La Perle Dental of La Mesa offers the dentist in La Mesa with complete dental solutions. Our expert dentist in La Mesa, Dr. Dalloul and Dr. Altamimi are here to serve you with the finest treatments & procedures including, oral exams and cleaning, fluoride treatment, fillings, tooth removal, gum treatment, crowns, bridges, teeth whitening, and dental implants. La Mesa clients can book their appointment today! Evening and Saturday appointments are available. To schedule a consultation, contact us at (619) 825-7779.
Hometown: La Mesa, CA United States
Occupation: Dentist
Interests: Teeth Whitening, Dental Clinics, dental crowns, Dental Fillings, dental cleaning, Fluoride Treatments, oral exams, Gum Treatment, Tooth Removal, dental bridges,Dentist, Doctors, General Dentist,
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