About Us
Keystone Physical Medicine in Meridian, Idaho offers natural and total body healthcare. We're devoted to enabling you to enjoy any way of living you enjoy.
We treat your health conditions by always checking the right examination for the root cause. We're not right here just to treat your symptoms. We want to remove the root cause of your problem.
The prospective of medical community is an automated medical model. That's exactly why we always ensure that everyone - a doctor, a chiropractor, a massage therapist, and rehabilitation therapist - is involved and connects between one another.
Contact Information
Address: 2122 W Everest Ln Meridian Idaho 83646 USA
Phone: +1 208-343-2770
Email: admin@kpmmeridian.com
Service Hours: Monday 8am-6pm, Tuesday-Wednesday 8am-3pm, Friday 8am-12pm
Payments Accepted: Credit Cards, Cash
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