Advanced Wellness Specialists (sm) is a group of health care professionals who provide programs, organic products, supplements and services that help our client achieve optimum health and wellness.
Our goal is to help you reach your goals
If your ability to function is impaired by back, neck, knee or shoulder pain, we offer programs to assist you to get you where you want to be.
If you have not recovered as fully as you desire from an injury, we can help.
AWS practitioners take a holistic approach that combines, movement, diet, breathing, resting and thinking to provide you an individualized solution.
Hometown: Northbrook, il
Occupation: Practitioner
Interests: Corrective and Speciality Exercise,
CHEK Practitioner,
Golf Biomechanics,
Metabolic Typing,
Holistic Lifestyle Coaching,
Physical Therapy,
Massage Therapy,
Craniosacral Therapy,
Holistic Health,
Personal Training,
Nutrition Counseling,
Vestibular Rehabilitation,
Fuctional Electrical Stimulation (FES)
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