We have three luxury suites available. The suites are decorated like a hotel room and are very secluded. They are 7’x12’ and include a sanitary dog cot with plush bedding. Elkhound Ranch Kennels Dog training and boarding Service Included with the purchase of a suite are morning, noon & evening yardtimes, individual/group playtime or private excercise time, a bedtime snack and lots of love and affection from our staff.
Extended Stay Discounts
6 or More Day Stay = 1 Free Bath
3 or More Day Suite Stay = 1 Free Bath
15-25 Day Stay = 10%-25% Discount
American Hero Pets (Active Military, Police & Firefighters) 10% Off
Check-Out Time is 3:00 PM!!!!
Late Check-Out will result in an additional night stay of $39 (per pet).
Our facility is closed on Sundays with an option of a one-hour pickup window from 4:00PM-5:00PM that can be utilized by all for a $39 (per pet) convenience fee.
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Hometown: Kansas, Missouri elkhoundranch2013@gmail.com
Occupation: Dog training and boarding Service
Interests: Kansas Dog training and boarding Service
Kansas Dog training and Dog boarding Service
Kansas Pet Taining and boarding Service
Kansas Pet Taining and Pet boarding Service
Kennels Dog Taining and Dog boarding Service
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