I was born and raised on a farm in Williston North Dakota. The farm is where I learned hard work, compassion, and mechanics. After graduating Williston High School I worked for a roustabout/pipe line company and Trinity Pharmacy where I further continued my real life knowledge of mechanics and health. During this time I attended Williston State College and Minot State University. I also continued to race motocross. Now my children and I all love to ride, race, and play hockey. I further continued my education at Northwestern Health Sciences University. This is where I earned my Doctorate in Chiropractic. This is not where my education ends. I believe that knowledge is always growing and improving, and I am determined to continue my knowledge and education as long as I can, for the purpose of helping others.
Hometown: Williston, North Dakota United States of America
Occupation: Chiropractor
Interests: Motocross, Hockey, and Family.
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