Advanced Spine Joint & Wellness Center is a first-class chiropractic and medical center located in Medina, OH. This medical practice is committed to a holistic approach to healing. Founded in 2013 by Dr. John Kocka, MD, the center has gone on to be the best place in the Cleveland-Medina area for people who prefer an all-inclusive approach to their health and well-being. Their staff includes medical doctors and surgeons, chiropractors, physician assistants, and licensed massage therapists. Advanced Spine Joint & Wellness Center treats the whole patient, whether they need pain relief, physical therapy, or help with establishing good nutritional habits.
Business Email:
5020 Victor Dr #100, Medina, OH 44256
(330) 721-6504
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Hometown: Medina, OH
Occupation: Advanced Spine Joint And Wellness Center
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