I am a licensed naturopathic doctor in the state of Arizona. My primary passion is the homeopathic and integrative treatment of bipolar disorder and mental illness. My treatment program for mood disorders is tailored to each individual. I am familiar with psychiatric medications and can assist patients in either tapering off these prescriptions, or integrating them with naturopathic care if necessary. I focus on addressing the underlying causes illness, and empowers the patient to effectively treat those deeper concerns using homeopathy and natural medicine. I was trained by some of the best classical homeopathic physicians in the country and internationally, and applie these highly effective methods in treating people suffering with depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia, or many other conditions.
In addition to my expertise in mental illness, I have assisted in the creation of naturopathic treatment programs for weight loss, diabetes, and smoking cessation. The Metabolic Plus Program is a comprehensive protocol for weight loss and diabetes. This is more than just another diet plan; it addresses the 5 fundamental causes of weight gain. Patients with diabetes can benefit from this program because it is designed to control blood sugar, and can also balance cholesterol and other markers of cardiovascular risk. The foundation of success through this program is based upon individualized testing, including specialized adrenal stress testing, body composition testing, and metabolic function tests. With these test results, Dr. Peyman can design a natural supplement protocol to correct underlying metabolic or hormonal imbalances, and support healthy weight loss.
I graduated from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, Arizona. In my clinical training, I focused on gaining an expertise in homeopathic case analysis and prescribing, with over 700 hours of hands-on education in this specific therapy. While attending medical school, I acted as Public Relations Representative for the Southwest College Naturopathic Society, and was subsequently elected President of the organization. Prior to medical school, I studied biology and psychology at Antioch College. I am a co-author of Naturopathic Clinical Boards Practice Exams, and I write articles for AZNet News.
Hometown: Tempe, AZ United States
Occupation: Naturopathic Doctor
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