I am in The Health & Wellness Industry. I have a passion for educating people on how to attain "True Health." It’s actually quite simple. Change Your Water, Change Your Life. Most people’s bodies are acidic. This is because of the air that we breathe, food that we eat, drinks that we drink, stress & physical activity. Disease THRIVES in an acidic body. By putting your body in an alkaline state, disease can not survive. Its that easy. Bottled water is acidic. ...Not to mention the source of the water-seriously you are drinking the Detroit River. Dasani was banned in Europe. The waste of natural resources used to make the plastic, transport the bottled water & recycle the bottles is sickening. Tap water, as you all have read, is contaminated with chemicals, pesticides, run off & drugs. Your body is 80% water !! What kind of water are you putting into your body ?? Please look at my website & get educated on this. You will live a long, healthy, disease free life.
Go to the website & sign up for the Free EBook. It a quick, great read ! Click on link below labeled homepage.
Hometown: Saddle River, NJ United States
Occupation: Health & Wellness Advocate
Interests: Helping people get healthy, educating them on water & the profound health effects it has on your body, gardening, cooking, fitness, hiking, being outside, music, being in the moment.
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