I'm a massage therapist with licensure from New York State and additional certifications in Pre and Postnatal massage and Reiki Level II. I provided medical massage therapy in a chiropractor's office, as well as at 'The Medical Massage Group' in Manhattan for many years before opening a a private practice. Having recently relocated to Oakland, CA, I am excited to continue to thrive in my work here and explore the beautiful West Coast!
I am committed to providing excellent, uniquely attentive care. My technique is an eclectic blend of classic Swedish and medical massage with a gentle Shiatsu influence, providing an intuitive, relaxing experience. I often do deep tissue work and sometimes use gentle heat to warm the tissues before beginning. Each session is geared to specifically address your unique needs.
During Prenatal massage, if you are comfortable with them, I use the Body Cushions system, which allow you to lay comfortably and safely on your belly, even during late pregnancy!
Please feel free to visit my website for more information.
Hometown: Oakland, CA United States
Occupation: Licensed Massage Therapist
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