Dr. Babak Larian, the Director of the CENTER for Advanced Parathyroid Surgery in Los Angeles, is a distinguished and experienced board-certified head and neck surgeon. His proficiency and advancement of minimally invasive head and neck procedures are internationally recognized and celebrated by his peers. He is a fellow of The American College of Surgeons, and The American Head & Neck Society, as well as a member of The American Academy of Clinical Endocrinology.
Dr. Larian completed a six-year residency program in Head and Neck Surgery at UCLA, during which he underwent intense training in the treatment of head & neck tumors. This specialized training focused on all aspects of caring for patients with complex tumors and cancers in the neck, including diagnosing and treating these tumors and cancers, managing the complications caused by these tumors, and repairing these complications, when necessary. This unique experience allowed him to have a deep and extensive knowledge of not only the anatomy of the neck, but also consequences of rare and complex disease in this very delicate area of the body.
Hometown: Beverly Hills, California United States
Occupation: Surgeon
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