My wife and I are parents to two wonderful boys, ages 10 and 2 1/2. I have been a chiropractor for eight years and have been in the health industry since 1991. I am an avid cyclist and am determined to master the bumps of Mary Jane.
As to my clinic, we are wellness based. Our clinic is fortunate to work with many wonderful members that have dedicated themselves to a chiropractic lifestyle. You can read below for more information on our chiropractic philosophy.
I’m a staunch believer in the preventative, as well as recuperative powers of Chiropractic. Chiropractic is an art, science and philosophy that embraces a natural, drug-free approach to healthcare. The human body is a self-regulating, self-healing organism that is designed to function in a vibrant, healthy state. It’s a scientific fact that our nervous system controls the function of every cell, tissue, organ and system in our body. We focus on freeing the energy our nervous system creates to carry out each function. We believe that the body can heal itself when supplied with three gifts: proper energy from the nervous system, time, and nutrition.
We do not claim to cure any disease, but we will lead you to a new level of wellness and help you reach your fullest potential. This is not a one stop, one adjustment approach. We hope to educate our practice members about Chiropractic, resulting in your desire to continue Chiropractic care, long after your initial complaint has dissipated. Much like we can’t go to a gym for one month and be fit for life, we can’t get a few adjustments and expect to gain the full benefit of a Chiropractic lifestyle.
Ancient Art Health Center
2516 W. Main St.
Littleton, CO 80120
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Hometown: Littleton, CO United States
Occupation: Chiropractor
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