with proper documentation and as always can be researched online. Not only will you get manufacturer documentation, but you will get reviews from fellow people that have used the equipment and will be straight up with you. They are not placed there as product endorsements, these people have used it and positive or negative will convey their experience to you.
These truthful reviews from folks of all walks of life will allow you to have a greater view of things. They will allow you to pick and choose which items will best assist you achieve the goals you set out. When using spy equipment or when planning to purchase some, it is best to go into this process with a plan. Be aware of what you want to use the equipment for and what you wish to accomplish. If you know what you are looking to do but not sure what you need, search online for a vendor and ask questions! Every vendor will HAPPILY answer any questions you may have about various spy equipment related topics and will happily advise you on what you need and why you may need it.
Hometown: New York City, NY United States
Occupation: CEO
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