Founder/Owner, Greenelaf Bodywork
Charity studied at Irene’s Myomassology Institute in Southfield, Michigan completing a comprehensive course, totaling over 850 hours in Myomassology, in 2005. Her specialty is Deep Tissue and Swedish Massage, but she has extensive experience in Hot Stone Therapy, Advanced Shiatsu, Sports Massage, Prenatal Massage, Labor Massage, Advanced Myofacial Release, Reflexology, Herbology, Muscle Mechanics, Movement Therapy and Stretching.
She approaches each person in a unique way so to develop the best way possible to help the individual achieve the results from her therapy. In 2008 she attained two certifications in Myoskeletal Alignment Technique and Advanced Myoskeletal Technique from Erick Dalton’s “Freedom From Pain Institute.” She continues her educations in other modalities of therapy and bodywork to enable her to continue helping as many people as she can.
Charity is Nationally Certified Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork and is also a professional member of the American Board of Massage and Bodywork Professionals, as well as, American Massage Therapeutic Association.
Charity is an active member of the Ferndale Chamber of Commerce. She also serves on the Board of Directors for the Ferndale Downtown Development Authority.
Charity also has an Associates Degree in Liberal Arts from Oakland Community College.
251 E. Nine Mile Road
Ferndale, MI 48220
<url removed>.4838
Appointments 7 days a week!
Hometown: Ferndale, MI United States
Occupation: Massage Therapist/Business Owner
Interests: In her free time, she enjoys drawing, painting, yoga, camping, hiking, mountain biking, scuba diving, traveling, martial arts and playing with her three dogs!
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