ESS Global Private Limited is an immigration consultant company that started in the year 2007, today has over 9 offices in India and 2 in abroad. We assist students in choosing the right course who are planning to study abroad and further assist them with the student visa process. Our team has years of expertise in countries such as Australia, Canada, Europe, and the UK. Our Mission is to promise a bright future to students who endeavor to make it big in international universities and empower them to become leaders who perform at their best. The very 5 tick marks presented in our logo indicate Cohesive Teamwork, Passion to Lead, Openness, Customer Focus, and Value for Money.
Hometown: SCO- 1-2-3, Madhya Marg, Sector 8-C,Chandigarh. India
Occupation: Overseas Education Consultant
Interests: reasons to study abroad
benefits of studying abroad
why go abroad to study
consultancy to study abroad
courses abroad
overseas education consultants
advantages of studying abroad
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