Posts by Judith Finlayson

Would you be surprised to learn that more than half of your body isn’t human? According to Germany’s Max Plank Institutes, only 43% of the body consists of human cells. The remainder is a community of microbial settlers known as the microbiome.You’ve probably heard the phrase “all disease begins in the gut.” Microbes reside all over your body but those dwelling in your gut --- your esophagus, stomach...
12/16/2021 9:00:00 AM
Science now confirms what common wisdom suggests: diet and skin health are closely connected. Whether you have premature wrinkles, dry, patchy skin or even acne, research shows that a nutritious diet can help. This emerging science links complex body systems with skin health. For instance: Your Skin, Your Gut and Your Brain are Interwoven Your brain, your skin and your gut are constantly communicating...
10/26/2021 8:00:00 AM
For some reason it’s a flashbulb memory: In 2008, referring to a component of whole grains that encourages the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, I used the word “prebiotic.” My editor wasn’t familiar with the term, and she queried whether I meant “probiotic.” Probiotics are friendly bacteria like the lactobacilli provided by yogurt, which were then gaining traction as healthful substances. How times...
9/22/2021 8:00:00 AM
When life gives you lemons how do you react? Crawl into bed and hide under the covers? Or head to the kitchen and start making lemonade? It’s no surprise that when life gets tough, people respond differently. Some are more resilient than others. Now science is revealing that our reactions might have been programmed in childhood, or even in the womb.A 2021 study published in Nature Neuroscience showed...
6/25/2021 7:00:00 AM
If you are a woman of a certain age, you are probably concerned about bone health, and rightly so. Older women are most at risk for declining bone mass, thanks mainly to rapid hormonal changes around the time of menopause. But that doesn’t mean men get off scot-free. Osteoporosis is well-known as a disease of aging; by age 70 men are losing bone just as rapidly as women.For many years, another worrisome...
4/16/2021 7:00:00 AM