Aromatherapy and Autism
Aromatherapy is an alternative medicine that uses plant materials, called essential oils, for the purpose of improving a person's mood, cognitive function or health. In recent years there has been an interest is using aromatherapy for reducing the anxiety and behaviors associated with autism and ...
Belly Dance and your Emotions
Barbara Gini, CMBT, RCYT Women are known for talking about their feelings and emotions, but have you ever asked yourself: what is an Emotion? An emotion is simply a reaction, created by either a positive or negative response to someone or something that is happening around us. Emotions are derive...
Ageless Beauty
What exactly is Ageless Beauty? Our ideas and views on what defines Ageless Beauty has changed and evolved throughout history. All you need to do is look through art books, visit a museum or leaf through old beauty & fashion magazines to see how this definition has changed drastically. If you hav...
Everything Old Becomes New
(Originally Published September, 2005) In Yoga we often refer to the idea of becoming more flexible. This idea applies not only to the body but to the mind & Spirit as well. Aging is usually associated with being rigid, stiff and inflexible-(hence the expressions "You can't teach an old dog new t...
Moving Young Bodies so Growing Minds Can Learn
Did you ever wonder what your body was thinking? Or why your brain was moving a certain way? When you begin to understand the way that the brain and the body communicate, you will begin to understand the answer to these questions. Brain Gym is a 40 year old non-prescriptive science of Educational...