I am a board-certified psychiatrist practicing in Hilton Head, SC since 2006, and I have been practicing psychiatry continuously for over 30 years. I was Medical Director of a Behavioral Health Center in Charlotte, NC for 15 years before coming to Hilton Head, and before that I taught at Duke and directed an affiliated inpatient program. Now I do an office-based practice, primarily conducting evaluations and providing medications and psychotherapy. I am also happily married, the father of two wonderful, grown children, and I am a golfer, fitness enthusiast, and enjoy boating.
Hometown: Hilton Head, SC United States
Occupation: Psychiatrist
Interests: Mood disorders and anxiety disorders in adults are my main practice interests, but I enjoy seeing almost any type of psychiatric disorder in patients over the age of 12. Within psychotherapy, I am interested in cognitive and behavioral methods to augment the more traditional psychodynamic approach. Depending on the need, I see patients individually, in couples therapy, as familes, or in groups.
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