AAA Acupuncture Center is one of the top and pioneering acupuncture clinic in Houston. Cathy Liu,(OMD, Lic. Ac., Dipl. Ac.), studied Chinese medicine (Which includes acupuncture, herb medicine, and etc.) and Western medicine for five years in a top Chinese Medicine University in China. She has taught and practiced Western medicine, acupuncture and herbal medicine, first in China, then acupuncture and herb medicine in Austin and Houston since 1982. She has accumulated more than 26 year of experience in treating various pain and difficult chronic and acute problems. She has helped thousands of patients to recover from many different sicknesses. She may be able to help you with your difficult and long-lasting health problems. So call her today at (281) 597-0022 for an appointment or a free consultation. We also accept most insurance. The acupuncture clinic is located in West Houston area.
Hometown: Houston, TX United States
Occupation: Acupuncturist
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