At Pulse Acupuncture, we provide a safe, painless and effective alternative medicine that provides holistic solutions to a number of physical and emotional issues. We take a unique approach to each individual's specific problem and provides customized treatments tailored to the individual needs.
Marina Doktorman uses traditional acupuncture techniques to effectively treat a variety of conditions without the need for surgical procedures or pharmaceuticals. She believes in a painless approach to healing and feature modern treatments such as acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion and more. Pulse Acupuncture provides an excellent choice for anyone looking for an alternative form of treatment that provides lasting relief from chronic condition and acute pain.
Contact us:
+1 973-330-6444
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109 N 12th St Suite 704 - room 7, Brooklyn, NY 11249, United States
Hometown: New York, New York United States
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