I truly love what I do. Acupuncture and East Asian medicine have given so much to me and my family that it is a real joy in my life to share them with others. They are profound modalities that offer people much more than just a “symptom free life”. I like the challenge of treating people and the reward of knowing that their lives are forever better.
Acupuncture and East Asian medicine are inherently holistic in that they always address both the mental and physical aspects of a person. We never see any disease as mental or physical. Every disease is mental and physical. Having said that, I am particularly good at treating depression, anxiety, traumatic stress disorders and most other western-defined mental disorders. I am also particularly good at treating pain and other difficult diseases. I attribute this to the fact that every disease has its mental aspect and it is that aspect that is usually overlooked in other healthcare modalities including other acupuncturists which makes the disease seem difficult to treat. If you have, “seen everybody” and are still sick, not addressing the mental side of the equation may be the problem.
I have studied and practiced martial arts and self-cultivation practices for 17 years and have studied and practiced Daoism for 14 years. These practices are crucial to who I am and especially my practice as an acupuncturist. I practice Integral Chuan taught by my teacher, Master Fong Ha. Baguazhang and Xingyiquan under Cheng Shaoming. You cannot practice acupuncture and East Asian medicine without some sort of self-cultivation practice. These practices are vital.
Hometown: Spokane, WA United States
Occupation: Acupuncturist
Interests: Yiquan, Daoism, Oriental medicine, Martial arts, Qigong...
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