Specializing In Adult Anger/Aggression, Assaultive Behavior & Personality Disorders
I am a licensed professional counselor with over 20 years of experience. I have an M.A. in Mental Health Counseling and I am working on a Ph.D. an Clinical Psychology (anticipated graduation - spring 2011). I specialize in adult personality disorders, and aggressive/assaultive behaviors. I do not work with anyone under the age of 18. Services provided: Mental Health Counseling, Mental Health Assessments, Anger Management Therapy, Conflict Resolution, Domestic Violence Counseling, Couples Therapy, Seminars, Workshops, and Retreats.
For more information, check out my web site: <url removed>.
Hometown: Chambersburg, PA United States
Occupation: Licensed Professional Counselor
Interests: I have broad interests in personality disorders and the role of family origins and in the way individuals frame the context of what they perceive through familial experiences. Since 1997 I have developed a research interest in aggressive assaultive behavior, and use knowledge from Ainsworth and Bowlby’s attachment theory, in conjunction with Beck’s framing, to understand perceptions of injustice and the aggressive reaction to perceived issues of injustice that may result in an assault crime. Because of my research in familial experiences, I have developed a good reputation as a marriage counselor. I provide marriage enrichment seminars in the Franklin County, Pa area. I also provide weekly groups for divorce recovery.
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