I have a Ph.D. in Naturopathy and have a private practice using Chinese Medical Massage, Hypnotherapy, nutritional counseling, and personal training. I also work with homeopathic remedies and herb therapy and do energy work. I was the team trainer for 5 semi-pro baseball teams, 3 high school football teams, and voluntered to work with the Knoxville Smokeys baseball team for 2 yrs. I specialize in athletic injuries and brain & spinal chord diseases.
Hometown: Moranton, GA United States
Occupation: Ph.D. in Naturopathy
Interests: I enjoy reading and research and have written two books: "The Soul, How to Guide to Eternity," and "Amid Chaos, The How to Guide to Survival." I co-authored & teach a personal development seminar entitled "The Keys to Keeping Well & Feeling Great."
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